REPROGRAMMER oflah Leiomole SIonncn muçSfvO la deOvrIOIai îrcdou opPoftwurooesai aui nu eand11 meSfls aslle th" i MW@ 01 Pliafi OlvIaf To b"a ind mchmdule deSgcued Toral-uel Waoul or cwofflu laciloass To dewmlap. plan and c&- UINAL OUAUP1CAIONÇ - INectie commun.cUuoo &551ft VItIO and oral) KmPassge ofS cguzten M trends .ouc*oep qud or.",* - à uivmcdy Diu" o CauANuNmY oa moua ali. fine poemma n at. or @noms tale n * on,Uuae Ifuime tw "Ui O - MInIum of tta yaem' ezOm ln mueclga acet.e f peit-lme ce ""e.Ale l - Il 1i espectIn an ennui hal of llo u500 034S.S <tU" mdiyl 011 aselse boelita. us lad" %0 @glf loir te; m--- '0 isiemi teaa te muiog @il% no tuom offoilo Fdty. euènmay loth. Bonnie Word Program Suporvosoi Town of Muflon PO0 Box 1005 Miltonl. Onthrlb LgT 4B6 Par-Time Posiion Avuifll Com.nn'snît K4sessauga 'eguîaes Robaidaos Assiants 1 Ipo i ~ ndo'duam mo1 antSr s.> rWK.ap . na rasgldas seligon Wef.i c d"15 andiCi weekendO ai Ina ra ol 8769'11 ', RetleS e.paîmence 0 educal.asi an i et cati Gavfo 275-4705 SALES PERSON A malute F~ rmwi lemd loi Pari lima flelp n a LaSlaa Feanan Starse A1le9dw le IMae la 4PM Paragu 0 S.curity'Officers fu 'o di ne *0'> g,o,med A.i- nndpl the. ao ,.'e, 1neJn&î,*nt enAia 'vor [aid on Main *Parit .jca1.30 Sinvic PERSO' To trouble~ on tanrpoer muoduca mQusffiei Etwotro mechranca experteece pieferred Fbm on: 875-1464 TRUCK DRE toi sfois dsllvmy t TOIROWTO use Apooly: S&Vi ram el oise LMt JOURNEYMAN PLUMER rwh m @deu hoo 639/4336 ~ê. s . se oes . an.mcuelrmaum smmie lt IlePUI.Sa oe .,sw=0fC 30 Plkob CdC gai im,ý oi 5 WpMW 0,es ois. feeS .ng p5wmfl0 ambiwq0 ejsiW& Mud asli expor- Sf Wle Al pati Pyul Pnelcfsm.alo iesI ort plik .60n~~~~~~o ce"5U 01>5 U. OpnsC 'n up mg stat uil 00Wl ot oma.nda Son elespl 5011 e4 y@» 5CM O 0005 e symm Piretu lc »wWnm. ili th AMMOUs wl 00 l M~l d .mw tnteti au 51d55Dl W mm i va M - gui»00 onl.0 mnýy7s om Ifv, W D 0 of OlW4tif «1 en oapytuit - a o. m «état. wO wA 1>0501 ým mi-epus,»dvul MOOREff Psnscsss AuccdmoSOflle.SM agay um ON ML0ik2L3S1 .proat portatifr 450 lIc lQs.Wllr5an 1 T o~ -no enil énéfordie.' OWlsfSU 111 1 PunO. faaief co'.t a5 0olposo50 0s 97 Or" Sol. ,41"-286.1 CARPENTn7 OsPerlencd reQuirod Alait Pafr son1 esperblicied in glase à nonrof Insltallo à poison for %tcorCW~ IadaO toiing 87? 717 ??fc' lt ao1Wo L.AME FamS OPURATO Openîng available for perilon woth minimum 2 .'years oxperience on Flexo Tag and Label Pfinting Press Succesfuf applecant must bel "f lot worc a 4 dey week rot atong shofl Good wages aflong et complote fhm of befis poid for by thse company. Lofe Infnsance, Dental, Optucl pro- duction bonus. etc. For interview cafi. - hr. Ken Conrad 416-457-4130 Sel*@ Tushoellau A 10a0e.n nlnuaunng ainSgfbu, bon Mf TVRO quIPI'IW amquom a.. 0. partertcec lei.ce tecIrnctiolo TIlI poettin noi araci irnduu mort 2 tO 3 poufs mloi OK WMOlO in the sne V«c urs A diplorua in .fOlonhcss 'a- qsaired Pralarmce it be griment te, ihse Co mmaismlfaf aliftan. na a eo nlfige 3 1 0 Il- CONC HEM A faf aign "gami mm C@Mffl bu 2 et 3 spema eVm CoiCtren' offert UfI orbCome O QIlI, 100 SM0 Mo p4us oyflfle 1Ir le.010 averti 6 moails &a a cçphornsive ha eit packrage - b uccestfi appicants o O i e î0.'u. lu ou in -- l Pager i ~ry orgis Ssai motifs a&lua YOl ONE STOP PAIT RNO tiOiamtIf 19 elasi'valabl et the Popsi Facliyý Monil 14, WsS 11 4 rhuim 10. Fri 10-2,Set 34 Ta ailagi n elaWlb pilên: 8 73-un e u 0 PF UMMV S ENERAL CHNT .11 10 poots emopoll S ua ad lai asoi uiWY i ni * IL S E.. un".. O. LuTINS 3Cm dfsilPlhams CO ou, Manucung Plocema Expen.enc s5 nlotect.-le55 tis a 5051010 Ic én anlot to avances ' a mOust J Scout Pasirw"g 821-3761 I' Ap'aof', onoson at WANTED PERMO WITH CLAS8 Il OIL SURNER MECHANIC'S UICENSE Appit aa iwm Piu x va"s Avo. 1mmZ MMC SMYP843E W0. E 7tamanal aaeaeld swoooffi 0pl tpfe Ou, chant il a luitl 010 valeI Comm.. caI cramait orgaflztiol to okrg fol a maiSet slupport i aison Upical eOlIoffrent fotiy Plice aond à chalfnging carew ams rois sspOcsaWV -1 YOn have bais,,. e-pPI.onro Itîcafons coinpul.r dotl entry and convey fin dicisons lire juitfe la dhe su red .55 for th.$ Pb0 Picellont tlepInoo r feWqnrlad as poS wni b. MpMang «tir cuuomnes on a rsqular Oa$is ploeoffisI 17.5111-18US Busy lirqtlwaV -s and E- nMis Pa'h*ay soif *are romfptony @qou',es à RWceptorm-r Answer.n prions. %orne rypflq IBM PC PlOasoo pgimoilaly .11 go a uteoqmCy for pyr Reepffalf 1l'x-is-W Medvi sid co.rpa, «ateo , OMft,@ '- à Musi andS typ.rg 5ssI upn pralgod ?Nt palo11flr n fylollfS amu tan 4"% Maaufaluo.rq tom .elcng to M Ion quilfon à top nodb aiccountaont -r ficcourgéil course l'ifoi lhant or @ç;t a o à -da Vois iftusid De comirhlRfe *o 'ý puitois s cash lounsli %Wi c,Jl :e9! M0nlih end frnan ai oui voit L%*, f005,00ý Trr.S s a,-Cdin ao tuiti as 'Ocm i, do l'anCl.0 -. i dlora" 'is 'oad F0' qulippr inIofralon and c ' O teroo. piesi cal, Au CM§lil 700 Dorval Or.. Ste 312. Dalmille AcsououulCustoms dlont eAffIhlda FUT no PST A e ~'oilIe~ ér' ff le sueo Huamy Tuffls (CaMda lis. P.O aut lmI Alft: psif Slion" Exiousm S.siwy Tranrait cCnpmn lourem a @*ngu"l Esacullo Socrowyu PRPMQogf la eOtree- lot of Finance. duhest aM Ol55JS lyp.flg. fl ngQ dlpionls fortS uais a coiin CI- tIi, ff Lotus &Ml woSPmfeCfprwpOfl colllllufc~fO ti Oiemonhl MMsa Eu ceomorn otpint banlalise SifSretaumne Io 0 le-Ua PM OMM. lei lu Goky1vlle, On"d Loi 4Z5 The succesful aolcat mifi be * Energef.c 1 *Able go learn*qucdy *Able fo o<gafz@C *Resialte ofaenteod *Able to type aind f aktstboRhand Pc i n sw froew Cao: Cod 1Mwe 8,11-400 22-20- - -- - rooffe l . ofSt2r h m ea-0 Apprmieliy 3 U0f pue*0 omns à houroi foissalo cas 878-9375 Eat. u M ta Mwe ýimiii i-il" FIN"Ep No expw=n= dm tram