Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 1989, p. 34

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iL ife5tijle J EI Boggie ChaIIengeïm HCM many words cari youi make? Mw3 W- 0 cm -.w ii.OO -Ma cm wote cm am it »W" en- ' -»0 "M O 00e ~i q Uffl~ 0,* or«ê 0 01 ev M Mo~ 0oi ur- -. -Off po ..o. OUFo Agamc . oo&.~. w* o on. the- Po- 4 0, et Dom N -0~1i U HW UM ir " em. . ,Sa. m UW» V- OWW S .-Vlf iiOfflTM Week Ahead Horoscope ARM(Ma el 21 to APIi19) youhae ur -Mn FWWlaMpiebonepte d what is right and wvoag. wlibay nutalways h.. coaioeane.« TAURMJ <APui 20 10 May 20 .Clve aittentioni go original end inventive ids. Goetng your vwpmnt acrosau sm eam« tdficuit. Ka.p your ounotions undas' control. OEMM (May 21 to June 20) 8l1ghî ubhevrm dui pro<eauâuial carele mû.,e Yeu aware 0f your sliortcomnis. Take atepe t. put thing, te rght CANC!R (Joins 2110 Judy 22) bMîsundersoadig anse wliere meetings are conoened. Checit t. make sure eu or* i h rght placet th e right tinê, ..- LEC<JtMY 23Io An. 22) PuWngt~'f2U in intuitive flashes cam gei you int. a tanIedInaeiaf~kpTie writtsn word is butter. VIRGO (AUO. 23 to Sept 22) Patnera or aasociatas instigate change. Kaiow where you stand as "tiers naay be leu than straight forward in deahinga. - USRA (SbpL23.110Oet 22) Associai. only with tii... you casn depend on fer trutworthy ad- vice. Employment matters mâach a crucial poit. SCORPIO <Oct. 23 to Nov. 21> Playing your Itunches could lead you way off the track. Specula. tion without Uioroughly studying the. situation is inadvisable. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 221 to[ýc. 21) Home heautification satisifles the. urge to explore new horizons. Many 'drop-ins" admire the decor you have chosen. CAPRICORN <Dec. 2210o Jan. 19) Reading ai writing takes on a quality of Iight humour. Coming from our lanGus Capnicor, i ha& à surpriging effect. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to F.b. 18) The financial picture appears moid, but use good judgment in your dhicea of charitable endeavours. Don't be hoodwanked. PMSES <F.b. 190 March 20) Avoid spending undue amounts of time and energy chasing rain- bows. You've got it ail niglt in front of you. .Experience the cozy relaxed din 'ing atmosphere- midweek-at Jack Tanners Tabl *e.. From your intimate fireside table, select frotn our continental menu of beef, pasta, flsh and chicken dishes, or try one of our blackboard specials. Our wines have been appropriately chosen to complement our menu and to please your palate. Dine with us tonight! Reevations Recommended &W-3440

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