inpraiset.,.fal4~er ,= = =ehuRs basai jl u~ mi aime air. oans" Wi «WaL il4 Cao mainus se woag rob Mrta mIo Um s mai a rdiolm U dmic mima. àaada pubai m~ nai lub U*0 ta tataa d ba camais. misa mu à b mi ass lia ma MWdct M m w lmi a tuwamm #A l mm ta ~um tgm fai dos In .wim hui a i wu madma - iii bis ý a Mm usd wmgsn ý, ha dmime mai lir afflB-u at a le hasttu i st1 Aitimnà iodai da. W Ladvfae "'e atis a.ât M ih d ca s ne""OU tinm lts sa.. ir tat ft5,mf i ees Asi the cabie tur swstng tmiti. vde lit - id. anal âmta. mm srke i htaïr ejuuiis My 'latst Ite m tlie u iiatsIpread my note agaita fnii I isait go 'Wta niuiow tind Mode a pij; tête in the snisce ain Wur m.î Ard 9 Thirsmia aUwu i bonn hviev Mr lari doale or a sotatais 1 did ut lisat sasiment 9-." Andi 1 sauem m thistgbit m yvsrday as of tissée puain nsabrbaii antn sbho bc iite me ie i *eh d At is lb ie ofbthu as pat willia à yar 0sortmi cambeu w& MWe fi ia nc thet tim rs.aduaies of tbmfivusa ta"m and wifauac p"?gam. sad bubseqwutly murlad tu a *radio puinalms en F,dcoh. Sorti&& Ottawia. auji * Rangs»a. I&nibica. tiShm, le joud -cars Iui lii. pais litpping ho""a thtemci inst mitit. a vacatim"tt A.miàscnr ni a lii bermuda Ahiw thm, divi ci wlupping assissad the ilaind oni ho mtorevcwe ils, decmudai to go mammi Tht,. i w»a o0 tu IHa- lid Mr~ a couple of veir nt Rtai aie Nedeflrlid, dunsg whbia "ime i nia beftnde by a Cantadietn dtphomttawilm aivind lhîm Io eide tht Iortst wm He WC 1 back i w hai. dosig degrae, ait Inw vmtv of Toransaiand rnutgaà Wuudmni Wd sotmiDwùstudy i Noihbc-stmm Uitasumty mi Chacago Thm WkID a .and Euw"sa Allait, 0, flai tamit My brailla« and I ons, &a&g we a.. laIl baud loi Bartit, My fatm's fini dipkcmati posei. Il would sai b.e bas lait My beudie al I mouli pun upu. sas ana Cube said Goiva tvwàezmlénd as itet as sien. mens~t smt buck humi, it ORUai. Coesi.qUMIIyý IoMe" -ii ' ilmesý my "asai Wite. WAd os nwak mabbk 00, manudum1im mtI Thtw outr aniMa. bm.aben aid mi mad aiél &-ml mIMy PMs mum déodaumai uo aOU as y hdoetjovi MM@ tsoildau rps aim. My .aoj . . .y go " m d l muI àtf.h amhpleof Myse ai W&" E" 1 'c a mac astia (ainuifa rt 'ýw d *ablle Oik I hdy iassmit dw 1 mi saait bave ma Barriste & Sfcitor Suite 301 205 Main Street malton, Ontafid FAMILY LAW à DIVORC :U: ip b ar f iait. My lathr nias bok cwn Imem a conftissatioi eiht! I muibq asat becst , thosagis. and sw ai i la theniWlvof saiscabli1Miarad in;Pb lsolad foiseurd Chistemas, Eaqer an passitiadthem durithe fourti~s upslticn ont. e M bogh bem y W Fii ugn llîifg loeIyii Qiani WCi n l aid »P W1 ing MM0 mioa. bii nI oadiomsa aid muapud à Parua oru"~ whac wuil laIu y madowl w nah"ma cm.ui mymuid. Il uaatp t fPaoaec disipalai f d :M y mote 0 lm bl a.n m i Ut iipedne MucI s of a., v wima 1u. l * RADIATOA SPECIAU8TS. w IhUihi B tatas.. p~e A son thinks of hisdad as Father' s Day ' apahe il.t f= usag el smWbq. = 111Cwvu i. tdeela pu.*O I hum eddlm m s, n&mol tu Tht. I. s battî ad frits dta it nyb rou;l lie ý ta lita , b ockut d &M m-dtîhcnit Woerg mtr mpe>r lit tÏ4 te brt kiwr, abat, bd wats plumi "W m'outiq 4ii". dandê up» and sio&Lii 21tt"i = )jý tai" a 4ult.ý tlWs 1 mad& mywpria fn ar. id thea li Nad altabs, "mi 1te laioi M ktF« t in sinue. 1 Wia atfr ta liputue. a ie tâcahte nitatht î. o the bi...r e tpluwwn. tracetai the oni (ohiMai thse rte, Alle a litxwqi6am arta ii the Canad son cgetsitr insatt. Wa.hgtam mvtUe rn uswtts My frscthetg~ a smalI I m-' Ob Mâmtés uh dogi. anid rminéral a htg mal Itiui * m 14thOi au ftri a qIlmi pLaoet wir u< n mie bSii anJ fr~i in Jime wais thse amnin Hie aiiral l OC 1midi mv mothef t - Xeheai a 4ir wel buWd. and aIl tht living thc-v Iiid wlt lu du In a fuisî, av a.y wuir bath fiii s I sa mi écvrir a i Partas siaffliv btai-ue C>r.em.sýa Lanm vSr I b»oi MY!tht asia utirn a way 1 I r4ad nen beloter e.ý ct t ot div Il% the nidtuinq atuos i ra Thcn dms lie fiAtàc h,- ait My mwit âr, the, dig, tits tîn; htirii Ttu- tràvýH ttitritra.vit- la ft r frira the g:ttrnr., '.ild u ato aa u pLst. 1i gitîngot. butî te % a kt mure lîliar.v lathct Tise g-kttc -unt utf ait" a %%ble. mAidi age, artd tiSac.~n~gsi atS Mi~ ~~~u e ent dît?, 'sg.gtsnai iebte fm 'î1 gated, 1 ab virothn Ms pualvut.f mas it:irg& Cr r-t andla *làt- tac aj soti tiauts w ulattant % uetis Me i tnunmd a Chngemasa d lit lied w rtneth, irvit nas urkt gltn nIras hardamai on irv nce mada sui àl sanple mességi of suppur aid a validattin 1 waq Pckid Viua ofMmtch forMy on dressnt. Thfr Wols nutu, of stse .. 1 doraicerrng awmtanams fathi, figuroe had camed sutt mie irntioampm c. ard for las lng, Ln my mmiia andinm my heut d the mnitmu 1 op M4y abnin heod "q tiser .wedidg pennes Wo the farta I nuit aniay thoan 1 hma tie.1" a ci.f 1aeg mn ila buti hsunu~vm wtt,. 1 I.. honte bride He.oadlis m The 01 mq i 16, and by 1, 1 isd Aidai Inaem tisi ee dtpomm m ubuho ~Asl1boi admesth aodg.afmntrèlao.g emaddadiy wmthuou bor hSioooff leEu>pm onl a.. o n uder debhm rusié str immthM maaams hgc fmi * (qthda ta.y I leà d t assa i ris hismai my hua àabotecsmaatisiain iwa 1 m coepubtmrhuaa. ontgOeîMuM Affaint iny w %di, wumltase jaa Chi. and car, temn the pa atis m clm t V'hakt nome ustnqpd iaiso off anid maia. '01. Portrait. pt iim aasay imbemykutmam bimtdug u .mnta Ai do dpuibyeat en do.a as du. m bm w iv aie.isa long. twe 4dymm 1 hio ssai ,&a"i #i Me ile I atat ilas hm Wh 1 iu mmudm titan aslw u b 19 ad sn .Y Wort oIb im My - mh Vlnsai dm I nutwCoMW ofa (nid - limite Weh asy ki fhr, y 1 muIL. M1LQNDISTRICT HORTICULTURiAL* S0OCIETY. ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW SatudayJune l7th Milton Mai Flower Display9:3 a.m. -4:00 pm. Judging il:00Oam. At the dirôle by the Foodi Court