Y. *1~ B k' * iooked a wîtner David R»». S. et Amton usars thtr f Ishktg *by nwdal ho retliv.d Satrday, N ai un. coaweraibn Ante: Th@ avant mat giaredo adulte end cOtU*rt mihi eo«a moeds. Bosses and workers can overcome disabilities with help Irom new program * y'KARE.SNMg taljiatW and uoethawhile avb. FM;tlW r%' tua gib sý 'd Pr ti. -4VMb o f the ir np... .ýu1 Can.aJaEmpkIo ment Cce ttii Mll âalcr tta. aý',tte hjwaiatý- 1t'q bent noe&cd fur a lontg tir" lit à gid tda - 1mplrit and immiraionf Whcrn caaatîcttng JAN, empIoktr Ca .a ,ow of<s à service that aie asikd ta, dëwrnbe the anp4aWt gtl;z e'kv h nw diuabiiiiy and the mquaententî of the Tht, jb Acammudaeon Network pb (JAN. a à efephoe consultrg wi- %lh consultant il.. omrchi the vicwah à fiameur bank ffltpnh camputer kW snatiar ceats Wu wtad motettu 10"ruion obov an - - im àafirmn - 111 rke 1i u matmn about larlteal de*om Io aïd #y -Mng JAN. employmr çant go pookl wnh dteablium meormatiua froua the dat bann. ad- The consultant at ltw ola vice (rain a triuaed conasultat and du numb«. of an m= uls, hm dwia nanas of an emiwap hoy. a tmiSai epuinoe amd th sw<emfully accmmoaea àesekaC'utmn ci manufatumu or ditart awitb a stimd ubiltty 'Uen irommfdnds tacho&gy JAN as ptonetua inas Uaa.d IAhr 4 otoI numrÈ s.D5 * tte.hore t ha# poulnhabe à 2262. su"lwUo vouA CAR ~ - ~ 2 - 3 1~ You ofl HAVE TODoA "«W . W£ Do rTau * d 4L. '-4 c&' *S - a ¶u4n oSvs&. U&9ÇCt -dm E ffl ienDM .%huWgaMa 'qt% *c,ûfs$ &f TI4AU WAYS TO SELL 'VOUA CAR. NOT ONE. rSu con ki pour cW ne us &-4 Mail id fior Fya dm v., fflu osw' 'teýv W ay baay the t w bwtn roua flasy us sa M. ti ou or vacA e' vatt tr on of Q.,M aa bcju e oM w " %m IF Yivm OOT A CAR TO SELJ.. GIVI us A CALL. .TOOAVI - Ursle S i af lui~2 1 Il imet m CLAYTON MARCUS - BUTLER à AOS -TS.IcQFhC *STIFFEI. - KNOB CREEI( - DIXIE- -.fÇTAYLOR * STERjiG TEPtE -STUART ' ItAMMARY - Oiq F kWBAN - KA Our i Wtied iqs bobo"i undnnouâ te s efilsmua Weal coatpltt~ pots liait TVaoyll em r pou Io t teu b fro 10 çwnp.t muiatteI taltapi or thae imoug aMOesoeM S wanaV uce tta am" cuir' I~a o M4t sales 0F ALL'ri-ATS NEW IN HOME FASHIONS! ~~!c WL.E? 'av Ho"s efteof Pfome"aOe off S4ghwiUy 24 tuAirrl' ! a o tt.401 - CANIBRIDGE I r i