,g,-.i*sq çq Aanopj Ape~~ *q~~wUI*~ I~0a~ bqj STARTS ¶W à1VILÔRRLTdW Get your tint crack at theý basebail season at Square One. Basébal is just around the corner. Now vou can gel set-for the season with SpringITiaîinng at Square One.- .Pitch ike the Pro's. tSo vout hin lt's !eas% berga pitcher?, And given a chance, vou could blaze a 90 mph fastbaîl across the inside corn er? Here's vour chance to trrw Just head for Centre Court at Square One wher. *vou'I find îWo professionalpitchi g gsCorn- *plee 1with radar gun. Step up on th mound, bear down, land see how you score.- itching P* foprzopiccagescountcsyof Pçio Canada.L IlTe Spring Traifiwiglall of Faine consiýîs of 14 categories coverirlg ail age groups between 3 "'and 90. There will be daily winners for the fast- 'est pitch in the category Winners will receive a prize and have their pictures and stat,% up on the Hall of Faine board by the pitching cages. Then, each daily winner will bc invited back on Feb. 25 for the Grand Prize Pitcli-Off. Over- ail category winn*rs wiII recev prize pack- ag con.a .gBlue'Jay Openin~ easogaine tickets, a T-shir, a bat, a pors bog and more. Picureyoumelwiâh te Pro's. YOU'e the stai. For just, $2, you can have your paùm tkcin fron ofaallife1 =uot "en with cheering crôds=an«Leer piayar. Yîw1a\PKIture will bc mountcd on a C, oàf a Muiauga New sports pp. Tt wiii make-a greatmuveni of your.day et SpnnÉg Tain.Picaureyouswith.ihe Pro's 18 presened 1yTHIEMISSISSAUGA NEWS md the pfi&ýee artbe"ngdonaed to Erinoak. a îrcàrnien c riîerl'tr pllsically'8 handicapped children. Win a Trip for 4'to basebal Spring Trainingin. Florida. jû'st i I n -the bdIlt'îand drop ài nto ihe basebail sh;iped ballot box In Centre Cour4, You could win an 8-day trip fl3r lour courtesy ôfArme.rican Express Travel Scrvi '.c ani Paramnount, Hiolidavsý. Sec the ballet for full details. ~Meet jerry Howarth, f and Square ne]Qirdie. Jern I1-lowanhthc,)c~ oîle otthe Javs wili lead off Openîhig 1)aý et'Spring Training ai Square One at 12 neoon on Feb. 16. Then from 2 p.m. tiIl 6 p.m.. CJCI. 'yIl be.tbroadcasting live trom Centre Couri.-, Square Orne Bîrdie will b at *Square One everv diy firofn 12 noon te 8 p.rn., Saturdav .Jrom *10 a i to5 p.m. te entertain the kids. Corne to the children's video. wall to sce the Petro Canada tI'lav Bail" basebal rips. ERIN4QJ* r- gr~rn gi uwq L~m.B U0IM~UUIfl0 041 .1 * t. / r mu I I~{fl I FIIIMIS lORilil ~ ,' %ljê'q Id,. i - q Mfl ANDR4W cm.s b - o '4. . . -. 0 k W'0 ft14.IIP S . bu t~, 0S.l .44~, ~- 4 t. 49 4 To,* ob.kii N - M L uNiJSI % . y - m 1 j 1<