i0/ football resuits Rs/Mx 14 A luded t'IQwtKth bai iurv w ni-(r iît v] T h t, j I h u rtx'ti¶ ar jnd !a Bruv HerN'n mpi a, 'on both Cufur But the big ne%t% M ~e BnXe tHood hýaI unde,îthe sculJanwrot UA wio~n m W'dt three wan% &'C t%i 4 Icn.e4, and à 'haire ffl icwid pliv P ktound time tui thruo. IPuy tuch- ýjow.,t %h l w'hi big~ centre, Iar ena j c î a d tlg k î u i c h O l e u a n d Irî tn idapelft (and rare 'hr lthe MFFU) tour-for-rièwr night in the points-atter departnitent On thec S. deWensive ýide of thing%. the - Trawl'mn wefe able tu gvt intercup- tienl% out et Hector Campbell and Ur Bamrnger, who's bak frei bis 'clfi *mped exile now thit I'm firmn- (and hus old iob> av On à final note, Re/Max defeisder Ken~ Cordie obviouÀy boUW Ny Nu ,nhwut famuy addutuon. wlev s ajoytchsEUmbsWhmios," -qt MULbasa Wid i taa< sbakuINba msgouspIyhhib, Tomono H §trk ab-e wlth a fh-quauier munis.L m ajdeeooeoafu Wjn ua UW«wul moeud b M Mun An Ggu. TMi WWlI lap a n Ion uhi 4-2, le ttitd th*e fIrsj Picknftbi à Scott offunusg. etn aI glskyomaf» A 144us lsud oofnqm frotu am Uhw a su.o M PS. Co,àras to Ken and onrsa. TmE PERFECT PIRSENT SRN EPNN J DRI VESHED ANTIQUES Furniture & Coilectables 1 î k0-6, Sua. & HIl. 12.6 .44k i ýKy --,Orxi 01afrx y he ari uý,M a~ ýx <roudOest «-f oe A s so,çl t. en Jftk:. qintoj iniue e9f j kinu ~~S dte C aoc ynihte andi c.inÇct te maproduEod Wie Ilovde yM.% gfOýpW v1ieÉ. SU&' as a nie, ee*ckng. arrrsrary gratCd. vaoatcui. rrotr Ct at;h1_cýc 1àçtiratyt Give that geriA ,(dtro,)ne <ho jpct1ot gît qive them an onrignal P(lr3ON ETWL~ Call Debbie Bartucci ft to order ( fUWb m 1OysenMW) 1~t N ~5lo i1 pen dally 10 a.m. to -Mldnlght ~OII~OU7 pu 8791 38 I ~