s. Classi fi e d No'-I _ No lAlWt 9 à #Casfi I5~~~f.45 fM ttifl 1~ roir voix %;cmenten 1ERRORS PLUS OMISS1 O.NS * AL H."t ea , e &, Féoleh f~.~Ysali V '. 04'- »0- la a thM'e beio h .si M. . N. a,- r I5b.~ - . 4, je àv'> Vt. mtt" 1" 'd V.j à **a5t t_ d As'co, 6...s Y ~'. i >'.C.5~On Peo.ary 3 ',B Aý o VA ~ ~ ~ ~ etyr 3f 110 An o ' nsRt A -ao' BP.e8 D g I$SU a10 l o* .6 ~l 'e.' 54" 0 Cernt 0o a s~tie 55*35O.' Csb'olny 3 189 pO.q 30ffths 80 GoS . 10 voe 1 lo'ý , f -,64 - 'fmo.'C~1 y5~d IO'ng w'of V.. 54, .Sed r ,1 " ff tO.3e b>'. P. 9,. ýw t rtr Svc 4.., Ný< a o ',-nd l Sf ..'3ge S A','.'C Dl %WAas Gào bs@ aw»o*.,f.d Ami,- e. ii; ta4*le~ Scon Eat, 9'.'ern 4o.Z . r. -D 4"stoçhff B Af p* '.-Q -"'1'Sspta w' s...ni,' Fetnuny 1ýc' ell d&Pg4Bf'd ýfWlnLok o4 o * -,o ..o ara Oyo'a à 95vn of Sam. .3C.a. fo'0. O.-a, eýe«j Ro, & Ua&4,ey*.Oc.d Dl c,'jjr Rfflt"g di réi ret QfIore 1 fiS MsSi w,. Weslsy 7",<h) Febn.ay thé à~8 m t Ca'C,@arna.o 10 f010.w ~'ajF&oay10 f 09ai(iceeh Sen m6~ botii soi el . Gordow uiiarkeas W.ng9fi~d of R 111,11 G.oetaoi and lonsd bE*of S<aves8y isa.. & tynas frmnda "s b. rdce.sed ai The. Mllksst U..'îsd Chulcs tIeaagar lqd & E.fif S.d. Read Souith of "se'-O'y c"biaons 10 a dsu.i of ymsr &.M ,j Io be a>wec..aed AN.n.' onsea R God be J.- Sq.n 1O.t.,. Se flyki . 87a.asn BAVEMRTOCC ln loivéng nemy of jean Fob'iy 15, 1987 Pmsiê~i m es Yeu *y 1 al 4 @Vérey do m""r Fou la ow fub" Tho nft got -v LOM asa 1 i -ofu t, ititîer-li tfonte N.u Md CanaI %Mr@O Pu ean'end P" MW 35 ln- Memorials ..o>Kay "tI-.~8 r A.,- 3. 4'. mai 0 4>4ýav1 A l _- J Ej. 3..±4'â.1',' _-- WJt.- ,\ P.'ss,.d lawar F-s.s' * , le.6 0 J 1 .,iO. us jtuan,.yn 3,s"o"5.*Y a4.y liea, RAY5-,T70ki !'.e f.* yi f'Me .Io E :4 Ram~.sbciioet *su Io aesS tfse,, B.ocet I"dnSS and apç.sc.aoS.l 1040V milionfwas aid ,4nNgrsu.* fot thee "oay ari of kaisma. keai 1055189 donations arsd:.yfliy A -'I 's reint lots of a be oe05 'of4 and grsn86'ot's S<sacal ifas 10 Ras bsfl. Mr*,mib W10eu Osmcipical rN o&Viamm and tkXvs F~il m bw.n flmeog y"s Io"e ard suport 'se 65., Pmmd au'gt' Cd Ransboflbln "8 Poesfy SINCERE ilha'i s& @.kli eau cul05 frsa'1 à retailvesf5 fsf.tapd 10 o m" our Buck a oa DaNc's a ery m r"8 sw.'w. Pfd Slia Pau a 19610 WE WS*f le tias3. W,"rO"s lou reg rote..gf2 #.Pi,;somoef ilynpasy f0 ta foilo'sg the dealh Of leur aSmb îSmd.9) 0f« à M"m M.8 EUCHIC PARTY apenumed by Th Me W Agnculluni %p a.I o Thurscly. Fqunffl,a 2 1uM. aS & Pm lni ne pM*sa M4d. vol Pmpsa. Lunchi "MW~ Léneau $3 W M.110 isnDtinci Hospit al Poinduien meu .WOODWARD' AVENU mrvtn"Uc CRESCENT TO iTARO STRUT TMURSDAY, FÈBUAAY 16, 1101 TOWN HALL VICTORIA PARKE SOJARE lOOpm io80O9M. The Town cf lion fa Presanif y complief.ng the deuign tetiarfcotisnacbon 0f SocS- suiE avenu.. front Rf«wlçe Cresea.m Io Ontaio Slroni Thféa Public bniemmUcf Centre hue b..i or. rang"S Io sabf e WUe ,sldms bc, raie Il'. befsd"é. Iformation Confre waf mo.nb.r of ilhe Public viei b. esf Io drop fa 'M oh fiel, @Oien«,< te discuse tM eprotoftiwes of lieu Ta a Cofl u ng Engkoe. Il Vou tie unoble Io attend tis mooslng and hsave *My qustiosa regarding the profect. pim». contiact Me, J L Msico.. I'cCormlcl A@Moll Phono: 904010 or MI John Mot'BU Town of lU1ion 873-7211 55-Notices îbt (anaèin(mion C,,,,nvi Inou sa.ab* THE CORMRATION OF THE TOWN OF IMLTOt4 NOTICE R latopaent of the Town 91 Milton art reminqed thug the FIrs lnstalnwfla of The 19fi9 Tas 810 la Due>- on Fet»uary 28, 1989 Late palimen charge of ¶ 1 41. pet mnonth or arty portui thereof *ill be charged on4h@ t111 day'af dafault and on the firsi day of each caiendar miOnth in which any balance remains unpaid ' - *Tait paymeNs musi be fecetv(d inl the UaLa11iCeon or beotre thie due date ta avosd penalty Penalty ull Ile a 4ded Io aIl paym.ntm recuIved atler the due date, regardless ai thé mailing dal. James G. McQueen Director of Finance and Treasurer P @a,@ 3oe lie '98; flOG TACS a-@ o saî 0 'o*,- le.Toas,,.y Dopa""'e" 60 Auctions- DON CQLLING AUCTIONEER Any type 09 lai. 'Anv Place Phoo 478-31 a. 50 mmiSt.W aN a iMilton ZONINO SY"LW AMIENOMIENT Th.E sO'CE TOSAT te '-.". &* -0.cw<f -i t. *o- -4 A-s .0 pIa' Uoç Si Mons., #8i.p ?Dr m 'eti 1 It p . - . 0 ..d V.. h.4 smm. te ta.o a O-)Peae zo-aq wn-w o*. 'ss¶.' 34 3 %V tn'uM zw" fs - w'5,. -el éo ael 51 X600 35.1 ne-dflea 000S q. &y AN, Pr- SOI5 MAI .".. n.5.-- .'gad >- . -t. O A ,L qpl-0 boh,' -11D a- -i '- l 2v el. '. ioN, OAT 0A 'l* 1 "#*'4 POS B. -ts' PMIPOS AND EFFIECJ. OF @Y4AW 55 z oe.wy of b-8.w v- qXM ' the fl*5a,g s.h. Byof ë» NO1 el, mnna 69 "the re~I Zo>"' RI lme Mu À~ lit PUM m' ft 2ACI My~ of %* i M. 1 60Mc«n M 4-@ *ba 60 pm Meo r à -M' grw 2 b ne" nacu «0-0 no*. m à po~ m il the 'Af. arb2. M." 3 Io~. "CM -0 WU ~ m lm mnOl e «C * 'Cr U *CIMi 4 e, 1 10 elm u.l o" «»vol 5 le mm«i ftoýww Cd mm bw et ao tom. le s Cdo. Pm ibUI à Ms,ý00 gObMf -ime obie, àp6 Mdtzone 00 leO mii u 105601m et m40 ~000 amp outent fr ppuu en ~mo i r isSCrn L.~I Coop.eation 1.. *'> ý il =r0sil