Pé»o Noteworthy dona -tion Il l oo i a yma, but Lorry Spencer of-Kwic Iopy Pr~intlg maneg.d ta colleci $320 for the lmier Sulae Fund through the ale « merne paids ai15 centa épince. He proer. a chilqule Wo Ille étuo of the procaed Io Pal Léngmn irigt»flof oth li. oway Cl end Our "Tanuiy" Jaunie RM aslr well% Thé clubas annul Essur angle Détoer and Deo. là Ialiq place at the Oplkvdat Contre 0on Satlwdoa ihm 25. Rolaren have cllos ai $45 eech. THE ROYAL TREATS A kingdon of fiavour ln every spoonful. Tratyursd1 îoyaly widi a dehcous EDiiy Queen Rco.I Tre&i Tiy a scwuTlpEous Banana Spht or a moud>%erWi Pemt Buster Parfit, or any Doby QieoerRcý« Tm&a Jst $ 1.99 each. Hunry ito Dairy Cbeen.*And discovuer aur flavour kÉigdom. Treat yourse1 rc>ey. And m'Il ltred.yu righL NOW ON SALE THROUGH MbUCH 19, I9 ,Library has wide variety of videes Mhi ma a bilai nui a bock' Whinath' Rnan, D. ci tsavidotdwha twIi andT mui bochs et Millon Pul<xboe te.. tVi eoiato d» et~ où» ~ Jan:I Views t)iiwmi'i- ton jaan deek or yo c check 1h. cardinemta, plumbing and aemnt. Or No doui.t yoleNiliar w*ith cataogue and ! 1.41. ,idemi the »ther. ore balai and advanoed car Mmo taiii rù Slaepuug ama way you would find a bock - car a&d motarcycia maintenance. &aty>. Mfar Pappiaa. Cunou by sub>act, author or t!.i. George. Pellyam and Itans Chma- %rvol thi world vithout, pablig tien Andatian's talas. Thrae hun-ad tfti., ara premerlt. a cent -- Auatrdali, laa.Jpan, IY cataloguedai still more vidaoc Spain, Griat Britain. Nax,ic an# T11 ciaieca include man appas, ri!gilaiy on the ahelvai. learn tmm. language ahile you'na Shakeeparuan pliays (OteUlo PZ~. Tha librmry Io*& upon il& par- at it. chant of Vem,u. Hoamkt) au well as marment vdeo collection au remourcé, PMS, chili! saty, .AIDS, HigA Nom sai! Siqiaun thte. # maleii1 - for information, insuwu- childbirth preparaton, nutrition, In addition ta puciiarng vida..., tin and mafimprovament. Thome abusin of tii. eiderly, reproductive the. libray rento 50 filature films Of u who aspire a te b.goutmet mystemai, and car. cf the nealior fer thrae-month pirmodo. Hore's a cocia con malt. "choroiate end~ babv are aftion the. haah topics lilmpling cf tha mcvia.avaliabie aIlier divine ufde ta prapara a .7andioaotisu«a. until the endof March -- A Pacg Cajuuimasl, thon hoit a furmai clin. ta hidia. Croecd. Dundee, Homv ner party. EnviTrnental -concernai indudte and the Henderacns, Short Cirruit ad rein a&M industrial asile. Tht Empire Stinh. Bock, l7hrow Spitrta fans con waInh Wayne Ycu con observa sharba, Canada Marna froem the Ikoîîi sud White Gretzky or relive the 1988 Winter gemme, beckyard bird, whains and Nwht. VJiyTnplcs. Jana, Fonda's vorkouta. tic chii, croas-country akung. cycling, horse- bock ndmng, top dancng and lire- skating iii kiap you fit. A four-volume geliez viii ielp you findt the job yova want uith tipa on searching fcr a joA, marketing ycuraaif end aurviving the inter- viea- Do-it-youraelfers viii benefit fniîm the 13-part home luoprovem .ent sei, e.g drywall , kitchen csmb African, anidila in tihe comirt of your home. % Improve Your elkileisn aewing, slk-flower arranging, gardanîng, pliotography and! -idaography- HoZ, to Mvany a Milluoncwcr would.appeal ta me if 1 erent ai ready marmed. Thait, af course. vnuld lie f4ilowed by Niau tii Pion a Prirfect Weddmg Inuit art, histo-y of night, ballet.. speeches of Sir Wnsîîwi Churchill and Martin Luther King, Cariadian Ail vida.. moly bue bornuied for tac deys nt no cost. Vou clia uynav them once, ai lonig a. lai'. ni) waîting list. You pay 8i for ovardu. videm. If the. video you mci in al alm la] i rasdy out on loaa, you may reaerve it et tii.înfiriation deal and yu will b. noufied viien it am returned to the library. For more information. contact the, library at 875-BOOK. 525 ONW ST. LAJU AVE. fMMo 8%,0 m or I .i. go09 p.m ,S&Iurd*y 9 u.n Iop ôiM.