Dateline ommugo ~ ~ m atmni a"s tioiD 1~ MM~aia 1- 0n e ietM .« I mus et, Iw Halls. Waliamf @eh" i li huM q) MW iircoren t M720 Pa. Mt th. amol. m CaUphai Amu, CmpslalIh. ewsytlling, -'W ad auliiay in 8us of Me Dwet Amim. 87. un"i. & Diabiao afflluaul Ie.. iyqw Wd ha dey trip. They will vus dh. in Wandbu 4p. TIe"t Met oi, (Y= oel 078-7301 1 for tu îroeahoe w Ni mil-gu Un he a c1:1 i.26 7 DAYS À WEEK ,*.r t.50 aje .ff onqu.u Chines@ Food, Steak and Seafood *Business Luncheons * FuIIy biceisecl under L.LI 8.0 Take-Oul Service 459 Main St., Milon S 1884 MILTON MINOR HOCKEY, ASeOCIATION ls naw accoptng aipplications for coaches for 89190 sason et &Il levels. For Information à application forms cali: 878-8340 Apu~ o plicaions 0- Mac R , 1909. CN DA'S LARES ZHORSE SHO0W .M n M Upn 00 - « -0 ChRgf W ».» *Mts.- We ve MovedI *to our "NEW" Location Ontario St. N., Milton New Bays To 5 Serve You We honour Competitîve Muffler Guiarantees Sèn'ices: t,- *Mufflers. à hocks *Brake. *struts *Suspension e Springs eCustomi Pin BendIng Lifetime Guaranteed - . 878-8819- Thompsoçr Rd. - Aross I rom > Mifton Chrysier Ontario St._N. ______ 88 Ontario-St Noirth I R.AUA TEE W*Heatr. YouI Fi L*huy 28MU ith m.muoy twh tu*é. il..MIbacg.* lm bu. For mmr informaion on mur Wum. b Mad Di i, mfflt M p .. la m *a &W.G (Iodé tain hial. A* Noev% 0 Staphin 1=OhUe- Niuai Carreid Auminbe ar GMIP4Uids am u i muum cma. mm. ahi 1i mual à..o(akm» ami. .1 but a L au hua" il.ri momen nulu InUv e 7:1 Wp* id tuâ Chwava,, dhruoa d the Ffdob c 1 II , Ro mWW07t »14 IIM7 Rywm in. Iàll» usm mum.oa. Il.y Vi thé aib" mwwuo nMia bu" h. bld et 7M8 pa. at Ena uéa'u -US~Wu aiaah. ew.une a , -sosa w i iai -asm 1 i 9 La"ie coloe lloare omm 111lm Eaa4. PmdIyp 1* Ceor, u 4-. ~.. .~a, ~ __pieby lij (mat iwlus ). Ilsid U oua amp. Par hm 9 &ma. le pin. M maai oulaalu jeti. Judy Fuer u w. Halls Contonaial bin" auditrim. I. luWin oLN c.hamp. aâilm eludeain a 14- dWiiar np huai, hoilai provdai An 1"» .wlcj. by the Mutai Saump CluhL nou C--"- ApflD% 1 m sý nomls a"i Dvvl WUin i. luiahly ammbn l'1. omiaa4g Wiuêr oum lb&U~ Mt 73 pi.m. ut Nue li Hanl. Evar>.., saler àa cunu, fa Mifi in dii ihanos uqisoam. mies. 1 MM Aana~.dakvlD. MOt. MD1ud t ai'maMua~ M .10 a L ia.n huM a mn a si~1~ ?*p.M wi l- *à"m fore Co-0. b121 am bat. l -8&m.wi am t.m oui p~m m oe in r d w .n o di"a Sdlan aada a émiti » b eld M Pm p.a. Mi 8m1 Da CL 0.11 878. 4M11 fwatu"éraodua. %1 Cakwilh.àIls liad w..a l&b.mla Guin 11 lu 1w9m mbh5B*« mâthbl n aaw M li a Pot- lt" lmnd Mt lm:1 paM. Mtd és mlru Naffentlial Cim». Mt 1w Lai hall. ssryas. ard.. D ringmu. f