Lawor qÉ anwz,1111aehau fur dé liai llda mie ad lu hâ t a a it é . i 1 t in woot0 wa ftya' W n qui. I~ . =te dobrt. hd -ftithbuonbwwm."tho w iait mow fomr i. unymu Iwo WBit Nv JulyM laa ~ba isu om e a la r wy a i tw o flairhN4td alifying for provi;' paua Y«. lit diêi mou M# U a i dui .- p.hetwl ofa twa~ 89 11 Ioal humim bu5 Im <mN'~~~~ te mioas i cda làt lria a" » ai 1 ilb" = C moqas- Wb for as Wb lia aitit , réon et, 0o Ëua va uw. la a atatii mw vi AHtYd aU be 0 àm4. p éa -x Fila 15. poww Lawmthy. faal- fot m laisalau.MIN* aie Mlia, a 0=1.. p g a'. I Cruio I CIPbIVSSUUOfenu ombi y Uvul rusiv oo 1, =to wewtm Cmti.INII.d Peuhi. livn sonI 3 for &a 4 .7 On qll Ysee tlh I. Ilo a Ubs M eit Ila E1demerntary catholic; The Hafiait flomtu Caifialic Sceo Board helal thrir annuel track and fieid chaaapionahlps vçenty ai Ne[".n Migh schoal tadium in t Sur- IlM o-Roary amehome wuh,,Pwn tnaldalî. tel byîhoihmtgtBîv' ireaypaniin Na.. Mête-Pfteaucn atthe tvue boys 100OOt and the Mil lump, while txt,-mad piao flbttu tant tg mttfwy lÀwint the tyke hias fathuali ihrow ar4 Chartty teuin tun tht bauttaM moibil thrw.. lThbrd-pWae medaafi r Lady af vicii utnhm tht eu 1tlim. Tamnmy Elktrtt andlthe achan won til pit'nairat. Semt Bmtri ni E in'home t. i chools hit the track %Oeut ta ýam Mkcann in te joie L£néti the bal uhi. haine thaï moait iceunor Coletta won the M bc" = lump aS.itta Ifhes" IlOthow rmain C dtivataa rtlay [aamotd in' the attrai bc" lwfttali thaw and ihird intw ho 1(il, b'irLiKtem on file day was St Petr". They taud for nut h the bantarna 0 div8sion raom and the' &foin C race Individualv Ctrd Ken- ncy won tte bantàm bu"s lm in at res M, Third-ptace finishs tuerai ta Semv- M*bb an the mtdp$. box, "abail thmuw and chais Huésk in the tyke boys 1(m A"ea Patte tritim E.C Drury tack ihirdtri the rntdgtt girL.lKs (n Optimists edged trLqi r- r vkv r-p cofin .ta* round et thle Si C arsw 1% .c TNe lilt-tcamr tuvurn ent was dttaded a four ditqM!u wafs M%4l growpedi ith Kitthatinet ZCath'annes Oad Tern i - ., tafi aïad Kitchetner rtnihed ,.tth 2-1 record%. tut Kitchener ta the nexa round thàrlba te more r\àns ,corrd Ia th" flou ~aet the tournta-* Ment, aSaIfr.. It<hone, kft Lanrlik wae Strling on the mnound, piching 11we %hutout inring% es tillton laid a ,.4 léad lm the' s't and airal In- n wýtttwoa acts àtd 's.o lenke an th biter per fr 'eifr ssa au'pswe5 Tii prmnt.d tapa bc the tun- li tac n& i aiail t?,,trd ex" bna " bekft; Kitchener tris aLit tapl u a 4-2 wtt Leidir<lrîîteirt for îha wte Nubsi lIaflaom wt? twa sIngler and Jaiin %Nu, Mik Smmàpso and Lattgiâe, itr tai t 4pWre In the secod ofm ai trournra- mnt Mirat oundd te krrrck ert the host 1-W Càtsanffl ..4uaJ, ;.1 TrevS Peterrk anrd hNeal N-ltcd out doubles and Crant tvilltamcmr. Gerry CclIi and Aalbct mahho~ snksRoberi Hanrrgâ aM Langail hnidthe mound-duies Tht final outtag of ýthe wSknd =iOdta be ancafsit cbw mntmsm. Aalber. We t bic w th iru 'ails ad Neal bla'îri .... . d &bl àid sin&m Langilie'tatlmd tsm *angloe ad Adamt Crgor, Hartnga and Willutaoit had à stngle eachý Lirgille aaW Harunga =be the KMn two nnlp andl mar in t0 cIc,ý at eu The C~m.stavel t ta oitmr thi, w=1ln flor t'her ns touirnai- -ment a<tnn Soccer kids. needed If ihmr ute YttUtgsirrs 'iif hoprrg ta play toccer tht, yor ta lt iot1tu laite Tht Milton Ybut?, %Sxctr Club, Ns Mt in tome agir groups for t'-ai? bffl and girls up tir Ilî- Tht fve ai V,3 iNiudt'. a tu,1l Uttrt as Wetil a' a tt.ttt Aor fmoae intortnation contact Gardit. evt the leigue -Ji . a