Remembering those gone, than] I hm, full ettautit'.'! " Ù3 Iovad n km e '.p r Nic k C'uçh h Tts.e ewhils bnsught licomt coq ntyrrtny anathe, welty fs o oh tap c'& (aIoa Ches Umml tht..rultty of 'liat la. fatiitta fioian ototac.Aton mtil and, rohn Clovet.ë frtiend w *t'UVdhaofraodtN. tata mtJioitately nty mood hai oti oncibn wtS the R.a e long t nte Anl l. h ga =umck1yt>s %ombre with the la'.dedtattnn te %pursi fany lu d ttmus w* espOnenon WWmky that neW.n of lhe n pa5ansng 9< tin.c>ur far iown. mati nt me '.t ta pyo boniage ta a mari ath '.lld!k' dubbiÎ4, 'ThétW ohi la >g Fon.i> b" lin iton late ta) remlind Ntck and P S T L I Jhn that tee valued ihar contrnbu- tions. but perhapn îhoee.a le-ton Heatiat*W Ig~ olné filre. titt te nhould thank tisane '.tiU W!tS arvund for tehal ihevý .dom'e - ~It tees 15, yva, aga lista individaa u7 1 hait à vintan.ani pirIavo lta tn'nîglt int, nme treit fir a frundre pltMloiorn% nnuallv For tisant tho knowý hum, It çornet Get the Ad\ànced , a% mti nurp1ine he wan able tua 1ao tii feal Whtt dm thte Id on'n the tsar focr tIse pont-game HomêCornmfort %,l gdhue? pa c1Kanuge that-R beats hol ail reèý'e orIe A'. tetai i a &Il %M e ta ke mac theheat pump- h'2tafl icr i%' tsîbs enough tri Zhk7t, enpot IIULijV~~.gI and dit iback ouBut tfum deIussomn a"Ou fctnotiU% parade%' the s ason.autograph l sbo>- and itatuffl the~wol se so i e inapropniaiel lai gfit of the, t' sanatural gas H igh-Efficiency furnace/ .i centrýJ air-conditionng pacbÈge ancs its tops in performance, dependablity. and economy. With up to 930/ fuel eflîciency. a High- Efficiency lurnaçe cdmbined with central air providet complotele comfort ail year long - and you cani pay for your new-found comfort with low monthly payments on ybur gas bilL' We've got te package that stumps the pump.,Shouldn't you have it? Cai us todlay. Gu~s MOWBRAY LTO. ARONDITIONING CîAS lAOIL INSTALLATION &SERVICE 751 ?~nSl East MIan. Ont L9T 3Z3 Poî878.2381 NAUNALTST. OÎMI"WJ~ NF i Pa. week's en'es. ZÔ lisank% Fruit Dlatke. And îtank vou. Nsck'anal John, fimon Poo21 Mitan Pool, alter tlire conneru* ttwe lasse'. firîaltv gait bak un ýtht wi'bnengt track agatnt an undef- rnaMtlh Yorkwowi "cud. athiets PlaWl el de-rite u'!mg iheir bact up quartenback Dut ta the Puairticen citait, tlaev plavi ntrot'.er detence anal au'. tîni)re Conuc-tort. longer ollen- 'Ive drive% tian Ir plat ateek%, alitougii tsow. e4ffana didr't isoi up oni the scarnmiw In tact if not f or oe drmpa PASW ebriy in the gant, the gnellout cowd of nix peuple attala dog rnia Isat have rvîennin rIfeled ta their seat' ta thse bitter endl Hélion I'S.l pivot Sentit %ac- C&jîutn, fiznalvy nlaalîng the erlV' cosorn cotreebs front hit nighi arn, LibeI Niltuai Insurauce Cmat 221'aà.shore Rd. Weàt. (>sknîllt. '(>tarlo. LIK 1(5ý Jolm Zubmr 84ý5.3773-> 111 l'l1sMt IN CELEBRATUON 0F OUR 101#h ANNIVERSARY stfiII he re MW Io mie Ilic *0 ~t l Maclu àon w~ , op"i JdC e t an amy #ta- caeikoa m i le srytenniltta ta WerY Cetghlow atu Kettit l'op Soinvnemvile in the MHan Pooirr z-one. Witlt Duret TIIunnnt euitad the *ydf binc ng Pool persan ,ILtm SkE.' t'.'o c0fLt.$ti Mac- ClIlluni ekae ta go withqu.raik- daigie latrai option Pan' a5ifc Whom thoe hurot à e3-tMý Mary' knuckle bail -ta a pîeaf waitin, Chrn% BWak for the=limt nlargin Mxrv. MacCallum', lmt alat-a.p YorkwcDod cmeb I al gong to 1:1tti as the jDante af tht Dia.' or rnavbe 'nm ptctil- Iv 'Vokcano %-% Suitide Wing% Dr in anv cale, R wasnctlv no cmte-t as the Dtclseri luglIarnaut, muaie up dicte fif tii ntraîght nitory Andf ther did it nith bath offnce and defence as tht'. '.uid hueý touchdlotvn and interoepral,1ativn QB Mike Kîndv four tirriln tact. the RvcnUurawura put it ti dUIc fontrui fqr the, ncond malt, arien cnmptling 27 points in mie hta IL' minutes. fIat came on the, trvnigth of.,Ràv Drlegarde touchdown tonae tu >Kîm Bihop. Werner Mîhkofe na Mark Redrup. twbce. Dut ai ata the, pickaîf bv itedrup ksahop, Steve taach'manl'ard Johni GmteeO iatkpt Fat Fk~ddv% def \V lance ansd canfw<ed aIl enst OteDikens only' modal a lmt Randy Sitghtholon sîtpoier te htnigllt's wot'k r. ~Skak convert and an est lue wo-ptnt onnt tu s4mghthoian ite d ehtn'.atiial imoo lat te. bSp' in biaclt F-r t> FawIIIIIIIIIIM duIII ofly btghlightb, ..U.Rit Ilkmvyint p lbm andi *a to and Diuid Wauid stki Io tl'.an II'..I bmlnn MMtard MIIIII tousifor tut fond dotons ta o aresiont 'u -mme -«W fom amomf Du'. n* ' Cf 0dm Aunssevi Crs8rds C.ay oadins -rbu Gadins 1 wm à c*nCm P&fy&ue Lanp~t Batik Gri.Wiauaiatw Vin Ouniaf Toui Form Correction Pige JO in Zeflers CirCular Oated June 14. t7--North Western Golf Clubs, putters, irons, w.t., woods are not Saturday's Sup( Star- the Foamn CooeV. is nOtý availabis.* M W. ar@ sorti lor any >inconventenci this may hâve 'caulled Our g S.m9ly cm altlai Nationa Trust brandI, amnd p a Ciniq or Savtnga AccorII Or, transie, your ac .coutl tromilwOnt you batti no* vou, cloua il aii onu' *I'.o yWure A15 f t , ie aantso me*ie 0 mliOU U$tSiePSotlie NATUOCI AL 878.471 INVITÉS ÈVFýRY0E 1~A OPE. MOUS ni -k » Pt* @Mr ~ ~ ~ t@, hvu.Aq AII yWn cm"~ **% >dI. ilN 0. &M MI LÀr (tit)O e