Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 1989, p. 31

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e I 'What shoidlxptmy MY'e?, UOVag1JI~~~~lne mma lia *m0a ka 48 (Èufq>iU Ime M>.U M_ pfaf uldee peaple md la praciSea by a - Mimd cilice qrlmcaa paIml m po:eç rrfetqp d< pysiciens ivoiid ini.0 iedg uidceavj pusa paaies u leapceic. ber cd àmedanm d-ac als, p'oabi mc ala anal" uauuataî A plaeic la m a physcien. Who. bum $biccleoi,é adpét&.tv u-hiibem paetla fm M" thi olider patient fer »avcr mmnry diae6dubmes ana ethoitic. kuo*isag moant lie aung oec ywee auj ime mc c* cpcst i )hou llieugli ca de heomae clwoi- (gm jnaculmarsaaiu ail aioui, 5 q eliamlu ?miti ne ta" hlp ain lie mng dour ài eau St«i «I knvm dt q&èm etIt 6 beunmd dmchrnie"a heMWmnetien c< aider raic viclihw frin Men te Partsa-b mm asl tost em essaiM ha o- a 4e hmlyontium geci" haod mb md là Edl F hmmap anal red tea îm.h - aa peduleué samd help lie gemmet publie muet lic :'wecd te v 14me .Aa cnvmrenmumtl Ne. imaL"h Imd p.m do pu. Fer lie IerlY th et«oopïw rvni. toeriY irtm oeamon, lhamus pftph paes. the macc blporltain aie o< Of lcopofreus e e @*mrjr débilitatlnée mli. art airendy'aed in lhir 10p MW uy idlaate ima t ic giong ta ouci disette limai affects à mIii4joiad ehm Mim show 1.111. evmdece of egmumg lie limis, hmdegafMdc. ll>îe mc the memen. t ks a diaps o et bame, (teu" ha>ýiau e îue m a a ( cc greale imPor- littte bone) Ome conciticu h praveua Iemafr, i à ddlyt ta mdsmtifr a tincse utim caasr net lie dismioe je or grati> radocai byý takug P_ apeaile âea et wbich people bcoei Wle tirlming. proprial, amm"o et aun ca> Npc .- lis k merlatsie patinta. Age "6, fr ymsr mfernaati peopla expuffi to themr -u exenmple or prunes>y prsventioni' lie ops ofretirement, bs ceaie ta h. ti. oa, dolin elmmout apel1letie ferami, Cmet Although mot(ii ana aiertahity ceplal imd egajem as ic nby oin lir cyaplme ra cey duc summply. cledily increac "miti ope meny ckIcv teli tte r pan rire11. ta lhir e@0. «Wlia can one aspect et peopl. ea -;ujey à <Mi Mid act ib1. The gasialric patient, te -m-n,, con-. mga 78 o.i»- The proportion liai de ce fale elaml jures Up a pictaire of clironic andl con- Crrct icepUpit * Prcieýfle bout. p095 pa cent ei age 658t pas. tumgdismc and disabiltiee. Chronie drçoim lie imiportant it ks that we b«pes pà er ccet utc ql0 andl 70 par = amenad Mging howcvar do not ai. duspai lie mytie 0< belplasea iccn olal cent pilmc et Npa 90. mageand-in-hand. . ageDusWing iUmiquarter cfti.cen- This mouas, liat for lie 'najosity, onid Eldali patients&d suier from a nuai- tury. leparmtga@ df octiganarians &te con ba à lima te loc leemard te, a Lime whei unfuillca ambitions May ha aheclandl a Lime mimn c elomer poco ot life may ale. you ta **jy euhl aie TuE SERIDA C0LbG~ ~ment te the. fulleat itent CONTINUING EDUCATION Red Cross SPRING/SUM4MERkepsei os 1989. on the mn ve .CALENDÂR mceim WiLl 6e diab uted dor-to-door Wb"~ 'Z JPpuleut1u w . over the weeked of oui m « edmm eff Mt« MARCH - lth & l2th bodhi~Itcia1emigu ta u phsyl o chaute a irpe mr REGISTRATION PERIOD: ad rntn u in me u MARCH 2Oth to APRIL Sth ilkuvsc&vun. Hamuuka Md &e the Cakad.,r (Prae I) for tMe new brancma che ua of vans mpelficclly POC~rel maiN M'disWC 3h.e ald. voomuethier . _ 0Vohuntma drivea rosai va @@Oceum$ ADVANCE REGISTRATION anee mulaga allMmia m~A lie FOR INTERIOR DESIGN d.4i ye vè" gkj STUDENTSU ON aulte ts ommmhu am d lic.a Fridug,~~~~ Mec ,~lyeuweUNd ill te hmadybur vuluebh &ewmrtÎom wWatb A , talaiq " advntme t tuc p1 CLASSES BEGIN VU~ eaii 111 IVE OF APIL 17t1Mtap4mvrsbu bl Y We Lvcforwar go eeug pou. werd. à md* atSherhianp aa-pIc Mrcd afth the wedMheltepa bbNWEw sujet »ies min uma"l a"d Pfti. m z ctJW SJJeriVIam'ColIIPc1 lui .Amc'O ~~~ g . . H aP B mNa Ta There'sn m need tébe j lonejy ln Gameema, Goal scateil moni end mwst in nettend formm itobc W hi.Y Ilicn Goal ereated Ev. The two fuIfiWcd cadi oth«rý Ont de> they 'ae of the forbmddm«i.et and bottane »McraWe from *ab* ,ftier. he qws m'aIS firit ecncountmf ati loeiness. Et happent 1Awhtn po6ple, throug t limr own chouce, cuîtlrei salves off frentcadh otiier Properly alud ifl nes fromour mner fîmelipgs of mnfewrity. and worthtp-s- nae. St ce? b. espirenew.d 1,.'n wlicn we cra surrounded with înany Ira J. Tanner, in lier book Lonli- ate: M1 FMP cL.nm' Er(farper and Row. 1973), says that lic moot cause of mey attitude aid- (cerm of hw,. buvlour thât saperates un (rom earh otmer cornes fnlm our initial ex- periatices of rejection. As we ac- cumulata such experit-nct% we delclpe a er of loe which bicornes bomi to our personality. ltsoon in- fluenesa &il relationships we. enter Trust isethic wa> to brea1 through ti fear, As we rîsk exposing our- mlb'eu and bagin to trust nihers, me minimize time epertion, until finni- Iy, trust bcldgcs the gap and the rori, art o%%reomce Lechinecs le ften confuseid with aîlonenees. Aienèneu-4s different Et fa tarait upen "s b> Uic circumsten. ou @( 1<. rather lion by out own in- ltiativc a arife dis, a man rcjects .crrl * pue approechas d"el. UnIfi Icumalame aiancess «accpta 140 aituation aim ' W " Myr «pqiace ham bean Ybaî People ellen lot ticir alonenege ieji thmot to hWalMace Upom retircvnimto 'e i lac ora eps.eh 4 peem begineà ta wlthdrw lkom Iifb. pasiacé at.nung fêle dcàe a or feeling somrT e th u Vwibej aî 4ippans. i l à lmpeetat btw'fl on«en d risk McW fraie e<relating titiJies. l9%m le hom E cama taýfe Mcc* NÇ. s1. wuc a wldow. mler UWNU a&om. i n -o homme for à <ci Yeare the guua aube liai lo ber par' mdovci8ede4 a te oubup oà, Ime>%«mn te le* fiande ama fcilily musdclm boums Bu wmc hiw*gl dia wuc dhoron- ce*d hm tié famdiEast et ba mm ~ ~ as aéo kgàPositive et crom anm à DBâ ud ha~~mm h a saimt. aomeiL bm u cil ihaw. &cma te bat "me b06 alnoc ta lace. Mc md Dos mc> bave beouglt mc im h ia W"sl bui wa< hm sae. omet fi ce a dilta *c milémi di e PRO t ai bl el a 11 e n . =94 laA~ leýý me, <,eoe . ý 4

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