i. -a W. LOVmT CM a uniuU 1* - sO-71ÉRENmî 1 844 ou:9 eimUwan ,qy l0mw4E (ev ow ifs %Jftes t me ý MAIONi. W Mrp' -r 4t ces~~im bd%à aummi AIBDCO MOWM memm l MAn'a Cartage e. -wmu W B&J Roasonable Rates 875-0215" co .0 **. VOODY'~F AU IiiPRM.EAMW mcx«w ais Pum CALL WMAOOV' C"wS rt ..' T s *.e TNsspae our by C»lng * 878-2341 Rl êuP&jm Carin YVUU BE GLAO DOU CALLED ME FM1T 4e.e (410) SU-lU ftm DS UI4B m853-2726 -o c -W Wu a iie *ou~ Mm a .hkae (416) UW024B LLOYD OMAN MILTO ROOFING FR jJTU~ BnjS Hod 7hs Bno HodeTfel ini our WHO DOES IT Column- please cali 878-2341 Know youýr_ paînts beeêyir take brush "ln -haud ty«= tahy riié hoswdi mi.. "àst mi 'orIw "#m mm aha i w awWIom~~.i b"t Vn Maai I.ii lme m #uMe àe yefl.ilé , s.m fe W% d O u h Id* pa ne i e me hwà nl. vveê md 881M .I W buW "à pl Mge $ ué moa Wh uéttly $%.qnyWndeu gav wyie 7m d de t mg welhié the lsdm 0" y.. ud u=sy toqi finlé,. out on a @W" d "u IW OOl I&. pai u..Iu Tam mboa @" a .dm.uI.mddmé aaw don- the do*oulu.~ lion 81V9 it op. WO enoul W,4 edinge I èil voe - mgi on w.od.I plymool or hm'wadwmoleh. nqw e pont fu hfmbb u ,-bm) YDcmn ap 1 tm atin ouim day, lb m q. aukyleae d mm" Io te U. Mupeilemud mnlytoAne àndai. c»ni wt ti u ndof héon ifin»dou-Re ov nte Ôl"i on âbewmiy miti, flawa, but vemepdy hIn becoppuWo de su.e mtth w&aie %i dwiambty and 1*S, @WYry Srm the rgitrn then unêod in bathromua, fw tace mantang ta moka mauhy cflte fIia li led sd i il. wÀanctigbtlyth rmd lAt - nt ià4 i p e ryZMpbtoywo wrong paint of - te'> ga &efmO tom» on malle ci, meiuqs A is ÏX4 toud can be j on anié 1 m mu& fN:t Mmth r"l anlà prolues a -pedm n or mao' &Wpy à Wota pIbisr proula but If ,MO. tecuous, ufllei ..oau .lz n-p 4~~.. .sIffo iiu or tmo conte c latex not ammom th ii.oeour <iiil Oùnain àl a dumu ittaepenelthu point Pimat la uaeauy tir epeInt. miA the. pma.or __ Weadnt P!g~o y-. put dieu q. iym emnu J1". Theue W* im preImiln te a umlap1on ~~ lquld miulars ID n colou vrus" ici exuaBdIou. 1) dont point mien lias temperatuwe kaep 15 aahlng minrai btqaPIY dwmI1I. benc&wtii ri e..-ae yS. de w64âi If pumýe la undce 45 d.uor ~e 85 lees ) conte, "il yoat piién toutt 'ljtu. Y una apply il mii . hua ti t m a M1s4l ncMMel wu firai. doeut %rad uie peint tSothid é. mdtihon tm it inte, dis 4t-di &MM. Idit out elysletit ynu mu i - yeuau usng the bonmd Mhyd or ci-ban u.M à ltin mon mon Ytheli boa daim fiI oe live mInUWe. Timm en, d t.b e cs ible pfur b dis job, gt mm alun et froeuéaedyiuMd point 1,de ieu Y.. m te puvtect; mcl or piyoa 1-a< mIih dem dry ras If y.. ment iýoe* >iwlowlen t ar dmoe mm. unaom*,b lla posefl in miMd Ma"e mood emy i. em As calot. pl a ucni ont i n~ply idomil.a pild b h. *,e mccl, plymool or hwdbmad or doma *M abIt à lat ie ltoa ors .1 min. Wbenm Pt tons cmi aui lia4 ath adsé AaaéUeRA) Ar minw%Ihtcton ad ballucna. 1* se- neig Il in diaéle iam an for it. 'Mor app &W oV- #A@ oh f <omeamere s'a À. MW miqg muve @ m touand éas nde slPodhyflcm nmm or otte and nl&. aM" ~ WHQDOES ITI aoc-Wt