More local 4 comm uters are on the GO More Milton eidà ast& the WO ain. acoe0g 11vl21hp a8r oum troi e Milt brie showe ofaaa »J =3 comIt amI lb, logt twmot th. ndGo 1a rm Aft LauPném Muds aIdw& wthadded hi Par. sa sit drt i maCilt sietI u%- pr mmcts ttih as the extesn, ci( LLfhomi.rait mitlo i Whàtb>ýthe *new Appkl tmor aain Dtai Bungto end etra Î,vvsoe on the ton axom- gc*fl and filoulIvuleridors.& Chief Scout awards givent Five local Scouts tra'iWm the ChécI Scout's Award in Cbkvulle S'nday. D>uI.Us Woods, Cli lomt Bran- d.. %ufaild, Gieai Mcflryde and Craîg Soida wtt, pmutsvd cemi- Catn b' Rev, Canoni Fkskcth at Si. Paul's Urtîsd Church. The Cittê Scout'$ Award irai be çaeriel bit an>' Scout, who. in the, pudgtof its feIIow Scouts and hi§, Scouten. empblles the prn- cîple dai *osutuug though his leasi- thfcom urnîyvoluntary oo%ÎSo tiONnhm tOanadian Food *Luncli andOlnnw Buffets ,l LLtOtj CAN EAT !DAYS AWEEK vA wuA soi ms ét840L COVJArRY BOOTS & DUDS EVERYTHING YOU WANT FOR THE "WESTERN LOOK" '.1 1Graduates 'N» 1 to -uà ~M %*b M farMniol b - m §me uv k. MW mm. RU. ammi otf &l onw eolOIS %0 W the Im. ll pramé~.u1 bol 1 d» pais.. I v mprsai Ul- diag*Mmi 09f iaut dubdw ia'*u joeI.~ dmof** Iei dftqp m"a deno ho grana UnmwruhyofWurs Imrl . li te Ih*euy ai uehag* Çaet -rin odo dbhuUnwoemws uEi à b» Kelorm lu amo wuli un hsl.W@ Wsuam hle Appfls Anami pri4 a at >Iumr of odsuatln 0>. Unvuy au" 410> bacissl of sesseYvonne w onn 1T.lwoyl5 m Wb nge gml Pain bas êt ArumoiswU P4" ý " O m be -.-&lit red witi m mti wu thalendv w h «Ohm oW a nel ofoc Mae de tii the fbdfldsesontt andbg3, speker046nQ 4000.W moci-4 3-e0 bats tati., Ir0 watt sperméeti 'l'il M DÂD' AM Stef.o Portable cousette A 9 plator w4tl auto-uop Ilei. sooping ontenna Cleersw-êor.3 in-dosh AM Fm-ii.,o cassette * tii outoC asna 1? s1ttor, pissats gN llutttiionOfl -Ch %j7e4i;> %-2q - -v - - « Auto alonn P=os, vaut cor and 95< ~L~J% thing onil tram titan 149 q*qý MAIW an the 999oe tancN 1000 SL camt. 999M puter <2-140o) atm G.g »a sttIs 6 m VM-5 monoctforne mafltfoe 25-3011) te Pocket-shd FU4 *ealuetalkie Wtti Schannels,2' speaker. ana telescaping ontatina %40 -n - mw 35 CRAWFORD ORS. CAWRBEUVIUE. ONT. LOP1 Pd 854-9881 p Rio tlweks irs Ctwck ~ ol Usemf whIbv p ,i 5o .ic 2e.o~ou~i 1 MWE no. L 1