Suspected arson could be connected with tlîreats, homeowner contends AIUii~aid M a It, ,Mc Ih, . bé rM onterih. ceilled V' i diMffl àbw MaRot ai 4.3 u-day i*-4 toe l uru5i beudSoI IY à& reu " * I thM ther dhuati hive dw*Msl --- bmnvaitrmnw wew 3 =ahua ne i O t a mm lbe 11111-~5 et' NaaaiOffice vu as thttte. le lié wu a Te"a Là"e. fer t" me edt N 9e am No pautie, Lam Iliadi 0 ;ztz -, b otie titnt us d N vui Patyinh tet blême. mm Mp ci tht Iet a* '5te»Yd"M lit len- iI'a tan is lths hkI i j aU ilujà- 2i uwethaltm bée.attue ita.Ia hltema. cetMac 101111 Caifiernia -l hAve My' RiioP= 11!oM. oumi et the Iteeays i retaved an auao. basut, vin wu b. ina~a aimysm cal New ei Dautly bImo adi hne taierrov CaiiMu "dt the ffin ta = ai b i ai sib poem' hae Widiya a&M 1 dont vant 311 a. No ett wuasm tht Hilto '7W caee spid agYu tea înoo tapurthai place aol Tht féir, vu dicovered b>' ai if. à"oisshol Le PrePared i he -(d -ù for any .winter emegency o owba nyT" Ever> yu. nut raut Miaifai raàab la lleviate shppgunm tefr, M Z meMS go taise <tie *ea 8b>' 4"ndici azydu e"ai be salvUed. etwrle l~ au hacer A kit cenUud« me' scaper, SEr' dalale estimaatn aIe set w-ai- ~sb ela. ~ - hn. boulter cablea. finie. b>' nti ai 11 umm1 alviag itemm« tt blaMa aid ài Iht~l shli ie ho weoagtrme ai the avconr on- tUm.ule"latheWaOU& tilàsG.m Hivu ,~ crprÎy~ Wh=P=ai teth car hock Mr Fre, ia> bi laed soid tht bi ii .o u ui~ aMM'adfot ah lcnîtia Win tvoMonda>' Aul tht pia ad imprtat u. 'ht lev ait 1! a oue au i ie Allov hotu signit lite diii dam o. d eg it-il ol i aecminc' owaie mere MW te tals puaito vais Ma aol tu-I m rmuag oft im mhttod. the t mme salai rdh r.mi~M oimu.hga~ahal ho n ilail nio lihmite wu lonwod. lait fi mih e ne qd I h d vahp Iignva Fretu ail mm of bu cimeopt li Conservation authority changes could, cms t~ talula, a MM i~pojcadere î r NS KEtY ai' ot&aiu 5hmd t on p- aita h au o-ta chiafe Mii i ouaildd. aote dtlyo.ttmr qav cemarva~ comna= ruoaite tacn t ic"ari sa> tn M niit al mcplcmclHm hutr. ralv it, h ciwremt tvo Regau Coieritm. LaMras'I "Tt aI>'* B« acceptblbe. audioht uim v àoy ipremtely teqera man.' Murray S5aOn He el t "laicel" te mion and ouid= tu "aYs nIait puer Opposition a WWaIî= m comders tht iio is an MMillion to caMi mat opoiumi .Cy offl1 ushri'li im eatqrgia tSeit Mr Stehu nuiltam. tua monmi land laLnein V*as l tp pohwm a auie tia- nnce-ma n*at. m dm dit th pg6 ratta- Alan. Mi zàaanyi mimd. the pro: lve a lsa a çmmIùt mle id- ciii gou amusaiT t me., et fnce idveota uthusiniàaral ctu Mmàtatv.Jimaa trou, 55 per sucIt conce and on wldoqird Ubea mn hrgdin as ai relates toi cent to 5ôvpt'c5et b> di, province. thed, vill mauve briond the ruaim of HRCA.- Itach wll safi Oihtx bw4 rM Stegakit iaWd a mov* li op> andvid oilgemiu 01 payoRent ta the local pot ___Spb aécid t>' (Mii hdeaittlU Som comma- Siehu i we~i -bl 6uqdamekyli>'ton boards. vîth prs- 50 t Jnes arevc tt eevi- motsa mch as Glen Eden ame mui' redttoo in lamteElevN taon~ ~ ~ ~~~~M .aiid va@'ludb'lm il thosie, enloliinatt SIX 1*io id tmat muidno the cae mn risna'*m 8 Mircaaamncipatidits siaaIid lieaoi tiare .embèrs for ai] mats i gmmo lat mrsa ream- Mr d .i~o mmd - îpan u- mamnaipali"e betve a0... aid modationa ibu l M ?n' bacis* mnproeail huuhg for vitpr 140.M0 udet aid fow for larier W.ati UnlaS yt propte trou M per nid ta 50 per -nU« îQu enqaa'e pari - -a the Iirget propanaad- Mr Seiehn aaid b ie "ver slnd>w uhid feefi dteeply erd rmnttered by dwa authortand *1 diippoaaied.' mn the provincial lbe mandate ni cnservion have ta be Radiai apmor b>' report. %rhich wa inùatatd aller a iàtoihrta uinil tas dollar Wbt-lo cuit fion, tht conservation la Mito placcmaiti directoir Bab VOciril tu U r aa n Sritia, f 2dilhe liadt à tamwci ad? ai.d est u the blUti at board menrida Ziidnya' ba premltY9teta aalaaai .d uaine atrnn aille of l 1 AadMmlmaa Siurthon deaW« vata t converta aer lover grants ta con, capital projects Ce unftaded prvoaisur aiu laid. Mr Stephen servtion authuiiaa.' damtnihtd boetime of provincital retraad. Mr samd. tit epvea'unen *deflectid aaneqos athty &Wid e Sehtnd àd ai its 07 nia and "a-oued a controversy' Smale cmliiitr aM drewtd =. =,etn vdrd ès vastalt for Str Stephet utedhdcqnaua e pmublaty fe botho mach aM immlair ramsent aseon Ontario. ons the report vosata condunite daromagh InR . "LAMa taM vi've soi a t of -lm '1 Huse may have -been torced Aion si suspctad 0n au &tundo. Deat Pr "~I ai Pnm ed lime fire on M StMio ayh Un") tarted ta àmaîtrai tYyi t' it second floot ci the hume Fart £ ilonReaoi Police ofikr spreed icrow tht fleur. t. tht ua nouwla tht t',,dprtnid of the aid fauit bùWi ta the baisse at ii Mina mi Ai l bsai wu up ta 9:7 Pm. wh utu OOtitiiiO for . ru doitPie sa at the =lcso'I Barn 1 ,a, yeth boi FffdlWlrft (rom Central and No d i attons reu5ikd lie hua,.e ca g.tled%a damnall eiaunate hie been sem b1 tmaTtion meetings are being hold to explain N O Iand Grade 7Frnch Immrson pro- 41 Schoot Lamai GEORGETOWN- w*iiida' Jwvim l lO 7 30 p fisLTOt- waOv D' 1i4 Maon- S~.e PAT NILNU! WUI ual ictir am wa gw il MWmM id lue am, CM, »ais, Th. S uS1 fl tis a u a b et va Mage -m ul a trowia aiid M to1001 deS IMda m * Mm Mo aid aTgit &i