tublPDy OMM. FW tom. * - -," wu O rl ilGood sUarY for 1wnght P~0n 82&-2MN or 877-50111111 No espOfiSOca me aam &29or47?-ffll . - ____________________________ 'a' . (Cudeigbps mir Bbils ft dom ~u~mm et mi. -" Pol mmlPSUUt Au04 a0.541.pr . h moi,. ëaL MA Socurity Offfiôs. ilIl fa are relable.. %Otl gtoomsd Il caIW fiUlOod thon0 geolOf the5 0110.1 *Un.10<mas upp1'od *Pald'wali lea.n11g *Advar'etO11l basOU Con rt * Nid Vacati *FOI açl0i.nt11fl ral îsîsih61411i REQWR IMEIATELY FORl FUJLL SERVICE Ça8 MR' A cmomsics rospse mme seW mau wua is a non. sae.You are a dynami porsrwti W+ o wodulflgwith the public. '. i This 5s a fui bfie permet psiton, ýAod ta Fnday 6.30 arn. to 4:00 p.m. wilh no sh1« or o wuekunlds. You frèeille haus pknlu v lttie ever weel. lii meutam flUdrâa bu» ndOs8 a uitrn : Exece s piteqeN1W e oN mm Of50f Apply In P"rm - Norm.or ons NORTH ND 81 *îuamtn hm .1 I. Pmbcaulng CQ'k We are the 49le gtovwM lStýa7' SpIService Coure inCaad in xpetd6mi end or purdt5 bie po iion PO sai <ll0 <S f l t Mîu.mag, OlýL5T lA6. ¶t cius w lieW. - w M.Aa Box CONTRO0LS LTD. coTOmm, ONT.' "Cam $36837 hJYt pusi. te. MIIlke Foi1 SMSI . =2Z ' le ume on m aleloni 01» dom. 80 mouh % 05 «M1. OAC. doWt fui, t Sguafo *Ir yow MMud @M. If 11ohi f t. i.Poor 1hil MOu loi. »M . 310 usAu Full and par-i ime Positions avairabile January through April 89 for the tollowinlg positions No ilîperiertce necessary we wil Irain To app y. cali collect Joi th" Tom Fàîtlimre, Tx 1pafaof Posi-onS availabe Jýanu1j hrthApr, 89 upon SucceS lu, compiet'on o! special tulfon course (tuton tee $160) and satrslactorý ob intervee Course slanls Jafluary 1 lin To apply, cali ...uau .....272ill1 SAEad$T lemmn Mi..fil la Umm 00.. 0iI luiw m%-M 44p.. on floo. 1mmiem 244.cSk. la cJ ouls gmkm.n 'I ACTON - Spotleos. newly deconulsd 34odrom io.flhoul. ¶% bah$11. 11110110 fat: mont. lmff~Wes. No pots me àa mosth phone 077.6710, tf i ii 3- -.do. li1n <co ulfout, gu-. ChîldeDrive.n -81:eis.e pII.Àe, ltas". $î0qa0 ion , Menait, Wo. .1.0. 8*11I33Co 87"8 ACON 1.0. îl ut moi.i. olivaIe *Wck Pe" Avaéla.Jml m U = I0flA i pu »M.50 bungalow on W"g lt mun e le - shoCén Corne afith ePeliann 1100 PUMA moil 7ma11payutitîtos. Félbruéry lot = él 0 on O015 Parm roOumIr Na pets Katine Wallon (Royal CltY RsallY Lld.l 878-1156 WMlll 3.kd<OOl11ICk bungalow on War" countlry lot. firepîse. todoge à toue geilleo Rellerences dNý espu .inw AcTOôN -S-potiles new1in dicralSU own hou»a 3 spPia1Cs. 1 y? bailli parking lfv motef no11 peis Mo0 5-08 ICUTILcondo for lent 1 000 s0 fi 1 BED400M bas011 fpflrt-l *'til sPot ance.. Avouiable Jsnuary lm0 M-mules l lofl. 880 Çal ONnfyi Mun Royal City P4aJy Lilled. 8711SIS 3.SEDMOOm bungalow in1 Courir,. mninutes Io t0011 Avalabe Novefie 15, lUS Cali Sheryl Mir. Royal Culy Ae.lty, LImitel 3*ED1mooMT H 01111 famr.ly rom.s ix &P pliancas. ffgradS Carçlsl mvov8eu 0011. lion. si=20 pu< 1110111 8154=0 uNiFUïîNISI4EO 2.5.4<0cmn bungalow. 889m111 Dounloul Milton CCII 1-274-=3 or 8751000. ï.BEDR0iôbuSejjý tor font. beautul large rooria. tololly fonoatod In1 Arloni Défili 817175il. ersrioiu arnd .uesnde 111114W? ait for SOws ILTbN - "muise lon «111w0 armenhsî. 01000e Io d40.010., 5v5e110 Fsb 181. Afece urW Cai, 3"8444 effrngs flttll ci, $hèr 510. ait ule 11diOJ 0on a ècet fl c ountIry prop".t. prîvate Parkingl" ..t.ame. Ibe*8~I. saivn rom0. o ,cois, 4-De. bath, siMer kltct.1 Pots .eco S mm.1 acoml tg 401. UlS-nti Carlit, I. #-hpu.,. dette 878-41%. PUNSil o c. 11 li a 0.g atw SI.A. M@ts reWre roofit or mmrn à bond "Mssoe uiéi. AaS forSavn. §îf4S ~1IL *MAI, POA. W PiEU . NS4- , " ai7S Uor1475MU3. &%~IAl or uerU 14164 orM. s m l aô O0 14 I éviiceai pl.i. j I i bah~~~~ 0 00l m adfa sng1am1 m w n* onua ànsSYSIEN 34, .knbd of BÏM11111111111oa 111 .4 o U 05 S401 POMbM or. F.O. au. m webra... onwwt LMS m aI. a t NEm MIN CALM il OIL IUfNEf MECNANI'S ucuuu Apply O: a um,AU ccum mouý A NALOF NOUES edudes Inf 1 A 0109 For te Wuç i kiitaaao of Ne* Com bol0~rW M Dmo on V2 rànoy i*i'is in Ume 10 li te abow * it eeceuvelf unl 1 lmarn Iolni Jaar26. 199b p 700Dova Orve Sie220 Oa0v*O Ontario L61( MV Spectcalion udenee OC«umenls mlay bit oùtafl #D thofe Mâritenance Sedion of HallonHoeîi Authoit Teehn 18498385 PieI loww$ or any 111081 00< flCce-,rti accetiled An agency ol Mie Pîcjvnrce of Or avf: