i Ai I lit' I I I TWO. VEAY UON Sun"WIb.lUY, 211118KIU. sf e ctauiAnol w1 w AHWELY - $nMflAýS AORUTO SALEH * SATURDAY FEBRUARY, 1Mt AI 11 A.19. lIN MILtO4 At ilte lalrgrouede ln the AgricuIiurat Ha.11 SALE COIiSiTINO OF: AP.îc.e at, oi 015 t. ir- ,ci P-!. Fiat Io t- Wall c'Ptr tti P ' 1o"tdCia. & B.. ' 4. f t Sto > Bojh'? abeveli,,d -rro, eltc t C? rt'a, Brass CÇopce Strýer r 's MMt.&ê 41W'ar ~- ta.es Odi i W ctt. Qbd Berri 2Ho'4001.01Ruo t .etc TItS S A NOTICE 0141V Termes are cash or chequeî euth proper I.D. * LunA. Avaitable. No: 'uSponstbla fot ac'ctdenut loit. or £106"I *Preroffew Iroffe 8:30 aOs Dey .1 Saleu NOTIE A ala wlth a loi of poid prîreliave end collemboèles. Auctloofloer: Chrls A. Schouten 878-2576 * SALES AND EVALLIATIONS OUR ÏONLY BUSINESS SINCE 1965 q-r TERNS £AU.I 1(1101111 CHO CAROS. 5% sayerit owemuam in el Cam Omoewn ef S'i availbe. Rem fil Mei Peb ?0 flalte canclusiot a1 pot04 il seuee i UNl M. Figishmu à So Auctime 4114-2*M2 <Jsmi eilloi *Gan. #»Mo LîqLliaom FAX 241-N AUCTIOIIEER - SIlIE ¶865 U 0 Rc tAP(5 y $OIEauaîOE AiCTION SALE Wsedy mvsNng, F"bm 22r~4 et Inth Aulfid Ik onbM M St Corriari ai tomate ont byllotai PI Courwy Faim Double PoesatW go &e Nup dislt Mi tables Md chairs chois ot icamea. Maelat boiras pm balais tole cit c~il table oie hall égard (r.eeud totale S oodlm pffIÇ pu toise broad aumeis bo. Iroriam gUm woodiev seueri 4 Royal Douillet ?4 0"8 m and c iéra e , shilowt ralles em Usa éloua - - PUBLIC AUCTION SALE N7ACCOROANCE IiTri THEp Il5N1FEfPERS, p ACT .150 198 CrH 217 rROtNAD AND StEPHEN <,STEP cea tO r SrEP -tORSE TRANSPOR' Orh THURSOAY Me, 2,td 9 al r? 00 Noon nV.eng ai 11 00 A M ofl be rioi ai Mo arlmce atri r8 Co'tceSato i ES 4 .tO".l t'6eil 't ? 7,atiloy , Rr-ad on I TIn Sdt'dEsriues-'q OFFEPED f7OR SALE t 11LL BEF V'.ýý Ctnut Ht'- 3 ree oto -- and Onrv t' -, Mage i yt'tg" I LIEN ON. HORSE S a, t jvtrsin 31 '1,09 $7 869 54 Co TERMS DelxlI 10- Baa-1 , Day or Sat Oct Cashr ot Cet? -ed C nuque, aval ALFPED R SPE'u(F fi~ ~ 1i (,,t 416,877 92W? vt NOTE P. cituetors im Ajcw)ýqe, ttr r.,r tbic tt't acconts .,l' day i saie AUCU lad OF P~aUrà MITubi 0011Sl PUIA UtSPOIW M0 -tuMA Mb uP Aub~ie DemieW a ~ 6miel M 84 171 75 Wanted Laserworks 11% WOLIJ yccU lîke t0 Save ywt Lanffi tes? LI0iWAOI'ks dat heo)i Peas Savte ail your Canoni P<e & Laser PmtWo catlgoe. JuS? cgl & we teS coT-eS îpck lhem LjI For rifomboi Cao- 876 4350 or (519)676-8575 Sat.>é.p.b. 1.8111 10 Or.. 1121 M".s.wç au.lnh abat of iumion of S.y 68 WO. Peter'$ Cornera s' , )M, ýeWIjqoe il stto e- 1 c is* el, - 40 t Il, à ex. cew > fl'e : . g t, r 4çe 14 rIsoc, & >fik 97", 9 êr . f eae A t. m 'tte pas 4 tarli Camllor chorque wolii @prer ID dey of sale Lecelh booll on plaids JIM McCARTNEY AUCTION SERVIîCE LTD. 689-1778 Wateidown WATER. W EVERYWM 875-084 876-431 "BLUE 8 *LOST -,Feb>iy 3 GoW d1881 2r. "h y ear Ws-bun gtlt Posaàtlly Slamys or flédio Mail %lourd Pitonol 87e4025 Mîs§Ng smncpe tuanuarle 26t, maile tibtador rreM"i brome. taoed.7S ità Ansmer$ t0 Cordite Ain mgla M 0716 orfoil Ireil t-551 2163 ATTENTION LOCAIL ARTISTS VILLAGE MARICIT es ioolwvb foi local aen morb le lupamwld on Plaies. glaie mugS, Plues@ aubmIn Ir x r port ad lo* drawlng depolcilfi c local s»9n eS building 10: VUlégle Markiet lit Tomn LInel I S oe mil Dam et 871-M0 ITER ATTENTION FI NKI~TENDO & SEGA USERS COUNTRY VIDEO HAS NOW WE SEIL AS WELL AS RENT 18M. NIPêTENO SEGA. AMIGA OUR GOAL IS TO HAVE EVERY AMME AVAILABLE DY MARCH ' or' ~ - î/c. ijro, ot cz . fý,"uý- '~~ "~LF t' t Il i.i *, ri7 WE ARE ÀuISO THE CHEAPEST VIDEO STORE IN CANADA WITH MENTAL RATES AT $1.00 F0R 3 DAYS 10.000 MOVIES'TO CIfOOSE FROM. 1OTH LIME & RIVER RIM? ACROSS FROM GEOOGETOWN GOLF COURSE c 8772254 SUPPLIES LAST wMie P 'rr ciatis ar 5t Pd tt'iePt. t lrr '5 e 5 ?Reç $r f ie it 1ptc « 4 l*I o 16 ai 25C pe' -ea lot 31. C.0 P1Pt 14, 1 i 5ccv pe i M u, 62 ;t, drasSOti - sOiri IF OUR PUOOUCtes PLASE POU YELL TELI. us FISDIT IN VaOTRIAN RDNA.ýNCE SCRVEY APSW Sarrry Moop e t hre -li ema polor ea Porulte ng".iad hni pruied liee. lOti and I VI. and nmaucec lo-lir -c a". s i.4.1 tel 97 cenryte Ecîloci rsnd Wmt1. Pucs«ý t. Immese orri "..inhctn 1~m. Tomu or atma yeti frtquie Srnd Lhrquc or moiey order fur 1.17 95 itndadu~ oetar ad tg: tIAY CONSULTING. U.iTr 8. 40 Reaei Rd.- Blcuqees.Gei VA lA? - hic/cdr fu Immu édires m-gb adu) VISAIM.C. 877-3121 SEPTIC TANK PUIMPING Robt. Noble LIU. 190 t Del rose for crosng ia*ri 3 raoc Oe£p.lched OcUM %D Serte roto Dot' 1 wae for vhable Fluette butor* e ico belae Shouda pr.np ai toast ente 3 foets) i Nrour ,ose C5&.'td 0, doubla pli, Icatei papier (5*l8) 853410 ACTON Ans;we service 876-116. Over 20 yeml of expulmlce USED Off-ce Fsrrsiue 900< sewco -n séoae sator Furitiae Rulrfhi'n ard Usure Fuanure 29 Ar-rorg Ame Gemorgaom è7' 47W2 VACULM CLEANERS lm,- $30 Abo pars n repars Most rnabes Comipact ldio. locoer Foreurr Olueen Kity Kt.ohm Traga BKatres Ott 87 90 ,a JMATER FILTERS fouet taait os drnkong'o Ara pou cuTftty Sper.dtg b.g SU8 & boMled mate' la W"O' v or o famille ot a dat9 il pou eamgoegi yu Io ante 0I eotie quemâclres mew car' tep plou Cal and rlace à trie orne me tria pertd ent Our mater flter No strvge at¶a&isd cap Je"I Pasquale ut Fegust IArster 100 Produce LARGE round balai 11000 bie coiesl mafole for "0l go-d Q.uiy poclr Up il larore,2 bl 845.0w6 120 Livesto=c STANDARD BAEO broodonare neler rac".l .1<155 arrdwe $1 200 or bail Ofert 878 016 War<ted rablone prelhrgily Caluion.a or Nie Zedlud SIb range 878-0801 REC ROOUG&putend rofs dearwe Upte 50% off Cal Joe. 878 424 Sasosd tref$6~ 0 CPar tape cont (3q as Il) deairered DecmMt onr large quantifes 878 2488 8 For 1 300. 2 2». 3- 1 00,Ul 2O »Eacbr Elaisboard helso Daci omMao chauti,as 40..acs.0 Uvcelle a iv V*e ýWaisg-oq No money dowe. no paymqoffett 'ti Aug4I peopee Pumauielon2522 - BLUE SPRUC(UtII C TANK PVUM~t I <orineulyIb Bsra opce ID IIII al COMPUITER SUPPLIE& k~i.9 tz $20 95.-1 -t $7 25 Pisfoi 076 1932 SelblrcsavaliNe on mot stras bld *a aouArSparf euledronp 3M6 3454 STPAW F(RSAcI Large Square petis Y 4X4 USE D APPLIANC ES treuck loe o lop leÇagi4y Used appruiaew a 4k about gscr *aitY artd debtify 3 000 %qci NsPl0.i..on of .sad luttsicrî Isaioný Fuomet 20 Amtiwg Ave %motcm 877 41(12