Drury mps. Reding in jm Tii. net 114ato tf hi utBmw engat C ury h.id with IL Whie O.uks fft> Sohm Swrtet ShoW-d thewr atuf! cente avry wt> 1h. iffl mia1. àevu a&li Nolum t h. u otded et Ibshop R"dn .eodr &honl ithoegii ofll toam otmtz uuw 1h S tàtfowiPîannga uMîl ton Thma wntkp i.Dru.y gaid m«ldalto mae i. naugtfa liaItan.1' . n,w r*naybgllectai 13 m..iajaiile Chnet Spée i n th. 116 lZ clos.. Vr.atlîng championtip *. iwld> the ha Ruyal a1ued wu ulîw bu-, Jamam Maddro et 143 16a. Jam.. Mdioet 149 Ib,P'an Save".at. 13 Ibo end £ntWhyt..ti190lIbn The fiw4 signs of 1,mî.trgéjwn îet 4Iblm uhnk atinv 95 ", Cl' Le.i spring are neariù :nd I wutet14 ]u Wa a îh. aurr,: ugnima~,g le nfiumiataon ca1l Don Wark et 879 NBEPED OW itétit l'o gw.a:lp rtuvi w t. MWi UMBA iamai, lotikitg fur C&Pbmtravt '4ah 'oluatm 10 lwip out wath mal I MC A Tii urst sgn of oprn ae whuimaporte d runnm, w >.leuaa au w t "*ter fi. th. suri As n vtereitaod l md SnF noir @pwts =ak. theo b.w numWb whach satuld ik". "'> warm uni il Amuàtn ae &4a honr«v 1h. 1prtng ýn ru ni~ mat «tïn now* Mr Au DpIpahI. AP The.,. ltont Min..t bomll dop et the Kbli Commauty aoIWS A»MiI Tqt.tramsooté %*king pluac-i Mil- C.ntr, On Sotit Soeurdy Feb lé ton NIal 1 rday anvd Saturday Tii andi 2 the. rgiaittmut limm wu >'u Fu# Fdywm.,,n rot fitu 5,9 p m 10* à n untîl 2 prmi% "UiII *ai;tîlh# ho-an unt Satuviay are 9 - lhë m am aum S-ot 19 aid tW minituSpa fîm es wafoam o.biW qta fS hl4udballîapn ev.kd born b. Avea te iati it'a $20 a Ii Mr tempo 19" and 109tg. whAl. the T- the. thi thtu in the mma bMhly. bail on 'a nn e "aM F or t h ni. a ltm Rond litu hall W 1 pn mýýrn rwn. sca ml'o 1h. iat'i S u. n Mmi urId A!agus' $30 fS the tiri child 14 tha e u ru e r N-. f.r lte bad ne"a. fort Fr famti>r ié. fret chi d 't a failv. the c-t 11wi.lIton. Yeuth Sorcr club ta le 40. S1.tf -r 1.e uwud, Ani d 25 alto Icvketi k <e «he for omet (.,tir .î add.tuoal battis. 4 jny wlf.t ard i tep ma loinii N o w Fini u n regr.tasvt* mustI bqng appIwante mai have thora funl bîrtn c.rua'.ase andi painta arr level 1 curt.floetii« Forewmu minf rein,dud 0, e junalv fui ,r.1teq motiont ceil lier> Mm-tait 01 78- O d ry angt. ie . 1 5 pr chIl Fe trswe 566 rM Local figure skater McDfuffe qualifies for next level 11-eM FI gaeiika 'tgClubh. iot.aamaweftly totake Pi 'i.t h. Vff ruCed;t Inwu.rb M9 c-,mtpet sit Tracy itlDufae q.umlufîd frwe ,ait 4-1 d<iwvvpv.tsn b) taîuvm fimI place ..i. - n, limie i..., McD.ff. wlil be repretieting Maltai as Cisn t)akIille Wj Nfatit CIIIIiic te &Il t.e coen"r Ovwlam maonf ftnem frievi Ilntl.ab ýMtj.ff.iJ thâa yi In ol#.1"rei-u t. frn P',ur t'reit, lean Cois. bob .econil plain t0» Pm ie .. n.ei.î. 10.eS....v4...d E.n K.rIQmle &Io struck mver. 'qth5>. j.mnut Ïr, .uviai 4-ircI lThird p'U. fu.ahe. -..t tw Jar.!,. 41hurhill in the. pIelanuvuy fe .ki.. &>m ILImm R."r - te pie m.ire laité. end Kellb Tirelango mni the g i , 4 u t'-e Milton Minor Basebafl juokets &Bell Pante through Mlfton Athletlcs et Mlfon MAwlI 8769-2992 nior wrestli«ng 1Takbr h(~, bonte nw4a" w,m thi. humt quMd -*te l(arry Rtvw,ua Bmto Piek et 84 Ibn, 1>ustî, 103 5 lhe. 1Wpt Vert Kautsam. 114;~ Dolouuy. é5 Ibo and RysJffi'a a#14 t Ibo. Pasul 1411erman. 120 Ib, 143 Ibo. Denft* )M.néat. 124 Ibo. ;at 11...é sh.. prmur fur th. fis. M.ngialasdî. 130 Ibo, Çle Hod. tur< i he st.m muid EkD cttah J36 IbnRehM h1, 149 Ib.end Lwrr JWIamal a.,>' tA. h. vvueft Matt llorès.t . M o Réng. Bitait 'h ii iui eiwt ON. the hwhi '.htl Itati Marue .arwd a"~ 113 plaie umnwwvw nt Whte m. onk lbo asnd 1W Van Dentltwk of 220 .<akville wit>' t'. chàltn lb. piorahtpa. th# fit .tp ori tii rud Takr~ hme boui madla vamtofflflA the, loNI c.utpta1. £4LES OF oe T* AR LARAY MAAT~N FRANK LENTZ wGA m-- LEGGATPQNTIAC BUIK CADILAC OM ZUM FAIWM ST. ly TUE lUUNGIU go STATUO 333-370 OPIOMETRIST Dr Surohan 1Wd.eid PU«t 878-5882 %ai< W hI auto& Chines. Food. Steak and sealoow - Business Lajncheons, *Funy LicensudO L.L.B-. Tm@(> Mus.en -4¶ *1I - . -M W km è,1Ee ouiei *LUXURY & SPORT lm UNC"mm1906 CAMARO Z28 'Atm f imu va - Md Ç- 0 0 b a dm p.o mon fflu -. . MW eu -TEST DRIVE THEM ONLY AT.. ?m 65min t LON85FR