fleil joins chorus opposing 1ýýrhdl1 erecrmn irOIKLY ly 1scmxn £MIh a« fora a uti1 radcliaClnituta that hmt Fsmua -sd 0dt0'~~mt anaih> çhau aodf Mm. dtluw <ga.PW 'iciwHia lea if tbLi dump mtagu awdal> tidï i are domirb=tmiatwls b1oflu la eh ta abhi lita o-<atc u t dn maman ph.wm ta %pWo b h pa M. Cmba laid hbutl"& crislies wk posmtaly qutàiarab agard EaatwMa tend off a peoi by iIh.cu-Ia Cl. Duda atnd ttisa IAhad aoowm asllrDi out i Sgeouna1'sg8_ artypan>' opmn lust suri àlandadm -u autia IDryad Sy'denham ,Iol o lstw tktun 4ack upo MI. ClunlWs &Wg ppaiod à l4aliaa Hilit Acta.* a a. = tW a Dertb a r«ER buaus u n ù ast. arry quii~c Mru oehiat'ucsg p hicli fa attmp'irg POWER, cMOMSd RUi (R«a.sa- Mia isbu pm ha d otnci. mi ioail ;aata kau m liun h ard fa NWr E-Pmmi ti-n Sesaon inmPOsratcd. of Ma1l- so. ad fimi>' chit tht domr on bt dumped th du. ban lifait. -,ad boda. M. jalsaou Maid. As weli oftae iea tht tacn, na dura n c un inat*qg yawl.i an'sd U pn I 1 would mqu w. duil si tat gul M os iaea s x = th Jetii duâ yack th gqt Ainabdi aqulM~ a .4w tMtý =op: . =1awto a,-a cuciton undlior. Urian uht h t iatuaLheddd t Now thars a wn Auto GacaW waat Yeu %0mme etl hm locaUion nharyou. And sme vers flzxw the Way cai gm we'd llke to pm o yoa QMA in ftécd And whfie VO'n lmDln meil an fixwn tu wuy cm you "lct ou 4oei warmuty Pmt file. voni &1wn to Malté mil mua upfroet. Do-swprl this a "party -,"nooniy lppnacllo cmhr, .l Ma theo car, but for pcu and the It à part>. WIU flu cee and ftmlly. donuti. flu pop and hotdog - md aola cwn am for the bgmd har out.SCMoaM Toit ~ ~ c yi ioyu do. ypu'Uor g annaew ou aSove$5 Mdu in caroar, vie offorlni mack* ofGaadOp.ang aaSptblng &àm à0 t ml$t% Off hood. Plua a buo dmocLca si.. 9 jIm ee~qU N iml IIdu "tp - usnttea' notaji I Y 'tto gt We'r~tfIi m ewyasbt fixd. AMbm "aem b"l<EM>C0S M m em Immt O08 u OKM O huo aiuo l Il Mmio. enombanow D@Y - MNt% f," au I t COUNTRY &#DUDS EVERYTHING YOU WANT FOR THE 5WVESTERN LOOK* 35 CRAWFORD ORS. CAMPBLLVIUI. ONT. LOS 180 (418) 854,-9881i sai q Ckstaafa 11,dm ia -dfapsatsty m~cl a"" taci id of SU- nok " Sws. oi Town piab Ms Za>i Mid cuitant quary suhaW#tatln wd- aids imposed bi> due povit&t au ?.wid. opeýndadm thg %o aa aitamua a ai W h"cl a '-Ys joliimn Muid qtàarrying coin- tamami iatm pÎollhaj4 wa. tom danbuimttao plang% solithl bop.~h Hol WdWthM ClenunaW suRestiaha woulaid eht i- couarthem.. .lrts nt nuise any wosi.Let'% inakea str t does not Set an>' Caiacdior Clements' asatadment wts deged. The rsaittion in gavoe af na, landl'ilfing an te acarpmt-nt gous %0 funl caur"cli f onnai ap- pruval Monday. Premier 10 speak atfund-raiser O)ntau P'anute David K\tyson in be tht ;uoe* iptalar ai the na1 1rsaca Labyal iundraLa&¶ lur1 ti1- -Tbe findu ac i bild as t "Preier ËÉicnt and will emba plec as the Bri.arwOu Inna Filton Ctntr, lii' Barbara SuUi%-aîn' radia8 às- "aiation a% organi,ing the ecSinng, TàcAci information can bi' "ltinvd f rom Sandi Ferre ai the Chiure> Lalurral Party. T)w tiaplitie numbi, am.4ê1-31t or-&036-2< 7250. . a