I S7S.OllOk~ ~ ~'- Corp, 2Ontaio St. South' *Over $2.6 Million in. Refi Estate sold aiready in 1989, *Ton pears experience *The Lorraine Randali Mautwtng Program *Results'! Thars what you get wtien you list with me. ~jAvagable lor you 21 hourSlday by pager, car phone. end 6P«sdciQQ u - FIÇJmu - liomet.a tom 5*0e.Pu. . Sm.ae M uhi ~w'cou M. roc" DM fWaM agim tue Mentomb >- pol MR -Stu zoo F Aon 0 cal 1 4mu bIOM*0A Foe bon lm WU tup 3 bet Bytqm =,- 50Frmmmbo 8 ea Foe tg i' àeS lueN àa um1puk»ow 1KGary ýThoMas. prasident I Re/Max Mlltowne Re ltyî~ Corp., tek«s great tnn announcing the addition oT Richard Hierman to his rf winning téam of rfsinl Dm w UP co*ND b00t Mu1W hu~m #Am 00 liq*0 t e ft 401a *0o* vas 0I§ blobs to te bM bMI F f fl 4Cm khoI -Ma %M pur* i 3 -2b b~ ~~ l %»M *0IU 0 0 e.,.p PMS OVtM'OlNIPA to 818 Twe ennu oowiauuuq M COOL TM S IONR No bc"g a 314 Lm~' Aconh *IN m lot 009UA 3 b.u, in b'h4w LR à OR 6whS0 eo' B. wq meM. uto le.' *0 «o 0 hd bop. CU.0 cum lea fS « wlaq~ Ddsi 418.wo Cd Go PUIO m, &M 0110 on~ 0VI~ I, UVU à WM~ mi CAMPSLau. poem"enl blu leds .ed »»e. bfu e t 1 "Pwft Uy a ID a s- Wmib mm0 . 0 % 3450~* NO MoU OUPfl C o UIA >08018s do Mmol Mn. Sma for yourssm ffle dcw unm of lie csnway rainns ho»e l4ih ceilinge, fabulous Wood 1mouldings.. tun detail 0ir#M&ho . W ood *Mrs 2 firepîiscés, ail with dream Woenew balh e kunaoe = M u»S Smw. A MUST TO é; u mM La. Paw PdRicauiheu beea rme ai twlon for oei 5 years and hie two children hava grown Up hors. An avid sport# enthusinst. Rich now brings that discipline end deosr,.*lin ta RaMax where ho is aage te, star! woddng for you. An open i,4 ,aion la made toalal of Richs friends and assoiestdmop by th~e office or call and discus thair rail *ÇHAAO " kha e.i - . F48kw»ub UNM * NoIH@MVLE@IUI LOT Pdl - - i u d oaw bu oeSy atw u4?Am Mdltowne j ý Maï.-