Docs andi Dents sweep Streetsville Mma AM pi LAu =-mpe SfrnsamiD And CM min GMM- afdsdhml 0" Oe.liehdMIii f Ma&='n =k midIei ao A m PumeniOmh.tmkms ,z rn. Om m i~wi.mah i~diu.hméy * a a,~-O..a. aow s aèmid1mo Ptmrr Pae ae = 00 %4hm lm mprm &-I mm i mt~ nti amsimdSamOmN 3eO. rimuiMloe Iimiao. ma=mlt'a me li tk 3-Tmb.rju M io ebd latta" uS ai hl'eil bu-i thtm -é cmibtUud mi i the.t u i~ m ,dom lm ntm ia m d e 4-1an - mi e- i U~L garce t, omm e MCaln Cath.rad 111101 firme Un h. Mwe-iy m. C oçrmoa.~à." h a I. d eua wd ti.bu@ i h Wap au a i l. mdméum the Mini.mi d i u h i tti ,e- firme, m the isai(h erme »mm .au Milto, lito Z~~w~wMl a 1141 h9d A lae -o bynng Bfoemoms nantit CoMi PlazaM.Cbu 7 mWe played ln fbto etan d 00i vri.mie A M ke w = do p fip e offrll iniilngwim mm esmlooai- th.y wmwl mt mowwi. ohm, socnmi oals 0< tii gPmie case un mioli a 4.1 mmi. Millanr buo à 4-O the litCmuo asagu..1 M.te bilansira "hill fial ia fond ofour lu amd br h oieué Pm" mit Iuati à, bvfoq%,xngrtd' Dléie -W «imd igetenidmm mer. tue Dis frm.plam à"mi 0@4 Mawme afirame- Snafy b'm~ d 'om. Nuew!mmg Gerpamv w Oca - hml g otte. codnai dh Uwdy ini Surlingomi m thpm. om m bye inm the pleyua Th"y nm ain zber 5 m e me J 3an Mîom .oBed rbigi anmm 5.4 w1t tra saa mia rammline in Ohe mt* mi kpohu boff Cbngiom >evelimmtm ~ MSeé d Amimm 1.-GerpetmmS but loi wu Douim 14 gzaiw mm tii. 1-0 Vi<iY MYa" P"de iihelarmmit.oa.u i.flai igtomtnooi ZZilai bath udom uni eth ho.. lo»î m.utoaur wipn ami boi Mite bu, mt sm mmm wn mo rom op Geomtoim tiaelm " ~ itafo tenon in gJt tii Wm mm en m p hym i n e M l0 a rin ,itiimbéet u ieb the B-ur pueM an iv" m onear. in Mmlpeo lie doud twi Iramse- Dmri *mdwIn Tnwb.y beebswgped spnt% tu a In order ta tek.e rom"ta d themr -w <ati ne e.k7i t wb*ebjmdtepmm lr nMlinlnl «u.fTw m 0if omar.WnsinI. q SP'orts Wedn»dey Fbnwy1. IM ê' - ý7 Safe at First Roioe eym sýd Was ou mu ls, nom minmw bnmft» -sema mo m i queu <nous OIN - mw l eu o uef Rimis w11% A.~ IIO B l =m mdpmm 14 iohmA ese mal ffuit rua Wm IsmffiOyme pis ohmmmmi~mimiss sel w st pêmumoqaU sfi un e mi Merchants lose to Mimic£ chance to avoid the.leagu Cc4mhar Fard aioh irments Pm - ia't pw. y M dule W. -t put tI.pak mn thie ne.*ho m& thrmhno th M.qmni fd e tâta Onitario Jummor N aea eim mmmimm ?rbdey Mille et Milam M..WeAmma 0». thine Ford dit mule omut an oh. Mienelfat mtrmaig Minme for mah plan mn o lue dt>iet',y mmméig tii. Bmw- hiooo in up ra ma oof fiowmd iti plpfmmuOung imstimer am iMuteh pIzv«nm. amtaely <mn hurm up Ohroqe emir %hm ismore mai enmd thmrm OU.Ia pmi Winm " »mm%. m 8mai Omis mi h. sae . m un IoC. m. i.led ohm bei 4-IL Ma"m dosaid sote oh. W iur n dei momi Md aidai - in ohim th"r le Mme. oArfial 2. lIme tien -oti ouned mmiwimet amgyim mira sh m mer th Pom pi u an dey m. &bilan bud tiume sone, p"ena a fteiMoteur ni~Md e au". masrmnwt in th. fiAl 9 ' suideaan. mlii. Minme nianimd tii. pemdet,-.-pesmltx inarep fo tabing anmu mine l'h. Met pei"b m Maltan promed w-. bu t"mr pomo play. Deepit b"l of t"er g"il CCniq ith du. mn-dvmtge. Mlil tain "Nim toe. qmaahty *h.o" or eapflo.f 'W, niamdo PUm. pue aumd Piau> mwon mime s m ed u tin thenr mi. but wupet emuln% put Ohm thamug minoh. mm.t . mii. flam bai coi n meread odbu emut Un- faomimmy.en0temm then pur dm-i rouli - piami. - Iy as peuey haint an 0-OUýoi t nob yw i nu3 Guzman surprised by Victoria 1h.a meiymgis red m v, how an oic 0<luebothanaàpound o( nt' Maim.J.nnifer G ni etrvay ham the onwvlld ta VI a. BC. un th#ektnd uý rom fur a 8" t h. ramadian junior mmnw"ul cvtc.oUi Ooir Tii. %op tht.. werM eddti hmh RI riedy lied th"vm Tu n ramiler Guganfii 2th Sm th. rae. but ùzoul no fa4t d< ber or,'. meîd h* coach enmd father Omir Gurmn W% mere told Ohm tourne @round the' t nvmity iVictoria ca puis W« ry fl nt u.4am en pell le Milton Ski Club back on h Jwinning track rwm Millon Hoigmie Ski Club Vat bâtrb onm the inmmlmm twack on Ohe. meénd ait th._ umsm.AlOhoug l h ueim dI*ii oo- +îît fur .. ms mmt frand TransorOt. mi nfl. So ff lii. USC ffl omin. undptfed mofer 1w rbM l". M tii. "rM MOd "M thi. tim ao, stayed t amy when th.y bret Mmii M Inou thi 1110 at 0@11r Bluff. Il 7.79, Sudnay On oh. bay " mdMr Hormir d< Nmarva lsd oh. my viti a firme overai finisht Mare Cogasl and Nal Letismn. ofai nl fiiso Okmismmme&M d emmi mi Myr. e basement .. f d.enuem wmiemy lid ly thre. plaer Ponys et Gle Eden. umimor 1m. tn-aideheM eeualy. Monique, Hmevng d< Normalid thei. mith Umian Henmi.efim mlyt it> a b.d fW die gil miti à fine omeui finish wid bieum 1Ut r.ellp u, eaplunmed Heié H4emmmm ai Ombmill. flmaummd wooii Ford 1%we ciii tan rugoilar de<smeen.m and Mienle Siati.lmd d< Miltain wa Mim Mark Zom» Mmd Peul j.filey Oiurd. On. mu, Ford ut" mpu. wu osetemun thi. For th. bonm Màb. Woui mm Rysmi Pame0 almormp wui w put Clinsa Rn".. o o.eamlm Oabvifle AnW"me -mi and «smili. ameper hîgu our. beekt on Ohm. point. empcmalby oîmely. mnd li Vms d< Nmwlngtm on asmth mhlii th. Merhuts mm enjmyng a mian- 11me bMSC Neuamtamn Leemi liamn admntage 1me prmblm.ntin mtim te mea drppea a 109-fi7 dsonatt w"* kv lbsi in thie front li.e i. weaemned et Imion Valley a"md~ OZn Ompe mia dnjed oh. tam Wmm the Mark Cmouper mlingtom finimét.d fuit fre t1il h e u Geai! Podlen a oweiql for the be tais mlii Kevin Marti%~ umidmtrme bu a u'». Aftiiogm h. dadn't d Cemph.lmille me. Olimi mand Mato Mm bun ltut o0 Immpa. h. cd appeai rwty Iait&utai Milton -m math. Megiaui Powell md) iua mtnce e tifile Ime o( Surbmogon lad dum girls mitii a fmmith *omm tu I mdenmoaind Gouf t i. ace - Srnm mhlii »Wo*tmai Days cf Oebville uimty mnd mauld lies trouble traveling vm mimmotli md Atiéme K.mnrgna d . ridi the m a holi mm%' bu mmPmmang u&» Mis m ùd % ie. M.emhmt.d Okmlhle nigim lie Nue oeem e =io thmubai am *Mhr misutP ten i. oiiy mimn th.y 004* et thmemi aii" mN a IIII, se tve I w maimigo Aft.r obus tlmy haut Somit G men of Ca illli *M ofrd, *ObmviUelEiem NI.IIIT«ay. à p~ m lnIdCkAaaOelmtlimdbmai.n nt blt = Aeiue& dn isurmns mth. t.