GàCmés Page i I I i Wedncsday Cro»wuord le sr- s,, al , v .. a , 4: r 94 sý Q P.-'.atit-.t' .'r, -naii fil r,4 44~ Es 1r 3 YrmI. nJinld as fnj'y ardS as vo.i Cam. aid foi, le !.n dar' ta r"aa-a a wod.l use Witers. in ssqý0--ce. ashicI adbpn ai amy s4st or cnef Eac'r rtier -m t'.. gr.d mnai be a.sed on- once ýn a wod Aary *ord la.ýnd 'as a ni-da-d Er'g'shf d.ct.onary rs accetlatts PLAY LAIMINT THE BOCCLE RM: Fnb t.. 'iýs tbela Sefs 4 a Ca ba p-aI ONq puy LAlMUT A FRIEN: Compafa i. andi &os oif aosan er canrmon Thon score 3-4 latters 1 point S <alers 2 ponrts & Aiiers 3 Points AitICri S points liar Mr@ 11 points Be0ilCiulsais a f i, a~ .aSna. -u'si5t or P. it-r.r MA OA0S P~n C.W.a CI..W'o CM- Li 'B? 5v 10 s ts.a i i . a-'.&cc 5 X-US NMIU MOPAT Ait ah. &Ws à..iss... . (AJ Im. MM~L Ti W-¶Ea -aL tat at t ILLAU MMY? Horoscope Fga Ou Pod i t 1&4 Aultis f<Maté 21 -Ajiorl I t'dilpw.a >tngst 1h 1 portant ri~ destine haw piay tr rêve tta£hn<g. vel lu sxmw tALhIrS tApod me M" 2ft kon*m b.. éx .Uronwd If à aneràMankmtthin "uhuw.aat a Pt yu f (.1 MINI I&UV 21 - j..e 2ft RlaW..h.mtav'af tt*ghi.gpk.l. andl sa-W lia% as, .t" ah -. lissa - WaY~ CACI (flotte 21 - li' 22b:A motn "tu the- pbb "siis.k on a.aaa~ ,itmIu.abn Yu. Wîin ti- &amfwMJ.,I kgt WI&IC mft-rn*.il 110 IJuIy 23 -Au. M: likîig unmi.iary fila %tirs intaptna.m la uitostotM wintî i u hi b&a #ur joq D~ts UlIA #Sept 23 - Oct Zh Vu.. cama h. km caitala ad tir.nt in fh.anng vuw bda.-ii wilh anawm a wdl lessiva SC< Ot ltbm 2 - N« 21k rut tht fanî'hr. tawNM s'a th ini.nsui swti aut lq.Oat% tm .kJtaolib pliai. le iub l is- aluntst vu. avala.pjt.d SACOlAlILS N" 22 - D«e. 21k' ttik.- antluwn t. tsts, thn tans tin ft-Lt.hri lscîardrwing king tAnn tu - ipt% Navals mvhIIi narian argum.n-n cAPRicolIN Il)«. 22-I. li19: %M.us ten-',n di'- 1.rt% wrau thugujt pnxt.i. M...a ti %,sur rm nul tumaobll adu- tau in Dist-.ailivet tulaoa. . AIJLARIUS la.. 20 - rets. ISI: L.,t ijr ks.w aa.Nr %-su b,uIJ liii' ts u %wi are th~ . itngt, ht-p sou .In the av rîIN S (Firb. 19 - Marcle 20): <aai mn-ratît-r .n la la%'Itl 01n à ai-w d.laation uf %% tah thi.- l,,it ýsu rt- as à so.r-nsj.ý boa...« 13io., A S 1 S C E M G V cT T N S A t. E C 7 - ' 1 RP H I r E E * P A N P G F L R PN T S N'E N F S EW A A A SO0 V R A, Y S 0D E 1 O N 0 N E E N G E U ME M U N ý.S T N D E Avm.. Ammien bml, Ba i hraaa Caias Catiastné i7knum tsdator t»,,,taJ Engilat Évangleil Posa..g Paasa Fosiadn Funca a.aan, (infr. iimtt, Gamn Cl. (ifol, Nia heap Humer.. Lad Lassa?. PauPol Pian Satvatior rerne t ,Air Siion, sua« Tub Vais, 0OH E T EG 1 MNW. W d A Our Best to Dad, Sunday, June .l8th -.Bruinch l130 - 2:30 p.m. Featuring our create your own omelette station and a host of traditional breakfast & luncheori favourites frQm our hot, cold and dessert buffets. Dinner 4:30 - 8:30 p.rn.' Enjoy our Dinner Buffet of Prime Rib of Beef. Pork Tenderloin. gourmet chicken dishes aund flambeed shrimp complemfented with wild rice & pasta dishes or choose from our A-La-Carie menu. 01A Corne and treat yourfather on his Special Day.. onoumu 1. i 0 LE the olde Hide House. Reservations Recormnended: 853-3-440 Boggie ChaIengewA How many wordg carin you make) 0 D N E C N P6)A LPc G A®Ng~A E T 7%@S E N S S H EA T 8 eleN E U L AR E NE E H M 1 G S C N CNTP P E ANE A . V O0UD0 E 0 P N E A S 0ODU L E DE i 1 G N 1L EE