4etcCan, Ontario Hly -.-vv P~q Mci'an . n nî.. ~ .%Md bas qumiifhd lf the t rtar,. W,ntr ev (nn. hetng hg-id the. ý &cehndoI < March loin N...-h BIa) -4 'hî h woudh. nh. SLOCal1 boys provincial j A ;-~r 4 MM..,m',rnatl. c,,, [*:" . thî thr. Hivrfl e , won " Ap 21- '. .îr, in h.,. qaiîfi. t, .7: p-Kfeminoet à p.* ,~4..1 ' rgmeo.'! i.tî.. t a.. 9. and Sý,ct Orrh.. t? 4-nth 'MAde the tca à Aiand uthnirtert Il.gw!Al tIaih stjndav Tht wmy the. b-,n. mAiê thre train %e bv awon tireir ott. frnt both the. quAihtf'<g mqsei Tir top %î, tvnonatp end tot alternat« mnacle thîe pnrncal nquad i s preparingfQr ,Winter Games IAJgIIA rakeo.rg. it& kuid h. I. mafrt Aiud T>lteam w»rh ..*- fmm wrr, d..priC niuch nivcat.t. hà-i l-< urnflee La polr -' -,N , .. wI Eo 1,.*,npfr1.,, amu, «rr riigr- to h. quit an Px. -I ,4 the fi'ur A diqhMaqr - har .!î.r fId. .. to a- th- t 1 Ad-, .. t , .ng but th trfiflm.aî . futnug an he fouj?,t. f n,, î.r th-re wihle i.ndividcul tendem an Wl <nn A,.! ,lATAW )Mr. .u 1,o 20t hur praitl.. *mr, ai. F.,uilh . i. r.inng -,m or h... inals .qwnpment, the vout %a my ur 'I'tve aU> irn pvoettmng on-the .~ka Ai U.,ît in ', a lot F... ny cther mmgin. thescd ,,nA I*% Add.d a littk m.cre difficiîlty.* mtt rrt n&I Aix 'h. &id #Ai!! th# silwf iJ n ..Ai~ p n4 Ahh.ugh thix iii .wI> Wça(nn.s a im"W of S1.11 M (i'c. haci trr. firti yrar of A n"mptitî..n. it v.iI plats pernmncea oe the paraIl.1 uatm pvn&uki> be h.r lni tf ItAAU3 hAit'and fln,,,. smoud on the h-wg. rom eine tird on the htgh bar. fourth un the. xMrt hgh .hei tient yvaT, and nng. and sixth ,,n.thr vouit. 1 mmnt have the time ta done much M Aw.I vruge in the tyro al di:s,1o, 1 g m a., gon.d enuugh uta tm«ne1d o. qw." f% fnr thre prsimçlal. Pight rieu what mh e hopir« te Th;. '<tUT hum hptn a bti: 'tep fý,r do in t omUneaOe introcd..ted an Mitchell. chi, on!: i"t )*Ar wgs. 013111petlbive spart et S.emp cnnpeutî in the prv.rcenpeutw Redan«.. but th@ mt. doprti. )#W. nient theri in e.tn TRA VEL' TIpS! <A:.. 'Ai. rhwMnekA.,f W., *ý 1f. 1 Ai ' 1- Iifti RCnn, of the «Mên içiringe Ovminsn Clubla *e< bu1 the Ontri meuet Caaise in uqnh SeIy. "a *Né, le g.mg inea Muleexig v ai - W ste o wwmU juiles. CO-D OUCH FOOTBALL REG ISIRTION RURJINOTON M*LL SujNKLN GARDE NS FrIdo y Februory 1Oth 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Soturdy, Februory llth 10:N o m.-3:00 c., MILTON MALL Frido y, Februory l7th 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Soturdoy, Februdry 18tFr 10:00 o.m .3:00 pm. AIL AGES ARE AS 0F DECEMBER 31 1988 PROOF 0F AGE REQUIRED FOR NEW PLAYERS MAXIMUM 0F SI1-50 PER FAMIIY NO REFUNOS AFTER APRIL 29TH FEE: $60.00 fer agi divisions.. FOR INFORMATION CALL: LILLIAN (TOUCH DIRECIOR> 336-1602 RICHARD (TOUCH REGIST-RAR) 336-50 1