ri..L Bny id l umotmiu nsh ts ln uukl o ul "t20p a eto teoiin cla mui Ire lui EC Drui'v Hugh Scht ' tuditi aiestwîngtugn ohm înmterstod la _m'iin pmkafrui interpteicr% or nhtgadluio us apptoac n~g. earun tait dw!ritldie lite tudit iiun» ieitt~ dqi thitcl final eamsimn lie tudets i the fdvanced courie have aJI reactwd an1 Zdaled siga langumae course ,au ta be ow4Wl-- the point note wht hry can tugni mucti more tiin, Ili, kmnàin North America. itow rya0we2.. tatrtcis ildwt vo At te nvarby .C, Pmiry Semuol fot the Hearutg lm- lt emeucsl~tmtftc utavresu * p.uud. sign tanguage is offetu to uoring studc4Mta lns pompl Atgaments inludu' a iign-tantguage interview the igh usco a% a amui course. ietta~ l prima and ipe=tein a pay or .%>ng. Instruciut DaMi Hicks tais int other ighl anouagm. laTw u nt eUeod aed titvei,ChittneAguitrf c1à,nssair offéed thuugh lpt schiootor piaircouruse. Campbellultend Oflin Rusacil of Milton, have buth IStudont panucîpaîmg ia thi. advanced course have ai- boeui-acepod into a Sh«an Coflegc iatrpr..ter'ç train- uvadv ýi>srd the uniouctaev and seonu-Ikvel courseme % pigam la Bramptoni. 1 ib~ut esrrh emtanslb mte students am;~ joanna Sithit Katity Ward. intlaductef couretaahuderuts the baooks of Pa& Wellke. Sherri Rukiturst. Carfi ie, .tc Miuta là t~giae. Weltc th'eucoud lèvuu dcuop Downard and Jaito KIavue Thiebcnntat folIote tittougit ta h ird làMa lTbe course ecaps up for Site sumumer Friday. SeL 22-24h Lincoln Alexander'to open U36th edifion of lau ,fairp Lieutenant owenor of Ontario, the Honourable Lincoln Alexuander weill odd tom regat flair ta the apenuug ai thts ytur's Milton Fait Fait. The fair cui af"lcl aon Friday. Sept* 22 etit an evpnrng catuinony fo- iaced by a performance by LeRoy Van Dyke, à*couatund western singer known for Fie Auch~îiev Seng. Ànew c" Mpet" Mrt chutdrem eut be mntraduced ai the 1364h Mit Fad Fair. Boys and gurls who art 12 ycars old oryounger and ceigi betworn 30- 90 pounds can enter the Chulrents Pedi ractar Pull. Contettants, wil be divided inta fiv weight ctaaa àUpefriu- af, the grandistard. Saine papuhlr events wi bc. reunng tu the fair Une-up 1 '~ IU includiiitn demotîtion derbies. a peformuance by chiltrLwtî enteilRIS d aIland hotse bandl racing. *Tu find out more abu the taut slatad fa, Sept. 21-2,4 cati 871k 589 on Annual Ini luciday or thunsday (m a in. ta amtin Sherwood Hum'e goes on the line for first Bèli auction w~~daieoe9AM 0 o buta utu H Hu.' ucé hbm ppiu itZrf quit hi eim i$lbHL ru sne t kind = «udaJi~yraaa6m0 pri' "Mil bus fa taie eowillg froift %vie cuttes te bul] doai.» auctgunier according Mr. Hume wha ha% had No~ own aucuon btaasa. tu forhv year% 'Me woa't be selling w-hicles but tse eill %ttluge tt%é&u and alther beavy equlpnent " Àr. I-lweid. - ieviouaty'bdl Canadaýq Uû1 od thro~ bMdct ad tu a telitup o cusuimers. Mr Humes ploawd euh ZC pmp..i of .,,, ieto. l tionuSor McI Canada in the pmvuaoe, Fie itolds ftlar t i% u anin lu- caWe on Fouilth Liasm meof Haltlad 9 -Attention: MIfti We have a LWmited Quen General Electric Air $399.99' Corne on in todaý while supplies las . 8Tý*38' Cat.*#965- )n, tity of 6000 BTU ,onditionerý and pick yours 590 irvs iVentoi nce!I IBrandtnames like IToshiba, J Electrohome, Technics, Hitachi.. VOR's, AUDIO' TELE VISION SaIwEnds June 30, 1981 555 Main St Milton J ___ j I Merv's ¶Y{ glectironIces 878-7776, BETHLEHEM FARI & GARDER VATE POTRIN Hging CEDAR SOIL Baskets TRE 99e 85» Oo ý5 D vergre .. : ............."i. à~w &« Caigenu .. . ...599 *4.lMo éta bq l "u Nsu m ..... $ 9 ......... ...... 1111111 Ji Gardn Parbar .............. àod ..... ...... wood&osdPoUNos