t .4 g' The search for excellence- maybe#over. gakr tD ay tn W hile yoawe iere ..ý,. .a se ajnd gather hundreds pç.deas c- coIour roomn pIarre.g *atDrics andO u 1c, more One of aur rnâst -rpess ~e ca lectoins is Village Square r sad oak and aak venee%ý Corne see these bedroov drnng oaorr a-ci occasional designs -n cornletely decoaied settings. jut as the> ApY.O appear in your riew ownhomqý 1! ~ " \Viisit the Gallericis, sec hundreds ai wonderful =~-t.' decorating ideas and lse really affordable beautiful I _____________________ Jfùriture. IRIGFRIUE ALRE P.,, I t J j L'Y ~Li