s *Lots of video choices.. *frmU NTS ,LOI , Vido Plus,,if la taul0<il .el.; =, 7t-h= h&rmWchante à@ enu4mred hmlly. * ia ready @mile. Ha asait ta worh A wwncn conas inn id maki j in film, sither m a writer or uni miactimi. 'Hm in >'otr fiminly? at. Ma,-Hale Hailir *ho hae ain Mary. fl/c WOU Mary ban working nt Vilckn «mnce files,Çn yo. = h. coiva about Il &.in."i sia an aaprtig tion camma froun "m... Mh. au Write. to Inow amithang about aiù raa u tm phe Lya ae , ana they in tien h tt zhl.hi. 1 rn. h îng t under the. tutelage ot trust il mmtuma abus tha oitluira. Although thonsi' àc Unlike many vid.o atbisihm. ayabsen m5io ciigtomcre this Se- Video Plus damant aak; fura me UtdiiSundaystiu"r biest dy. Ucn omdntificatimi. tAhr church al when people «We.ar. a puai family buain i«bnvièoe,' mye Christne. the telle a potmntial client. SVideotàcka inshe. they couid gtay would likè, ta haep it that e opcn2hr ay, but finding Plia. bring tha vidpo boctom1 - ý:u 12mnn 71m1anocy cager %o r0W bifor. ix.' wrthe\ graveyard ahift £nd If the. vidéo, m flot batk on tir trustworthy enough ta warrant terc is a polit, but firm tel.pht hinng in etair "ad thai dons. cal) aultàn for it bock right rîow «Swen maye he&d do it,* ahe dich,, ýSomt;îme when a videa s in ce. îndicating thc îndathous Cur.- retumed and it. mmeooa 1 dc Icy who evcn nnw wielda a mien know. 1 lots ileep tlrylng ta put puchbruam near the far wali of the. %lc. with the. naro. What tan> am, but h. warks two part*time do if they are not ruturndi' jco adready' t It wcild oppear the. liet gin. At Video Plus, MarytîMondes tion onasa ddîct*d ta the. vidroI maye, «Action and momedy films do ao M"and Jim. Mary% nephe very well for un in Milton.» Mr@. Simon, un exterdîngly graea Chimoniida rune Uic buinca. wni profsmonal young man, woe.st her hushand Jure and hier son @hop wi hie aunt, on weere ChnoN(. couple vaine ta Canada and nm@i, evninju fan, Ce!ru 25 y.are Mio and set- Tw, cueoers tel] nie h tied in Multan aller a duiatroua at. wondprful, 1 atready know tha tempt living in Northern Ontario. Mary saye aith mme fonds «It wac awful,* maye Maz>, 'vi Staying on top of ùw i,.mre wet. 300 mille front nowhers.' pr ut *fin, bath d"a W4en Jim Chimanide. requ.ated V'j«Aca finda that filma ordar a tranafer finam Bell Canada. he in large nuîmP fend ta attrs *,as offered Mumsaug.. flrnto, the mant people. Videa Plua or Milton, Miltan won banda down. tuned in ta- audiene reois Du, ret il 71»ar lC% Ch ndi. -hen fIlm a. previcwd byM family *opee tbrurtin at andier son. «thisi gation of son Mfi: who ia Sa yeu mamail Big Bsnmv suetmng «tci film bull' Mary .làly and Bette? ltll b.e out ne worhu, ther. during tihe day, .him fi useek. Whct uneartIhly leni the evmninp pýnà Chil tan b. diatiai u;i air.eif apotted tiare hrm tii. ta uis,. minaitlt tem aive. .1 go ta theii.moies et Imam once a Thre are enaugh video et... weeh &o ïm, hat's good,' maye Miltan with enough filmnj, fru M 'lis gésadong with mie. 1 chillars %o. ruanmh, ta liep t z pcfime baa.d on what 1 uliol. mawt the Wu hom llia, but h. reminia me that wem As lag & M a j a Hlva. nMt juit buyîngf fer my test. YM. emdraiI bning it buan. If there ie ont aidng ethir a eturâm Ê. ts me, not ta ra- bis 1W. ni a is ta ry thi in /GrndOpçning * yLIA»LLY Saveralfloyale es MWW1tHf 1<uidMon rerldu ve bwftd %o thé (rand Cprqing of the newly rulvagd oya InýI Millon MWN bu WuynIgh. Ce hei ot dh. rlbon.culning carenmay te. Ie.ih)hit>d>ul eankUa k4w mfuge Robr uli, aiunt marvage of parmoinal puatki spu uez, senio ,4vlS uamaae of the. N Diait for Lhnlaro Jin GoiaMayor G&d Sranz aMW Bo OPP alarmbed by inéreagse Ù1,11 à snewmobiIe-re1ated acciý4Rntý OPP an alarmed by the. îumber aFpeopie killedi'n Police my smii ridea ane attempting tu junlp open enovnabuling accidenta in 'the province sea fer titis vister an thoir .,owmobdees vanter. Il'hem who do thta ane plcying with their lives If lb date 20 mnowmoéler, bave dici. Thot a i m sine momeone wene ta faill in the wate, conaiderrig &4i nuwmbèr killediurng the. entira 1967/U8 amn. prenant tempenat;urec. that persan would probably DBy tis tii,. lut yea, 15 foruona faut fost their bava caioit four minutell ta liv.' livas un «movue aactdenta, mil Cet. Dennis Top- Tii. majority cf ciaumabil. accidents are due . a pmndm o 9& Mr CP cohol miVumpn . %n encens spee.d The seed limit- Police say unpaodicteil.icther patterns have aN t io's5k. cuW at.i b inwth mowmobUlngcardtona..Frequent e(li -u i d.r ta praoed inia unknl" aFeae thawing and reftrezng or lakes bave reculted in un- mli caution. ld. stumpa can b.e hidden by snocandi uta" murfeeSe *id.rnaia mn b.u cy. Ibère ae adviaadl ta eha" wmtb loca rosidanta 11i rocenmand mnoivraabulere tell someone hours &bout th idu thîcu e t. icm bide vanturing out on they aieMrc ineluuing.any Icat-minute change of la&a or avid ilrigmig eniL" .ltqehiur. plana, cand whan ta expert tliem bath. '4 I~ ~ dc~ 7,r. S4 1r14e, Entrlunrent Cente.ý Ecodc~Na GaRe"t ~an Naturial Gaft gentil %tger Heattea. In àWtq!rpe AM1 Wu kit lty Ask Union Gga About Their imulted- W)ier il's bapM tykes saigu, ini ru Ia..nb É ---e wortjes liai sping ouo Speciaila Ofurnace W*.h ihluviawaa bol ah~o dt Meks MWa lorer do ~i a &W relax. AMdOther foCofrt Proéabtu. the wof a OMOg &, or à mmnWapâuid. No ail uIUl89 - If You Yiur loral Unon Gai saes o&ie cma1 dIauuht <ict beat a la lui " k NZ MayP hW d Ywud b. reached ait 4o"mt1 vawe oe ecScnoeny 1bede wïth.they malpeno m uouM Jy*oloctnc csbto 4m% toopoale tbm eloctric toa So*). Clà ai Gag Sain, Pro or uW wster ltr,. *o hoat midi latter thm ni.nber tof tljom Gas Hýaiw« Dealr' eWtriciydi am u eme O6 Ëdi5es à O-r o ie )rmu 1 %tMinnnR ' 1