Lifestile Tastypaily food can be nide easily mamupl.o mi ï,t tes - ie a ll ma e la @wu ùw la.tor~ ~ an Win pi- m. uit te lang alm. * 'ld. SCALLOPS WWHm OMUC * lingA ki "r dw *imUUUhabout1 b"(l M sww i.a ?nd fu Ssoseh~ uS~pool M" M b. b"i werb hou Motte lim n mbol oae am := " ébob" tflts. istithuw i, rliP * 1/945 bm Si (13 ml) d< bo*tq mixture over taonS neh survint a<ahsmp. *114 m U t)IiniCi S«t SieN on Wpu auki. shoot. %OMMia Bah# in McO P (20 C) ovn i t.ý *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 m1I~5Iitps Olin, or untIl slimp a,, * ~mls1011041. serve with p,,nch br' i apn nto butter Main. j ta mItait pou dolunkod unap do. W, M..ui Nana, fIL SIaS~ PnVIIIIOsgs ofnbulenmo à 111«Ss pot. ID §PMb CIMOeMM amd pe. Urui IMMuo boiouf ssch asP p iemon Trats> IGA Food Cey Woe Rose lNwnos à cribA T&Wan Ca %oto a m moMI W M And. mOTO sti gomwg Weore n»i aýadabie r MaMOr & BWubngt. the thagare region and Ot*d aid Londron as welt as Tororto aid Stitlut> Uc- ch amma s aw vouu end o - ffld os'.S siïe po i o Insode1 tabcmePiu uwn i oon CII> 50 FIe hhoisu' eca 0 yafsp awedy a tlor kw.ome,>ya mi fvagueos wtmpw udamgodsg Add oui yeu«re noi @"y1 mwy. poti Con @wax "MwridComsbmm mmidio.peul yot~ i te'idionn TOSAVO IIIULThm n. mc rswm uttai@« 10 AndflgoaIM k* M >euiStagmyn'm upinOu S iomvs m . . w.'«"' « O VaIII ........, ..... PhmA ..... .9 omm(* ........... i u * ... . ............ ........ ...... auh Teachei's languae lesson today corn frorn th-e paper d p lr W" m atlle, b S1Abby Zu.y. pvé.y bwwaomite Aapma vo a v à inb . fo -a Usai AiMbi y OçI'Ib>%pP lad uwq1~uUOY -if uniO *à. Vi it 1% . mywa~o. SIhh.mmffli.msat a W, M aim )«ow M amd -, Ulmt ri6i ne "- <tait -u émhuo pui aidi miaeth tIi. A"ni an ajm utin o% ii nid ,,Àthne. "0s *"n n tint', eaai. M . u ur nlio is, yeur &,tanalue un aluma. boter nli.puop.motbo. th. tint. s..pu oho ,pur phabov -em * I sakj haM b u mail Mui«., pour ma. rou, I etfida duuorw m yur hm>m,. la Mort, w ~5IiBWpeule ou lave. o DOnMo Chesian I f'De o oa dio eu sfa. ff. 0-lf. pus Wulin au e@"kg' ,nauao in mm aid mculinity 'n ad v.goi "h My edltn 1-à. mon mIi hmommhty mont .d the plsieu- te phkupa nu MMO- me hou iouuy gsyotliey "hvea Cont in lu oMwat miti @"t> day. Cheunsi. adw ,. vdO.Manrill. £,uoturn, it maul un a te *@ru" me.s vai lon map tamad hlpmng "aovu Der P hiniY"Ilb M n. MMsY d<uprome p men and Yeu ho", "d Oi.,k 'Au .A. Mm i 'W adpte mm . do as hPWRdm ta for no=yhititm <Ions do. tai- wlAï bAveis( i .ouod Donu y i'7gouo và ý M an " on boesuw a bat 0 am ______ b~ onr*iuomaha *ud a 'more ommaemm Peom Ta oed. aiod 7111111w yeu mmn and add,,ae. plie h. Do*hbpU =mt~ qu or Moy and.' Av' S1J Cdu.)