luur tu s. ut:hiruu:ukln g.fuUiuprlm.uw. by the Milton Figure Sleub% Cub; in uang tii. cutrpiur<uwi. ion ielling bp h lb. Hlte Ier nmIl b. pntY 0<chilguwn' Sportsmen eni the Pour Soua gam"a t: danit tomtint. uuk Autgl. and Huntmc; a inier riè... en ta,, vuiara r5cung camping duupluy by the. Milon unitabaaipill. Army Cadets;. r., Bnna yo- deug ckntrr triai th. <rO *, u long ani nt@Cb Onlano Su"Melî" ; your mutt i Jumping lkam. nn 611 the rum. by te Hal. Mout the ton Off-Rami uhm t e. boat idera.; und lin.@, dr.,ued, the. ont te snti' cliente ummb. te oat ing ut lb. Seu true. ar th. on. Ceutenu Rce.. which mont ie- Oth, urgrum-If yuar defg the minuve AtAréeii preferi .ta ty At tiui 9À er h haine, ut leaut hundrlis (td h. q A.. ua ont of your thruqg tii the, cr- - fnlutic huit. and enol lAitk for the Optimi urv("com"et ft, the mimtt w 1cal tht ng rand nit Itoir, Parle, the MîlImuil -mont iunimiual mnd the îne-eo.îth tht lCunmen mil the Mill Pond lut Mar breit winter carmval theme' line Sireel, the. Milton L'nivmriiity The Saurda)> night dance ntl the *Wtuenà Club ut the John Martin Lion C'lub liath is almuj lise uelt; 11ouse. and the lodces front the tended Oni iundmiy, chîldron taini Evenîng Star Wtekmih Lo4iger 79 ateni their flan kind tif enhlrtin the*Sttm.urdmiy nghl damne C'et nt Juhn Martin Iluni T'ht L;-ýtunifi)rgrt thtTbmncouncl Milton Viîiuai Arts Acadety anl lors, a'mdt'.ted b> the. Blue Knîghtor alis h. presontîng Sth art dimplu> nt hhtarnwc-cle Club. whn twill utra John Martin lHait.. 5uridm brunth All thue amateur photograpier@ % F.. i- toems ffiii pI. in the thet in our mîdin.tocn enap oaui and pitch tunuument Suturdayuafter submîit ain uniimmted number of reoce aid mieny muret ems (10- 12 -carnîvai reiuted photographe <5' en nill comp*le in the Saturday tov. ri tu the Leîuurt Service* Dlepurt- ning britimbuli tournam.ent. Wutch Ment b> Feb 25 end b. elîgile tm> tu-ants of tweeters und watrea.'. min a pnet strgle thriugh an obst.acle race. llnîthv Gîi.uld, thip >euýr'î car caring trmiys fflh drinko nivalj co-ordinutor, %rameun u s Yoià ighl net the impresusion the mu> conjure up even mort, fun ihât mi4l11u1»jh domng in wutchîng' ami tie tur thons, wpectal twu days -and "%QGIUnî<, but thut'. not 'the in Ftbruaty ta". 'lhke your pick or th.lter A. brhure outlinîng @vents with or sieîgh rides or children's pain) tien« and locatnamîll lie in our Singing for Charity %"mo u-, a ~ re i~Iw ue roconmndationu which ara,. (rm tii. study ani vivre approosc by. town counecil on Jan. 23 A Conitre for &Hl Occauiés To helle the Milton wint.r car- evol gri off ta a gaai utut't. contiiers ut the. Senior Citimunu' Centre will hou the CarluvaiCck. off vnth ouhi'. gamet on Pnduy. Fe. 10ut 1 3O pmi For the cout of $1, you ton tun participais, Thut crowd et the SCRC will un ainy excuse for à party Put on your daincing aboeu und t.up your fort ta the. brut of the Senior Citizen.' r clugmr Breng a partnier or vatne on yuur own There viil btelin. danc - km COU11 n o exprienon in the oi o Lt ing. H. muye the course hma b.n worthiwhil. end et hma heipudi n hice tuTeur chat.u. 0 % He. mye h. hma matitred by wtoeh ing nith adulte in a buan.. on- vionn.ltt l'h. placement gave huei Lh opporlumuty t0 mt Chamt: pion udv.ruung cliente ait h. mode the rounds cnth te udwitieing ml« reprtuntatlwlcs lIrett ronimonde the cmnop pirnen te, niher utudentu. hausd on the beuwticmui expprenoci et hie placemtgapaeetwsu The Champion us, well Ai Brett goutd, one gainm matunt tlh the roopin*hiîlttes uif a c rip place- ment It wap »tnous 1 Ki.inPen pubiîb. an4rhud ob. ucurate Althoug orc m<iy mintamae upent type ttîng thé wreting ut Othton. pIrînd&frnt tht eapourv ta mieher style% of iirtng le wau a rtat mi.> en explore, a carter in journahîint befate. nukîng a chaire This knuîmledge h.lpu co-op *lu dents when it conrus tine in upply ta iorege und univermity prungramu Oiher utudents eni Qijuî plat*. mnnUi n M4ilton me!. llannah Simms et 'fi. Second Cup. y Piarck, Zter.. A,!rine lÏrîîe e the Royal Bank. Bryc. Bta&:k ni NIPP walt xllioti couturncý "f fice. Tina NIaver and tbîunald Pik eimg nt W- i hck Public Shui aund hn% Fointanii n' the Riank ft Nova Sciîtm A, Lifestyle Come to the eighth annual WîtçprCarnivalI LW .r w ul ac to i w i rmujba on lle. 10 in thm e mark T u y, Foie i on y ur iuuuug. ol1u. uqua na punch en d tci ul Ournbu W", odtin < 'h Cnaua cu etr. oe et ut 4p.m. marel uni nybe vnoiew~ ne V jh imnt0<eh enuunty Camioe nd y a. ~ u manil 9t. do iâe u uui. nîiu u ni huIlO ,lif U ' Vuatn LJ~ JB le n iteut Ca l " nIf McPhi ut 71A uT.p.lhrn ina. nak ca, glah I L~j uft îI II l ~ M Ion e 7.- fe f ortice uetckete or buy yourte et .nn;w camvl unEvou- frtte unier o e n . s.n = , csigl, mancih -n duW gooées evi ihomus nie! 55' the. hiau ut cati est Immn uiatwr tilii ESIMER CALDWEL otlM -utm coneadW day ...i onti theuy ut 12évt I1e&1d:o<h pFol aie ,rraFony2 0yu'aiuoem 1wdrEvonuw.c', tet 4' Im y lau. 12.mb.Ity Stie umbr grou hu.vo rida. iir, your anti uarm? et log con ýo« ~ op program a hit . pAli rjnoemtao dbU gh. havee votluntce.Iwr ar - 1