Whte Wplantl'n -&yand Ca m arntmr onýl B u ei ia l' s istufMa a. taIt 1 fflk Md. xihamiia h.Be~u-J sS.~.I.m - - il - ~ -~ iflq ~ wd -~ ~ 3' ~B0 165111W hAll U~0 M aa16~ O5~ Y~an ym. ~ "I. an.-'~ WL ONU? I CL LIL.U*LU W.~Jr- n aveuls emi pula Plants. th.wml ~ - du~b.lqiod bywul *8 ovalte altlusWàaspsi oa h psftwullaid o~uc maib le do s~onats. gltI M"sufto the "il.tisa et&bmapistbi . ilf4 of th.e lbpor psa1 P4em-Labl HAM aie hie .eewh co i *Pmde mi km abai aIsiul i aimiammi fssimi uF ad mimaib&W tfelmoe &0 ~<e i Iâl b hale m WOMe a~ ptw l or ta he bdL wni eb fl mon a= thmstyuflrvly pet dowm Md adi thsiW e, h watei seOs &Wba m.boeLlUtt:.d = <lu rd bah la me"the saI avoubd the roots and pieveut air pohI.Seth wld wata eemon. adi 1--2.1t camlnl batt wkm bth bauhfg a .vwy dry plants le th la. S i tU §MW çoidy u ta 35R. in 1 IYes.The motcmon drawback af liees that tb4wlt r> ad locations la <lue. White bil n M. wIs b 0*bss akus tI vultuishie t, wlmd ad 'ce daap. 7bs tns alia sim bar k.ý suabinadusam twies I~iths dmwbwach tlmy do. gmow =nbr ta cultivat. places and pio hadeaid aitaltwcalmw. AnIMhet cpa hoCco is du clÉ.,.e mm.. Ut lmwreh5 ta lu.. f11 yeu, but = Wine ho rwe a panlng tietmo ahmow rIval lsdlngdaais acre lot. Vendor trni«~vo Aslkig $209.00M Cali me for a privats *Miltowne Reafty Corp. 22 Ontariq St. Soth 878-2365 s. 828-1030 (rTY. une) uO. m*min -t etw M mi% bs -t mm seifls l. em. mcm Cda MW Oum Mm ~ m'mi .C003 - i pis PUR f ", 4 bu"",ma t 14 m mw tes 4f iU tu asévé yvW <04~. »MD mm cuiSis fla bewoau mp mi mm in cie. ou"i r le lu ou ,u éq momWo" a baes *dîp MW hae bomemd iui s gimu «OiW% Da- mui fte Lamv w» il 5*mm fma .muim cd uufm'mpnmeif Sammors fun wh~ 'Y@u boy tis modem- 3 bskooll ho« is eh big. big PIe-da 1ai. 2 lieNided " Codlmefor à# the detal on tis new' Illnty S234M0. FW -Abe OW Cmwr Servleà« AMI Opwn Houses This Weekend! tiezm. $1980,00a @@- - - m w8u te dm ou hnrd sOm 004 fflê- e s I11a .~ ~.Bae.l i 14 h 8~~ am oimmec sbamu mau à ki* msa ulb -uv 09 1~a a pe *4s dadl a om le5i chu le mon*. W le masqu ma mble amagmeumm Um M - 11111111d cm OL-diM 784 Or.usM Ch«- Y Caode, Ihm1 M W*ww m DIISyWft eing 'I'q àýe.e MO Bl 57Chs 0* 9162.1w0 827 440 maU"g pd U3K0 uni 405 sa M«S $WJW es? OUI - M~ Luv, 07. Listing or Buying? Avalabl forS 24 mdnga wpv. bu. 878-2m0 Wlo mm 826-1030 hIMM 1-U-SOI.D or 029-1052