LOQi<T on iadian Champion 01 0 oci od nÉI0111L ý 1kill 900oyl. La« Tdlln Pab Ksar Sports: ouf T',. h.. u. aUmtu d-1.m de Dames =n .1-n7. tanneuseI.bTa mm0.. t', E' 'a 1.0, Jaunette Ho"rg aêss Joy Gillit ilifs:Sien ai.eu. liboa ire S*owm1 tmmsi ad T'a Wu 5- Seon'uP.- Cerm Trem" Dmsis Ihil.u 1111@.: Od Stouné4 (416) 11-au'1.eAiatwHr.4'...î 493-1300 *ý i SUSINIUS:~m bhula Oyc Saed eae t..As .S.W ~01u at a' P. mu":~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ Shirley clc l Bmy tetr u 0- a -w. Pd. tu ea 90 . 0*.bb e'. KIIIUIw:Iaeai Miauman Mde IV. s. en Mae riPOO: Mwrt Dis, Lai Turnés. Jun% Coeilurno. Kien W, - go ai mP u -a è UO MW ouWMMen ONU vag Pme - nite,, opt uS, 4-q waea, 109 e 4W»r aea ~u t Plàn needs teeth Srural Milton, rt'presentîng 600 new homes. Lut êweek alone, thrve more plans Wo alter the rural Iandarn~pe with retidential construction, were aubmitted to Miltian'a planning departîment, la it any wohder that the. taaippLa.ii are thrcawang 4)àÉr hands up ait the deluge' P'lanning duawtaar Rob 7&adàd»daph requested .tlie town pui a frerzv oan the, approval of ruraTmibdvisiona tor nt leà, l % t-ar 1lea s.îvês sa cieds tinteto sort out dit- fea'cr.ta-ven Mtai.officiaI plan and liaitan'a officia] plan A narrow 5-4 vote at councdlmoved Mr. Zaudanyt'. recoat- mendataon through Moadmysè Committre of titi Whole meeting and usn to next weeks oeunctl ilaenda. Tht' former township of* Naaagaweya and the ('ampbellvtlle ai-ta have been aweling witb rural.elustewi filed wiîh -esitate homes". The rush ta a'gral lands as largcly due to Matlt)n*s water and mewage trelatrnent Jimitations whach have curbed unban resîdential growth. Miltont needa more reaidentàal puowth but not at the es- penne ot tai-m land and open spaoes outaide the urban boun- danes, Ila many septic -tanks and private weils can be ,-raaed before menious envîronmental damage is done? If the tawn'a planners believe rural development is out ot control, let thent get the rules straight. Miltons âfficia plan's teeth have obviously become dull when accusations of abuse ot the ruleai and deficient controI are.flying. Plan now or pay later It si g rbehta e thte braintrust at liaI- toin ra'gian. known as <aur elected counicillors, move ta adopt mandatmîn reac " cling That means any «garbage* de-emed rea'c-ahle mataniai will ni) longer be allowed lt be thrown out wîîh the weekly traih. In many wavai, that's progressive and commendable -- a ciammunity bent on recirculating mcast of ita goods helpe the tenvlnhnmt-nt But how hippocntical. This a the' same group wvhich. tor polatica meations only. have spent millions and millions ototar hard-earned tax dol- lars figltuing landfill sites and itsa net over yet. And titis group tltin4s they will save mooey and the. en- vironatent by forring one of the mont mecycling-conacius commupities in the country to recycle' Who do they think they are kidding' We're ted Up wýith the political gamest being played fiii the. puat .10 y.ans over our garbuge. For tii. amount of money spent on keping i dwnp out of our communitis every T?'unrncpality in Haltala ould bave à new se, mming pool, or cultural centre or hockey arena. àeyjagi goïd thing and ressidenta of Milton. andi Halts<or tht matter, have shown-a good onencne W o'use thLlîue bottes wherever posaible. TIb. owners of Halton's Rocydled %esources, which receive a pittance front the. rebion Wo carry on ther much-n.eded work, note that Hal- ton is à leader in cw'bside r.cyching. 'Why do vie noed "garbsge police? The. cntire concept in garbage. Perhaps the. essdenta 0f the green bwiding nt lialtonr region', headqua-term might do botter Wo considei their readenUa' concerna aid tei tan dollars. rather thta inflict momn petuy order, such m .andatory recycling, on them.*You can do much botter titan thait. can't you? Lookiný back Mlaiisi of EtIuýjCStiOftM r 4111 US USn1,1imd 9 OIii o fg. the. @Ch"o at the Corner of Trafalgar Rosd and NO. 5 Silderosi. Oignes kMadso trom loft <ttue RfUaatt U er s Chair m Shirley Armstronag, Rb Dels, booed wl.-cMsu MW U f~ S~ and Vueie A, Lloy FlaN antd C1,esie T. Emiy Pages of the Paýt One Year Ago Prom thi éuw .lM u 11wii Miltont Potaa ClIa.-prupmldnn.ptofit houaig d.velopm.nnt "a a =Btd tep foe'u'md lent we.k. and club orzatoias - ouyantJY oPtimastc thent tiiy wilI go to tender un achédutl. Ws tÙ» Complez in Atigas A joint fed.ralpretrn a ninoment reuom that ùh. 82 aillion 26-unit pofe cien on te tei riat wag. ofd.taie d.nun 1 Former Miltonr loin. <o0atosJam Watmon bu- co, in dua oie amaa( h H allio ul police tor» or eumon Tt*-.d,. Huifinit order c <huames. won to cai fu à Crime Stoppera. prgraaa in Halimr Crime stoeff l a. pmagruem whmch h- mw.pt North Amenca &Md la moinng wosld-wide * Membea'. of tii. union bu'gaasun iaff an the megt-uttli di, bu ut tontc Cnt.eniual kmnor have auccet Z <hu mwnbreiip ratify the lateut coentirt ofir frsn, muaag.o.t tahld Thunday. 1 Dipce moAss Jmied the. Ballon SPMOs'.u Aâ- gocitic 30 You'.m N i fou wmluP t9W CI"t had t. aBelr. 'f1» wumd hoe Oau mwmrd.d watli the. dlW hilu itou,. t. au numend the Hahon SP-m-tai of tii Yée' for 1907 by tWi bourd mad.r up ofith. cel i four peut "sedents. 20 Years Ago Prou the. Pahruary 8, IM eau. * wi latet înteru'ctaon alte'ratiam. requîred fir ir. stiallatiosi ai treffit oignais et the Main-Ontani, comr'r acuta mu t h. taatt $l0.000.rathes' thon th. onipnal 82.200. couaca letenud Monduy It vais poant.d out the. Depurtment o('huaport mnd H4ahways ".,, rio r ,pmn inr of ain St. e4m frion Ontario St teMiimr4Rd, tuçhwould înclaaie talin the fiae on the. outli aid. and purchaung more pnrnprty * %9h apipaentnimdemaaon af the 'flaanship of Na.augaweya m a meunogotune triol' aa Oauncal loi, Art Bigeon p inm B.înny diwuiaa of a Hal. ton-Net r.gcsal goverament merger. as well la. »vers] ottes' wmeory uapocta cf the Township'@ fu- ture. 'esuteil an a nuieber of io iao. from, the. conn cil et Mondiky .enig'a meetre a&l uanirnousty oppmd touny diolub:iosi d.aiq ya *Pectiperty toue duem tr qinpied f'ront 1967 te, 1968, the. annuel reput s< iwaf k . Clament to the.Milton Pire Anau Cammtt e s. 1- durng the praoil Yom ais ovmlumted et 818.300 whatle <lia prea' il in taumat.d t 872.341. lftone»2eunant mm duede te, 119 adawmin IMe 1954 more tson th. 66 turned an <lié previue yew, 50 Vears Ago *A pictur. racket "la hua ateisîda tomida of dollars. lion, a'ednta of Nnrtiir, Ontano ha. h.en .îs'ed in th Caauart and tii rek.taeri aie heing seant Ui, penat.nuary Beaie of ta. rackeseaer. anid laoJ inth suspicions on the satrs ah. hmu eaceptitinal bar sains ta ciller * At laita Joe Louas, aho "nda up hae lut lieu figlita an lesa than Avee minutas, an teang no chances ath the Unatea Sta4a.s Wara. andi Hours Act. *Miea Marjon Buck, youuageat daughter ar Mr' and Mr%, Austin Buck, af Trafalgar tawnsh1p. arra.d homet lunt Wednp.aday &fie-r spanrding a >ar and te,, moathe an Englana nd on the. (aa4nnn Mi"a Buck r'eports having viamad France. G.irïany andi Austne anai aIon hsýng a very fin. n <rii Vannai Pars Budapest by airplane Si. hma. very high~ regard faor Engianai andi the Engtaeli pel, but says thes', in 'n casuntra). ais peail, qint.r gund a C anada air (Canujans wgd OIWe - PtiNsSte luis ktdSs Edeor ROI OMier ûlnom olfMdrl<,q TIM CaSse Coniomng kanager OMM WU$ !iitNs*n Manage Terl M. Ceas- Oloce Manager Phone 87?-2341 ToFOMu L.111e $121 -3W3 %._eu -. Rea-' NO oe- a a