On. ThýDay is inte money ales aisue prmme.t obe gMi 20ofl".Iprtd~weys.l ciotaaerribinataca for dier Mol o< 190 Rpp= z ch ~ ilbnY lcrwod end hm i.l n i Hoof Beat .w'M o( 25 Ihiis lent Yemnd aren the. OS,00 tii. ""00 iaedb f osgb a oIlw ,Inî wdiIK theE iwt econflU a a dwau'o 0< thes nwht t Moawk grf»yjnýGave tois Il ap whert lie wo in Campbiellvalle. I ' i 14.4. O3ong » faut JeÎh osb o e muè hi Jos slae a,<,i pe, long an eh@ couýL Kerwoand Pleçted the utestch it wax simply a jus. 'Scoe! in brind putdtoauw te put te pe4w ta ieM Arfr le îasg whowoulainitientagwho. the WB. Miller- Mmrai May13 in th#. .v.: OPh up thie field mlU 11fir vn w the. fourth en tIi nt Raisrruft, faiwe by tb. ;ady autta« hm througbî the year hi On lh. %sY, Who in City Bens.Ma 20 end 27 et etretch. la worlted au On Mis, Do)- traned h1, Vaihm Keeping fi Dr. Maywood Par ici ad. Iien IqedM a mie end three-qu@pter David Fisher of- Wndso. Enavir it back home to Gvseawand fier leagth victowv over h.aivily this year ah. wax vicaroa in the the. Durlington Juta 3 and 10 fol. faord %Av bSho :5 2 final o( the Blugurd Paring Sera. lowed by the North Amornca Cup. Lvig fron é secondi huile in et Greenwgod. iitoraeia ream ïéndd et ture ah. t.ie feled. Keràtiod 1l. $23,000 Pgue For AU wax racein when tihe flve-year.àd Sold- * 1.gdth al parking behind aroher big payday for Bai ing flnislied tiard in the. M,.06 On<e Sad Bister through tii. open- "nwbn'oa Raireiy Visible ubo won Prse Fer MI Tri*. Kawiatiia Poil ing quarter in 27.f. At the. Oiif. on an 1:36.4. Jis fiUa straighit victory liad mot comecutlve recotds mii, T>. Day and Kerwoud ivoire alan.' 'n the. Fiee For Agl tanks. . milesci LU15 and 1:56.2minoeqwcu. 'n front by two lenitheisun 57 Ssnday' racing was IIighiIgiiad ta.. wes*w. seconds wih U Drive It Iflvr by tii sin al debutof $"Itrd . 1%. rce uas wui by Jayor lengths back in uhird, Shaàpp' Shappa Sconli who lived pp,. Worhhy -Vit who Js dpwei=u Lovo Ili Shop, moaenwhile. who to ie nm in hus sop0mor truaisad by Hmoid SW@4ai, n 1:57.3 haci agwstd to Pasy evies in the. debut by cloduing a 1:56.3 mile. whiJi a lifetinset. prolimnlarya legs in 1:57.4 and 1:58A, Wgs s.dXe uith a por stiting paiut. the. seventh, and s forced'te tuch itata fflh worn throulit the opening ttsrn. .1 knew miii (Love Th Shui4l Wax E P O S E th. mie ta, beet sa once 1 got on tup R U H L T R 1 wanteil toi put as niucii distance i, ttwen'us ne F' could" sail Ker- wood after the. tate'l figured LaveSA E $ Tb flSop would ltrv ho go batk et ii. ,tartow atdbr ta have ta Zih tup asni gtound as iii. cpId aodtire ol2 trylns 10 catch Di%. stcate> uored like a * 1 icharia Close tai six lentifis bath in ANTMMUS AM COII 'ftuurthi spot et tl~ haif. Ditve WijRAnllA E A M AE mnoved Love Tb ~<p on th#. out*pde RAOAIELBU AE and into second Jispot. tua lengtlis Save 30% toi 70% imsns hhs batk at the th eequarters pole. wiah va, roeac in 1:261hre1Radoidier.ve Ejaterîng tiie tch On TIN@ Day vas stili ah.ad two lengths and alîiou«h tanng. was bher rival. In the itretçadi ddnt bave a lot filly beliind me »tuai K#Vwood. 'But oh*. (Lavelb $hop) didnt lou e R ab ng Aval&" s.era ta have a lot left.either. In I.i COUNTRY BOOT iCr m & DUDS EVERVTHING YOU WANT F9R THE -WESTEMN LO0K' -mm -7 - lW- 35 CRAWNFORD ORES. CAMPBUYLILLE. ONt - LOP IBO (416) 854-9881 FUSHING DEIB y~ Dise O.maCavapia S&30p'v AT ATNI ZTRA SALE " RN ~~~~~~~~~ AT 1#O RIE AE ETI FRIDAVA ~TMAY 5 à C p yCO»E OUT AND SEE OR NEW LUNE OF STAp4Affl POf.DOWN O4ANDTOPS, AND TMUCK CAMRS CHECK OUT THE LIGTWEIOH GYPIY LIM OF. 13.-16 AND TH1E ALL NEW 1, PT.. TANDEM. SEE THE LATEST CHiNES IN. THE TAYLOR COACH l'W'a22 PT. TRAFALGAR ROAU AND HWY. #7 GEORGETOWN 410477-4200 * STARR»Afrr * * sS *BIG :AN I T LS'flIf *Ei-sM OF NVHhM *LON T .IMEiS: SpotsedCon*re. * OANI : A IGITS 0800 TICE~TS S.NOSHALETTBXOFC NS ONY