v - Our Reaiders Writej la ird le the. artiio lin Thie Wa"n 2UA = p?.1 nu~ru E.a bo lu thi m e ti.k mm dmIe ti.MIn ftm e &c m nti m- b fons Mliltonm in 'mimnétmmn" ! ~Moy the. tre kIokm in the. pictare n timnempaer iliu wmy li Io&m wwmn wm p.wtlm.d by Mr. Runiay. H. did rot boy i nmot>x dmby, icrem Mmd eee wfti mmmd. He bouglit min 1miu- km 0m! 'honiTme Who moi. minpa timet tr" àmu bous vieil the. amry m a publiclty atm an id Mm betual. lie top it df Stmp srw. m nmotion 16 m Üimt the. SM tili. mt wiII bu tmc'mded in tihe Motion disem wm asutatud by Mr. I bnci ItIs i-07 erjIs f.!lt m ié ib m whmt die believed wum tui treti. 1 oulmft lot Mr. OI y itlm mlii. i. gley à?«Idgo 16 Nielmnd, theii x ammm whio mod 'Stop 6» t Mr. Rowl.y. hio% oimi who domru tii crudit fîr Y.etoi ng MMi.l, Ont. OPTOMETRIST /Dr. Strohan 106 Waécfield P1we MILTON 878-5882 ONH lu£ $POT FINANCINO .NEED MOtqEY FAST? @Dou ç m kin e cm* or POW of Sais *DCONIOLVAflO *HOMSVIcSA.M.-OP.M. lat, 2Wa, &d Moaq.g (410)8e1204 Asiblr pnscilaRime Servig your P«mwTJfy *Mpigi.s to Oenick buan idud" nmi mrtidm onmomumm D "Ii Ummnmer, téiishd ini 1i. Weukiamd ira t b. Mm. Browimi*. 1 pumdlead dui smafmmg t.. M ài dirm. d n d.bmit- imis théi rame, MW. paint noii. at mir moier, dive t-in, comploe. noie. Senti «À andditflewdisbueted. 1 hmu deiei duei woeb mm boypug du tué two ymim MD. My apologieu te Derrick Nosimads fu the. éiimnmdumummémi Tii. initial Wbk hi d ulild humnnmnto It wu ho W.ho bomih thi. nuity Vfeen. mamemr trud. Mmlii. Ont. Alumni asScation atwting st Conestoga Dormdm. Conauiua Omllao 0 Apiled "rt Md TImclmieaw il nm. .mleoiihg itu firut fmer- "mi aimi muuomof, to we. bock to die Comenéifa CeUhgo OMmmuity lai co Ou E I TA KE-.THE WIN TER. OFF- NO PA YMEN TS TIL SPRING SWAGON CAX $O 148dàââ ( SALIE ALL &MY 001 WE HAVE )T *LLI LOWER PPdCESI SETRSELECTI >LOWE PAVUfENTS! P1&YMIN ON MAE ~ MONMHS 147S% 0OAC S200WW 1TAX,.FIiiMT. LENS.PDi MOT ItCALUDED USE CA BA I CENTR I oiaoenwM . I m.T" M HOD AÇLX 6 Wd.. Md 84 FOFDU WO 4..>w 84 0=O M AE Di9. eu 84 CLO *UU~ Ado u Se TONTA PIO(-UP 5 apti.. wtii S? PTAc apd. ".1 b 87 MBA SM48EIAL. M em M MiBXXM TOPZ. AMa., Usae sm 1M .84 MEUWN W*On *4»-. *4e 83 TOYTA cEic&. 5 mad., biu '0 MBUEROY MMI1M Aul. mIW 84 BUIK aRnUft< Ado. ste. Od HONDlyPCOU ô Wd. a asFqI~ LSTDAG ONV. Ros ,OMINI e ALÏX DAVID DILLON Chartered Accountant INCOME TAX SERVICE Tratalgar Village 125 frrois Ave. (Across tffm GO Station) 338-7373 %78-01 79 Oakville . Mifton .% 9 _____ _____ 87614747- gradumbà d âle pa0t ,o report, 4 iuu or the C.miutauu puduofOmdbm am = ,.Yd m0a t elmhidi, Itmmmplenid dmummti.y tdu Ammt OMM. %0 .pitoi tbo4m àmidd If Odeur' tiieï curmet umetw. Md 8.minammg. >ua bnci. lb. whmbob o &mer Loi amammy in pwm. Md mémmia- Igmadmmt. pleinl pin the. vmd ulong 0te uic gipuW wooMd b. ]ou; md am'vte w. tho.. have omme tb "u fcr omtd jeu" aud. Pleine ente te Mjmmn Offi. Coneeflq lI Ontario Por e Commmoptiwf Colig, M Don %ale7 Dri.e DUCtt comu e ilj groos cmmi rmul Ont., NOG 41d4; or .11l(519) 748290, EUt. burmmcmtc conm.ninco me bisg gwj 463. , sueoc mowr ml ii viduemmiodu 0on- Ma~mgtomvton mutiorities. Àu.aI OUa. Ilim od shmdd bu medi mmmi. of thi C»optg Col rmvii, mand licti. u llme 1 the CEM"-me Conaervation authorties Piigmimm could affct1rr ame In danger: Tory immrbrng toudosw co Sutim effort Fr Gmr bar doemdei, conarvnbti ron th rempoue oodomm amdmthuitiave mo ade Oitmo i bitter plc i Men.t. wi 'cagemc t0e mgThyhave played i uiguifimnt mole mn mom oyam mout b bu-onab bofb'. nOIIgJggnd r'd » 'eu-mt'en fi-t tihe ctnu of Ontario fo consutition anmd tien mand recouru naiemnt. Ouerdmen approvl; w. oenmst m#oerd the. repercuoioum aübolit..s hv îcuW o n)w . t y miendme'nt. mand property -thu-ougl ftpn ifr: onoi n- namgii uiî m'Cnivto if@i; <multtfoi. mithd quIdltficmmouriCinservatio Mmd Out(ormecreeition sMd puli edueii mn thei futu,, oui~ cildren eiil mie tii. Na- uirvlces. Tiuir contibutio thi. qmaity of tur-e tuià. todmy. ifi min Ontairo iiflot be undocotited. lPou.Mi let or conbratiOn authcuiti an in ipoekm? danigir. À racinty m-l.mod govermment HÛlF- -g