Triathlon seaso-n, kin into hiëh ua Mi*utfh 0II8WfU1U1WàMl Trwaibmn a thtw. q la additin de l sopSltici ftenits a bkdLIa.lanuiau iu. fini ae ht RylL>pmnihsI9I0 1uote~wa.u a t. have. Ilu~ ppbhti aadamt Canadua TnIhp Z uhen ç It th«crcult bldude dieahunalumaylhucahgiw~pMal 90Cauau oaiwjpjaud 1500 pia an cnvii, i Iarlbsvoudt d m: fuse m lne - uu ain u, Cesmadfan lIh*àa Chi 13kmswti 40 kmIo selil juW 10pun bar bit fatMn 01wi lm Ta*le. lb ontanqsia utm Ch";. MW la hi u y kmna InSR~ uae n la. Fui gru utI 1*dtmt ploastp ia Ceawe s )WlY S, a lbe lbt CaMa i Lat er lm aam lchr1 wc wl awaeto the ovena mem. wnll.laamsslu.hMUto. whic:h comsploai et tit Bfwn o Tvnt, haw~ isto inhe, segh auoyai îhe -AMu witve addad priae lait IaadbfautpwV*MChmpitiotip in a~~~~OW urea n o~ Mlwad mdt b ieant àr mouyat&M wdl attact lb he to pivai Isg span ia Nanh America, seul at, ftC. 1d Atquut. 41 lecondsu Beth < aad 48 minute%. a vif éo 1990 eprth u preme Auto Collision i*sfit t6be tied im ;t.t yur and hffifte comn uitad Gratis FtOut srri dîeo with théi prss package p.j uowmun loPaýu1 Spipuolo Who croâd tr Birown fur lb the wnd ive. lb gam rnir. a avai1awat we have vohmda ~goal. Soprefni Amt wruieup 2-0 belote lbe hall Suapui controlled the, finit hall of fih capmnN c alor.11,T aMilî b ton 10apr uto -2 tin suns lo ntc enld when a ooshd effort by Luce' Roddift su Sevapeopened the cortp ih ih 'Talor a% thtl »ttrmk' aid tu ai of tiev onl, th seon up Bron aitheiSaWirea for hisecn = oa the that "sied overthegoalWshe ro nanadéd maie ana lafaN- de isO-.hotsmd ti game . . -yard livi. Milton isaaaad ita ba Caair aead tit-.MB, ,th . ~ Bampton came bock in the seoed hait ,gh belo hab8 hm Kd i amwtlkh . a;t. gln Oa ,'= TII. lirai IC ti au"e fi thei mishindhn of grnslkeepet liamble and croseel o Bro>wn Tht aceiv t aaldalb swlntsgalaoa*buh tid tisn DosM an it'ck. whach was ddmuad by a Mî h hmuv l oe voesey o tt ~n& Cnscvao LW jniued on a sholt, altr bort ut up in the §l> e siltPrn.Oap Intlb Laida had t h wm ntei . A'n. weoil lt4 tor home .OP"t bY Mma ltc [ksaid l.nry them came upplyrpxahlhFey amwtute ndlidh.wn nteïfqm ottit a0 bm aeo n n-o,4rshWgnel-WaY thlfflh die OucN,, hait bith à ,med hall. At tMt 10. mirnute mark tt ofthto My i u à b ona aa ondt6omtnrush ts mintei te PUaYBamptonwa iwne apa hall and uNis twa minutleis Leaeçmdù ruho.,A lo ýnàgo qo'iail t n. sramW. th,%-s in icludîng teé Rebok p1~ loolktwrng à hr o n y Gamah Pavage t, Againat Lonidon in Milton Seturdây momns -e LAttentýon Everyone!I lGuess Who Hasl [(itiasna,A .a..i L.f L Y BOOT &DUDS VERYTHING VOtJ WANT FORTHE 1WESTERN 1.00K- 3CRAWFORD CRUS. MPBSELLVILLE, QIWT. LOP 1 e - (416) 54-9881. Jdu Maurier Ltid,* presents the Canadian Open June 19*-25 Glen - fao-3 %ammpeons motum to Glon Abbey. TIi. world's grehiesi players A SupOft gO11 course Tradition. prestibe and great prize ffianey The> 1909 Caniadian Open Gloif Champoniship has 'i éfl.ýorId- class players like 1909 MagIers champion Nick FaIda. and Cuifs Sîrango, 198's Iolding mouy- seiffl'and wt*mM Canain K tclass dooing ffham- Pmion t Gron.or lte wimmes sWe»o $1.2 M on Ci. o if - .nm Savu rfrmrCoe campSl Norman. Bruce Lîolzlse. Lee Trevino, slars f No son Crenshaw, Craig Stadies Jaoy SmdilWas Marks MICUr Ion Bah $215.0 Traphy ies ox 1'dsals avmaii ai Tidsaitaste, andi T.duilros ouffiS seiie Toronto Dorisiso bank branchi. aii Becker s rilk Storesý amt Gorf Hose Gles' Aýmtti 01 casI 4161 041-U aMt use Vsa or Master Card OaktyrlW 15atI5 asiý aperil betweur thie Oauvme Go Station alto Gin Abtis, dm. Néck Pnoe. Iseo Aalu., Entol «ftSt'U OÀgo. r-Fincft, Stmveomi. omiwitMiun 13 perulo Miller and mmn. chic you o w bi p M* Canadien Opeo al à51 Il-O OU tO )0 nd lte dtMunv d e lIte LensDotms a.15' mb .. Abbey Golf Club, Oakville lis am dthe BAm =»- toma% hard kick iside the dtoi-0 Menait a' y ut lbe iaîmn