Our Readers Write squarbble whll wonen suifer' '%@ Naord of Dwctoe of lialtn V.onr.n pluoe 'oshet ste their strrwtg co.nc.nt abat th. dpvelI-. ment of SO aflî.rda9,Ie hîruwong unitxl on O.w'val Dtve in ()îkviIll op pearx t0 b. Injopd W. krao vo are k.',nY-a.r o the up.<fic refis, if an d At aith 'rit.d r.or"- e ad .'rra. t:r ! rfnnti. t, !jrd ..h..týr pngift .,tr'd ti,*,irflA *,"e no.' hin'n. i" l U, itmt.ý% -'It the peqr¶nîr ().n . hneniier p.ii'f.i:..: :t'.'m. the, idt-".'." t"4¶ ap pr.îr..' 'r¶'..to' at.-.n. wa SA~im*ta1t.rf n c,'.'n.werr'i an. e'-i'rK tag.eth.rie xc '.pond to ije )tien- lin. of oh, nd. ufl.d nwid te develit mfrr affor- 2> Mai'e roeîvi:n <énno tii "0N houurig Th. mutari .Iadw. alpa 0 . a pn.wrty onrltlyprsm e :Otanth. Town ofMîflton . emnoxnto ttn¶f and when e.vI 3, Tii preperty muet b. surwoye .tud.e clàtarly inàrat. th. ep ;u aIt.fo01 81851 twsxro 'the have@" and 'have note- 4ý A well mnupt tir dited and et coltifn.tittincSI" muos b. nspect.'d by the heathh Kaen Thoupaxo (Precticent) dprt.nt, ('orre (a lowny tMomh.rl .5 Vf rescuIred b% th. town. the Joan TrirthbI (Es. dirO Ieverance mun. Wfnc.d Sandre CnqwIey (Hou'. ('ri'ot'd @; I'p..n apprto..L $1,404 mruri eb. ltahqn Woua.9Wd Pia",u poid toî IIalt.,n W.g,',n a. . a cpî0il Price of land 'thulr. ;iit or. A seva rance already mii»Zý,pp!ç"t l the i; ne too expensiveapr". 'g.-n.'. 1 am Ib " ... .... a ', .4, 4h.in'r -Wr' . he as W.'.fl'g in ' e "j - I l <i .' ,Id th,. petr,',' a ri Ihîci". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a _0,r'a. u's."*. an art., v Ir , ' i. r M" .. t >. ir CO L'.5' '-'. r I 16".t'*" . "iA A".' I . Nnka GAj. Wa.nO..Mlo rat Latex Step One Latex Prim er Seale p Premîum Latex Semni Glos Supt Nifds Lattes Fiet DRSS YOUR WALL1 Wr#WITHSTYLE FRONA ~ &sedale '5t..- rAPE._ 34.01 I -6900 N i 116003 -P Lipie- mt Mon-FnEm lbo.o y 9004 -Hc' 'HIY 'ROSARY ROMAN~ C ATHQO.JÇ PAq[SH 878-6535 OJR LADYCOFVCTORY. ST PETER'S CHLACIl - ge.in Sr.. J Sam' StNal' pb4x A' .' Nurnry Famlitoaet iii»ew' hurh it (h rs iST PAUL5 fi ,f (ir~,i d Q UNITED Cr'.FýrH * 1412 Brutannu. Rd Xo A-t! et4hUne 87B8L;5* 878 7565 SUNOAY - FEBRUARY 19, 1989 "E.landng oe.d hands Io yoi/ 'cooa- 0bt. $&. I4.xn. 10 3C a p f 1Nrca, or" Youth Serv'ice P...neg »HOR"LuOF tq tbrT CIRA TV3 sý'dal% '20 P - fe re.g ân e . 1861.~'i AI >S "*6 à% THE PRESSYT ERAN TRINITY al m CHURCH IN CANADA BAPPTIS TUBCURCH KNOX,hItTON Po.EB 17 main si., . 74OUAt t SUNDAY. FEBRUARV 19 S.UNC)Av EnA", 9 30 a.n A" 11bl, tdl 9 45e -t 1> 9 45 a.M - Juroo< S.n.or >4.gf. AtCI t, Il QOarn. - Momrng Worsp services of w@Swp à Pr&'" -ChuicttSdoloO (Ago 3 7) wilh th* expoitionl 2Numery 1 nlants up to? 2? tes 0 the Word 0f G00 AVo 1Ccl- T, Ti, A "' ',.0s t~. WLUWAY 7 45 p Vtda AM ti S MILTON GRACEWAY BAPTIST CHUliF)I BAP1'IST CHURCH 9Nçismg Roa0 876-2m0 875-1626 R., DwlghI P a 407ra.,,eS 7h Pee& ~o B0 945arn FamtIVybaî.School 11100à li oo a m FamIy Worsh-pHow lI TteeI 7.a e.Ae15Ce 578 2411 qu»- Ta P~tý... Ioe, tire ¶0 amo - 13,u aoad Aur C.,.. - The Piee l. ad Il¶ 45 àr m -lb@ ay Schod FEBRUARY 19.9 S 00 a. m bîw Euoeis »h&o bl.,. - e, o ol 1030 ne MoyiEu.&ml 0 i aeOM * # 1 -