HOIY ROSARY CATloLRexmH '0 30 à ..'2'. OUq LADY0F VICTORY ST PETER'S CHURCH Mmclcam SucIney Ill am lcêc DeuM Sè soose SasiS. J. 141 itldacviRd «EXWWV Or itnigoYmi b uiaa o -*îwelu I * TRI I N PSYUAN KNOX, MILTO#4- SUNDAV.May 7,1989 145 a.m -w ,A. ltOCaM. - moTcc1Worlil -chuteol tAgai 3-Gie 6) b- 'ey (Inr"ll up te 2 yri .1. M 1 LTON BAFMC1T URCH Pion 0 2 68ilo Sunday. May 7. 1989 9 45cm.ri FamilyBiîbsSchool .1 CanFaondy *worîpHour Moly Cammunen Junotc Chumhl &Id Nwy VAueiou ACOeU") GRACE At4GLlCAN- CHURCM OMB24 Il Sunday.May 7. 1989« 8.00 a&. HoI* fucharit 10.30 ain. Hl-oy Eucharisl Weloome Fathos Ian Grieve MILTON. ALLIANdCE CMJO W un mic q! t"d oil Nura Mm Si.l. ai Jamceles Ma ,S au i Jme Il a. 0m. WorSèîp So.vce *lis Down of a isci oqy teMM&c Rcuicccu-e7 121c. lei?7,20 MI 117 20 26 ' TINIIIIITY DAPTIST CIIURCH 6344879 SUNOAY. APII le, iml gi clases toi au que 11:l 0 asin. Effpoallon of lot 8:30 pin. Srvice ai lapUa. by lmmtaon 71*505V 7.80 >m T'cv am~ a C.Ma 0i.0 Rage.. Paye. kbowl a w#,tma ÎRACEWAY UAPTIT CHURCM 40 s l lbuieq IlOI a. - b $be mot"~ a , .. k. ne m MILTON GOSPEL' HALL M06 Ontario at s lOOOa m - edwq Broed Il 45a m - Seây Scho 7 O0p m - GOUMciScvIo PMS iei ud - jamboree pre-camp' wuII wwe boy sSul Jabo,«u nt &mwwr PI ilNapochg ~ou etica sniauw Tr ou mecamp on saunbiy o »L li prutaim byMoyen ord No, m m à mNI the local oIed e exileutie TMi be"!"&s làivt Ide"i MW - ins Iotits.W atow mini b wy. Lami moml uuhUi mq tinon t*mata Ionlt: Tom. Mdti Clb LaFtumiiels P- 5 MOalkgur.MWoy fw.ÇgleMl Hoetlnt and Cooliet Pmducts . N*udSlw Get the Advanced Home Comfort package that beats the heat pump * whatever the season. It >sa natu rai gas iiý j High-ENIciency furnace/ centrai air-condtionng pàckage and ils tops in performance. dependablty, and elconomy.: .With Up to 939/ fuel Sff iciency, a Ilh Efficençy furnace combined with central ar provide complete comrfort ail year long - and V#o& can p.ay f0? your new-found comfort wilh low month ty payn1enits on your gas bill We've got the package that stumps the p'ump. Shouidn't you have il? Cahi us today. GUS MOWBRAY LTD. ll I NSTALLATiCY il SERVICE hoc878-2381 Dateline aious ài Cmuiuuul Usmm. 4Vsel u a aa Pre. ,wé- Ç%"(Uppor il at 1* pe c is ahm how u a enacs i hou..g fe 1wco aàeusaec be4nc. tienneunt. &alousil go, asdw me..nl P o«oe Hall ai 7:30 Ilm Ouest speaker Minll .ti LUa Caa direc- lar t comonay urne. fer Hal- Io. Wbcmniats rwsrd Th I mAaui-Diaking & Dwlvaag Comiltea ia hoding ta reil omothly meeting et 7:30 J Hg Foster >1. Thuregay May 111e ChaileS Wow ' Club. et the Compb.llilsMjiLtn an uhilld a boWmckfmz ai Né- sgaeay Ca.mmaniy cente Cf yBnicitille Hall) frot .9:0-11 àvi.Prie j 85.0 ecd but "ior citiasea huf pIle Fsa. turs inelude a teant. on cresang a =coeu ý, Marthe from a hïr Shop. and the onaion and muaic -p< ucai Ethel Lana.. By ra Mation for nurury and breakfaat, Wal Mary Lou at 0784714 or Nancy ai 854-055. CfflàtaS Falderation of u iiîWomen.. Milton and DuSi'=." arinviting gueula ta at.' tend their meeting at lIug> Foater Hall. Bummnu meeting nt 130 p.m. Social followed by grest speakcer et& 15 p.m. Former mayor of Miloan A.nse MacArthur wi]l apeait on bier work as Ile lIri wocnan appantie t0 the NIagam Ewcarment Commission and her opposition ta quany expanimmo. * Fîlday May 5 bltlo, Youtà floeer wil) lWola emeeing dîmiceta John 'flueib Siparta Contra frein 7:30-10 p.m.- coiee aaked ia bring running c' hos énd truckt outôe., Frtda May III4I Million Playere Theate Croup arc prcentîng Tii. WIaard of On et St. clair bMonît Hall. Perfer- manms are at 7.30 p.m. TIclieta. at 85 for chîldren and $8 for adulte, arc avaîtable et The Papler Faiior and Miltonî Bock Exchanga. For more infornaton, oeil 878-4039. Saturday May S Muti Vomit Sacrer uill cl leci bouta today frçm 10 a-m.b 14 p.m. at John flmeih Sports Cecii:. Aslyone wsnh used bouta cen caove thero at the bool pit in, the, front u<- lie or the arszî. Tha Boné Sale Mil bu held May 13 atbi luh. -Monday May a T'he Athclia fltuebIid Graup of Milton ae a aclf.help poup for11 people wnth aribrîti,. their rarniea and frianda. T"he neom mcsning ii 4@ p.m. At Hugh Fogter liaiL Cal) 878-81119 for further information. Tu.,day May S - liafton Raglan Ilcalt Dapart. osant hlci lirmunhzation ci nics un the seconîd Tucday of Pach month aliernaing beieen <3cur- getilwn (93 Main St. S. and Miltin (251 Mgin Si.). Ni claica ron <rom 3.30-7 In. For an appointmnt, cal) q781l Victorien Order eît Nurceà, Healto. Branch, Mil hoid a Fout Cars chmoie at the VON office, Ilopedai. Maill Oakvii. frumb2- 3:30 p.m. 1he couin $ 815. cae 674- 5773 fur lurther information. T'ti nlext meeting of the. Naea. g1u.ya Hbairical Bociety wiii behld ei 8p.Il in th# hall.of Na- cagaweya P>reabytenan Church on No. 15 Sideroed. Ouet speakera Mil h. mombers of the. Coxe family. who Ml pi-tacot Ilerfamilyas N-aagawya hàetery Milli. W@uens in Netuorkaag mcci, for the lam tima until Sep. tomber at the SeyrWchr-Hof res- taurant Rcgatratim la 6-30 p.m. fur dinner et 7pm Mombera $12. nonmamer *84.Showuea of Momberab -uineccea. Thbook your ticket. exl 875-1417.