Trail Fergus 2-0 Optimists are. on thé brink of eliinfation 1'Atomn A thliina t., q peur ofi»@ ue.. Fogu XbI»e ttp.ud in Y.rgus witIn In the op.'nr, thé telama hattl - d Ccal» with 2 14î II..ft en round oif bicr besntoî 4 ô toilaeflr t1w triaIs and in the thrnîAgh a act,ie,.. finit p..n(d peru.d and Frrrs a. Thne Milton Optimir ,.ttt A ré p fi t %pnes in' 01MA toue return match aut Miton %ltmionînI higlilitht.d bl exncellent *ltend eilr III the th, rd 'tir pi tonne have thir bêekx u,' the wul ptaYdtwmsa Arenu Vergue likated tt ta 5 3 a'in trge J Miltà)n*m Muett HArt. Ii.i guil . md F.'tîcux N I .n in tht t. br' e j t te.. ýht.t 't', g. It&rgA tj.% gt li 'hé. anrne.'t peri.d * * ~ ' tarilI in the- .cald pero ntd tit <t Ane i .t - o.' i ~tiir -ard t>. h n dt i 'I grti, M.I, ... atni. ' * w e, framé -n tti, A ptlmt.tnoi a if paît 'Iff .:,h KlIu.ý >. fiVAlty in 'eiinntg tht Polie Iut n! ilîgc.rn ai K- il Art- thii.r t,*in Pnd Ve.rgue a.appedt Wtth th. Fc.tu t' thini,. Up -th à pair o.f thrd [ou. J'. aîu i. SPo*a p raig'loîl ta]i ; n ta pir tf tr- IIf*ALL oknJî, ffli ath à tnng effr but' minijté% 4the irrir OEXRACHARGE AUTOMATJC -TRANSMJ SION MAZDA323 & 626 NIAZDA MX.6 NO EXTRA CHARGE AIR CONDITIONING W.~~ MAD kll> q; AAchiles Motors Ltd. (519) U40 (1)4546 the g.rn.t% , t caârré hatk -t a l'y t4h.ta Keuîk in the firt Mît.n 't ,p a nrt hitrtl.d Tré t>ptîm-tný <UtC. %tnnin6zt.', ré" km@ PlI.Vit! Wt t n Flrkp 'tted anîtihu. il -, a nt Ut.t ai 'a» r.. t. . r-d.ti' t' Minor Hockeyr Minor Novice sitt, t.tty t 'i_ >' o ..' 'êi, il. N-1ii.rit K- K .L,~ T.,.s Mjor Novi&ce lii ad. " .b. a SW. G-.. i t ,, tilt '. Il le t. , p. tatn , i .., Aa.n.. à Minot Atom IlI-.el_,a 4 b;.. .. u 4iI. J,.. billérie opu.s l ca HiE. ,ili. a- "..d »q hlte,Ë tn.u YLt. 11 ut M41ir Peewne %UMb..r. Opiir.i? Major Peewe. oe t-tu ,i .. -,i tA t.,. 4y Senior M n d .t. 6 %l" ., .tl d Il- -x 'Y t i , l aî.d îlrtletclt tkItAlux I )rjli'ttare nov. nAtri>i h o 'nMIvs e ii p ifl 825.00 on 'rtt d p)rodudst. aAr*t i,ntliti,,iiiig and tin~trai e.L% heaiing ptîdjwIs F-',[ a Iltltb (LA ( i lt UIO i -.,> Cali Voif parA li.IItAni L4iiiix [>.ier iitv. and bc assîtit, Il ra erh,ý Azîtallatioil t>î n t deLîbti Lxx* iWazîd don t >,v aîîî Lb til Jl /89* offe ezpls ey a 15. 1989 4A \ Fr aT Lif<tei of Com fort TERRY ROWLEY MECHANICAL .40 878-1979 a4's. mIw@Odv1