"wANTED» 1gw owner for VNving pizza and aiin sxxl mstawat. tUm boabon % growing MUon. For ai htnrb'm on cntact John Pmos 87-1156. M9021 ALWAYS wAfflTD VOIJA OWN BUSINESS? l a elook at thls. 11ilnhSt.local'on, i eq irrudentwd chatte iclded. ;ood clientele. Cad AMdy Gtâey for noire details on mi~s excellent lusiness opportunity, Asking M9.9m. M9046 TIIINK SI11MM11111R. Thft beBitA Wr*i Morne On WwiecwU On acre Counitry loi wih in.goura P004la tit paieri rsce ta mm à a" ymmm 270 sqfr $43.900 C4g oi ow'irrux. 000l" J. CZKAW876-115& MO02 I ~it MlJ OPEN HOUSE 30 HESLOP RD., UNIT 9 SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1-4 TIiS WONT LAST LONG lo Co toitay lo yc noi a< ~mgfl 01 thla m* Scraffil 3 badmoOrn "Wfomce The moe hle parking for 4 cars. complet"l *rîcedt yard. 4.2 bains trio trrom mote. li 49.900 cal sharr Nkfa for 8,w dietl M24 e Mr VIEW THtIS... IbU I be 91W YOU Mn MM@. 19M r. eve1wigq e dons Corrua cceie *,th 4 bedrocimu. M n i ro mm, nit-t loPdew a buft-t derw"O rew wwd3e. rau rondiooe in keiotg mm. Ne MO*W and hal tacts. Tte8,y decoatea USaI ai $15.900 CON Eve Gooc9q ' klaff mOT OFF TM PnEts Ooe ffl loe 3. bediocin badiaçf *~~ -w B'iua d to to botk mai lot of - VW - Ce* or . w,. Witly -c moll tirepbace £waiioouita odo a -mmoio lcwdy". For ile M" CoI~ &%Or k*mm)8 JUST LISTEDI TOWNHOU.SEý End unit n,,,u,,e, cean condition, Excelent aOfrt"t Jow first time txjyoe or enxpty nestrs 4 LEVEL SPUT: Dorset Parkc. Close ta adl arnntiles. Centra vac, centrai air, 3 bedroorns. fireplace. meady ta rnove if S 189.900l Col Lawrie GNwei loi ant détails. 'Lii GOROSOUS RENOVAIG MOME 'ittii pe lav il Coei«îele eU fron tot ic0 bottor. à feu ot tIre features inciqde i brandi new lianover lotitef. two ,ev batfworne mith Jacwz'i tut. Sloyiigft. Mrug rmm"e bSOltcl1 u itwç mcmrn L.ame a SM.000. Cdal acr oMe 816- 1156. I I .LOCATMO, LOCATION il me hobby Wnn vot bo OWW biln 2 atier 5-dlo-ilgMa.mtriw min norti of M.igfiway4 il Askinq S479,000. c Brumr m. 876-I ¶% Ufflî I LOVE iS JUST AMU# 7NE CORER BemMi 3 >*a fflS n. famd raIdt 0,r nli on over 3/4 ame lot ov*rioCkmqi Mar eeoeut 20 X 40 rvound moi. Pm o9à. 3 u*s.oti rifvy imme bg.ue and uaiie For ~m, cill Kâtrn Wallon 876-1156. - i. r 9 Ae fGiie rmw for trie r PMo,? /400 RELAX & ENJOY in yox mn ". The 4 bercm non ra ~tue 085<1 an trie normal nme kbtr baneet .18 pool table and fiteçice for troll c lo au rown SI93.900, Cal Johnt Pe.s876-1156 %M05 1DRU»N ARE mmC OF TMU Wftv oni e~I wflef yeu Cmi if mie àmpr 3 bedoix.n bos.y. l.wge eet Molhen. I bu lu lm. 10ý mo 4th bedoOY LWBM ' Çi. 5<190e ar ggefti l e. R* IMO811111110. Foi m e cal G"w~ ewm k1gS 1 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0411e 53-474d Uv. MA- .nflC a. 14ê1503 875114W wUI-ff -eqm mk ajWMW STEWART MAOOON YVONNE i DMAND THE BEST 6ONTARIO ST. N., MLTQN 876-1156 TOK.UmI 8043 kil&- SIcT*EU: Dais ~mfloe. koinis ~ah, Cynihia GInIur, Uo~ IIu'ciuni mm Turn JOM «-W--!Uw-wm KUiIm VAOM P54311 sl!cmmm: ffl wie-m almm wM, CYRM Q»M. Un" akm.c a - a abd" Cfflffl m CURW - - M D.