~New rules open door efor' more taxis in town lt th ' Wor as ha" m4.gt a cab in â~lêoa amor if mamprmwms dms ifwbusines oppStnmity p maumi.& bpIJm kwa M &ody towm roir, " emeai commUa. vrtad t qithe aumber of Ma m loa Mlhiton th acurment ninentt 16. whid tiamme tisi san of mine Co~ fier effry 2.W OF tpms~ed w1t beaà ca fur .mv'y 2,0WK. It foIllowed an admiuàmo by cab operatoi that »tht mvâo rtght now I. neta as goad as ht thauld me," tamen trepurer Jim McQume baid. "Om ta a I#k of urtoeat nigNt aidl on weehamsd S I The incmeaed number of licences w"lmy paut of a nm byiaowtuatn taxi id lmouine uwvâc n the1 toua. Althoghthe prospmect of rtas uvll umidaubtadi awtloe aaoml hoba waîted for cam dit a Saiurday mmghî.t w o nt e ~mws in tht W~law tue. Casus wiu«o or. SThe.mrrusd fta a oui ta 20 Pc>~wt h mmtu hr ffpn fr on3 ta 13 iseimac a~ ha* o ta 4 per hour. Pepl conmmvmrWd of nmîinal offmma up to t~mr priai wîll mmci be 4 panted cab licencies. Aisa, ».4 V' ira tis&d wllWtheappirant. ru1 have '~ tht opporyuy of rdusnp, Mr. ac'Qumi tai, pnoiding coumril agice. Councillors impoud a arew iabiit? Insurarire standard fur the cab operaton. Thty twill have to carry ai tait Si millionmj » ch intirance. up frai tiie preum SmfflXJ. ' % Cu=entl1,y.the ate 14 applicants orn i watmg lia or r ab imeaces, Mr. Mc- Qi1.ud aam pammted oui tisai tht mew farts ate ta lias wt Ousm arts mwmicipéllties. SELLINO VOUR CAR US As EASY As a" é»A~ L». 0 èUdt YOU 00Wffl TO 00 A THIES. Wl DOITf AU . * OVA ON ". LOT u ME ki(N SfOW'S TWAn U 1nt CAt.LS 9 i.oE55tMUOEMFN T in jkÇV u m çT5 *11REE WAYS TO SELI VOIJR CAR. NOT ONEI Vas cam ksm youiw eU it us end tsi m i for ym O. 0 ws nàad to resad wos, me n1mrmssrm o s May buy Utaw tran>m =o "ui.t am1wps lis~~~~~~~~~e daa atu aid aES. iaa mie.m toit P YOUNE GOT A CAR TO SELL, 01V us A CALL.. TOOAYI Ab-W5m0 atonie Si. .478-2328 KA"ND PÔOLSi dilaritable MoonwalIkers A meut. ID thme &mioon Ummesut mr là @ffo~ for tu 40 pu'l*ant utSe raiflmm mur UaiU.0 for cyatl flirelae mieKiw Tmi Ummwa ZsI.m/Klma ona.f jiau mttIIatsW tie Utalposin I fa t te mon meuh Uta oonfme mitsmetas y uta mUtera. Tfd. >moe J"ta refnfl doàlie tUa hum-deof buaijaaroomet Kkl off eeNa-r UntaN bitera uthol Swsdy mar front 1efI, .Dkss Sanoin = ad; Mary Long»M ommi cumtMW; mmd Or NOWOeEN MILTON, FARMER'S MARK Y TOWN HALL PARKING LOT f~f SATURDAYSmm A proj.t ofT's Utf 1# chanu« of Consmelro 878-0581* pet, dom%-PI uD'è To Vour Good Foflui lelso Plymouth Chrysior là pIossd to announce we have acquured an Il FOUT POLI!! We are now in a position ta accept thpse dear~v previoôsly cculdn't touch wbt a 10 FOOTP P~1 1987. Plymfouth Colt Fm 1O 543 me * ta cU u -M m 111111111 1>100.,4 door. 5 sp..d, Meaihc pal<it A.C.4 easy order packao. v Prof essional Enganeer 24 Vears in Pools 31 Pool Awards f Ws have Wit 4« Kt" M. 849-420t, au: on"s ama 610411-1 fld wfflD VwsJqi,