Thieves make off wiith a- ton of wire Police ave %nwatgatlnj t. e f quantity. Ivs sumfro in. a-break cf two 1000 lb veel. rop. a',1 11 u Bd> a Auto, Body un ip front th@ lI)rtano IIdro ya on Po ieBlotter Rd Èvenîght tailt Sunday"a simmetin. ovewght W.dn.ady Ci Entry wa, gairamil throuah, . ce Isd In ureay the ojint nZsraX am glm d.>r uhlch w.. kiîktd Etyw.. gmwed itn th# ylard by police prr.duomi a flick knife Plice, are' etell inW«uatuifl Bf(.t the cuIprit1% cuit the padk liel t à five-aùch btad,. and à ring Ilflunsebru*-If on a wirp gatle Value of the. stolon ohaped kaha a mlUi? wth apkr, Lido uunca. a on BDn. wire s.î04N pn>tuchaufreo i t St> w- br.,k..n into m.nwtîme ov W.opo Cham"e 114, mon wàa h.ld fr w l )i auc t mSarday and MAonday A 10 yp.R.o>d Fourt, Lin. man te'n Ent-ywmngimed thnughta pn Wcîng tw- pronhbted weapon char. F01104, by I M nptwf extentr clair Stbln wax, £gei. aftey an aiI..gpd aopautt qn hi A tmazd *asrn 'fnrhteo.wd th@; rit.thingr andi kema No charge* hA r cm.,,n law w-tf. eotiv rulprIt owny frnm là h,,us dunng a bren lai. nn.ntîgbr-ak in therw at 6 am. MondAi> Sarp>fmed homo.l .m, 'uMan hmAo wîbmn chargPed Th«e h,,U"i on %Iit> St A.n A hun at 107 Mar% lit « i ît h «nult 1...> on@ Pntrd thr..ugh a b.,wment Win teo e lam %.> .nmiay whie a m Pf>lice sAv the. maalt occurred a d- > tIggernrg thm. alarrn T>.. din *Râ honte a-4 m rn da> at the. Forth Line. rirto1Rim -n .h The. cu!pnt mt.,?. a wallt th residence lSe .,ctîn w*as tn in. ti w- ent upimuun., and. .t4ll*d jur,'d, but ane mô'ney w-a. itoipn sale stlonSf f.niaI. erpident The cuiprIt lei T*me acumd w-a. arretd lot"- A mafir. cnnfiruni an undi,'(cid PçIitre are inn.->tigating .In nd in e oid 'ci Town'hall walls get reinforced T11w Wall$ wIl not comn. tom bling dojwn et Miltuos tow hall i.. lm the w-att. n the ]ail. which rio. (ino m couri>sîd. w-ot Hît th,.y ,n.ght haveo, if Attele &mton hitdttt un talten M,,nda « night nt genutt coin mittelm. ç.»jamncîl appro*d a tender rall fi- yepaîr w..,'> ta th,. ,tone -tuuure aft.r n'epnlng new" that th,. Ontario Hentage Foondation. an arm ofthe prxvIn.t ciel RoWTTtWfItt,- wqiM con- tný.ut# F21î.00 tow-ard th. rnawnry -rh M.rrhetwimmn the. rvwk-, hm> turn.'d u- du- due III, wlitar dairtage thriumthî,ut ibm. wl. I'aima i a thin sur-face la% -et t. ,Id th' atrixture in plire' W.pairs expertod to cr> h. twe.n 5>10.1j and $90.0>10 The. town ha .; (M3 10 in 7.4-n. fie rCouci the. job. which haa (w--n wn th,. back humer for w.vera; yeari but i% no.- d.-o'med n.-ce,r. Fit >ane mnu;îllo! proboct. "Fe. c..mpip'eil dimna 149 1 wVa unfo,',en m 5W>1t14 S;,'er n. p'.c' w-fr. m>rT.d ..'r l'i., 14991 Varia.ý rnd and "--r mtal, ;> 1 . w,,. -m..d f .-raou a me, 4g ,nttrlri a m*u, icipai parkîqg !.,t - ai A1,. cflrfl.d fîirard am a r pao p htCTdingl pr,gValT t.wo M, ,h i i Libror The Cana< ~ft4?t S4e4 184 Main St. 8'78-9877 M iLTON CHRYSLER DO DG E ian RedCross Socî,ety D0 DONOR CLINIO + N/hen? Thursday, February 16 /heme? E. C. Drury School for the Hearing 1I'mpaired Time?* 1:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.,. M M -~ EU i )iîîîi i = 88 Ontario St., 878-8877 Milton, Districti Hospital 87 8-2383 ~~ana~ian ~haÎupI9n BUILT FOR - ~~THE ~ MLO * ( HUMAN RACE -A, 000 "aM00 B L±NL;à.J 310 Steeles Ave., A P',, h. menh Gal e.i , ,, Milton 40111 MAN ST. IL, 1111L7N1 e.46>8-13 876"4747 Il18-2385 Tor. 826 fl -NA313M. Me. -T, . Fm -s esg hai> deul boa. ou> ue Ops.BOa.. Mp..FIRLOWC COLLINS MANOEASOèf GUNDING Rockwell laIe...MEN-S WEAR LTD. International 8741.Bl.OU202 Main St. dgo Musmooui co. 1.11111111! 878-4472 ait C«" ~ ~ g., wUlm. ai. LIT MXI ~~ brace hood' t* 6Matnst., Milton "S.rving travellers smnce 1962* 876-2886 8' 1p <D JRB0 A-1,- -91K 82000. MATU GeorgetQwn Hondo i203 Guelph St Georqetoý 873-1818 846-0913 -V Mm f *RADIAI OR S PE CIAL USS A>.notive& * 'AS TA1 IsS rstaiied & Repawed HEA7Eq CORES CORRECTION The Valentine Ad for Hair Dimensions' that ran Feb.,8th should have încluded Jane's name as one of the staff wishiig clients a Happy Valentîne's Day V