* z ~ait i l E&i6 Ceuger séko:,060 As la. * ~flec r obt0ioVeld.. ma Ut ei 1974 Ford E306 poi Molarhom. E Fridge0. aibve. fumr, gaod cordil q. 15.00 miui story rebult t enginl .82.00 oteo jilian muy etim . 1ecl878.40M3 B:A oàta wmroloir winterizing. cmti * ~~~ fie olowet. qogilsile. Pêtittefi C bf.ecelie.lt iqoaian. OeitSet. à suit. 10 W 7.7m or 4M22. _ SLOSINE business, for aamWe mrt pipai ding and uiti be hmvlng brencfe Comm-la- , c Caneda are Ioais for ,qiit. enilasad hitetme, entrepreneurs ta watt or 1.18881 lit Our corn . achie onr, bri osasses. tii inOuesgoni.oing-odiaa Irý Mye hat* tIpmcli Finit Choa"c Lfttiogîne. 4*-78-4 PbM (416>413437I. TEN DERS FIAI WOOD i~ifin purcilam - 10 tacé ad Lemêss et hfan Ceouc"w Centre aide ta il receva W Sepemnhe 28. l98 Enntiopen Clori tu cltalV niauhe Te~e FiMc - ed adO.mmed t1 Mà«p"imirsti Coller hom enu". 0 O 0, 8 1 erli n Sirm. Mllait, onita Lgy 2y3 Attentionr Oft AS aide rmet ï4ple miner« of058 bldt nMs aBem M.d 0 hiu ite 0t - ?eyunt ylait r orlhledchaqoue ll..ie COd noil n@ceaarliy accepled WINTIN WUNTMU TEMMf 50WPLCWMI tCuIPNT M *A sSw VoYAL - X WA SPAMIOIO LOTS P1111-81t'- 8*54111 TAýCl MWlAL P-M Seaia t«ie Coligny um I otaenit tuil (M recuvua ici th Coorlx. Této or~tlai. Town m-ai. Vicraone Parit Square 43 Irouer Su"ee. MîiNSui#i2 00 p m Lacallhmleai .TIEOOAY m I 2l", 118Wl La 0l or jal, iCa soletsfeerY à». Muu^ P É ci O:N. dry sisqp mm à"". a uwa 'N', ai bau a %deml*m nous A*11ioniieiumdistel1 Cmi Je, 87$-4m. OPUIMbSl#AL couple sed I er 0*0 ewmtums- Noa éiS. ne PiM. 011i75 1704m1 aeitinci leaU u . r .. . ti las. oirme of *0. PfhM M2.0 P MILce i;ueZiwq. ooIl1, lmililt Pr.oa nl@Yk l aitd Ira..-t #ca iBm.o e-er pito l inois ai mdýo Loal 11 ooeç= ov w o i M'm l<wgil. C Pe P -L *rsia. Mainager ai Pwc-I.eln omnesnr n Raua rr«.i:.mr s-2-&r md aeeei M u batti poedqr riomn, rentrami air, vmcuumn. ditSqiter. &tové. rdg.gares Avaliole Par -lit. ,$I,S00lmaith 87-276. C l enylime atler S 3OE£DRcom hungwél, 1<16. Stev mm bul-ndshuiett. foihdhsmnt. - ~ 61250 plus utoltiles. 'TOWHOU fritt. 8l,9=mDMhonitn- coudes 2 appiiencea Aiable unurpîtl Cauizty nleRrMa MlllOiYne fteait Cort.88-35 ACT test. Speceous 4-bedraoýn tanhoui. ilde. pits OK. $7l0 &94M92 lmmictOrs .BEOAOOM lOWnhQui tor feoit, 5 ui- phancras. 61000 par mointht First & test plu$ uttiotiee.'itelerencem requirmd Ansiiebie Zon lt.87388Ee NOpaISý NEW ceuntry ome- evaîlabili Oct. lIi. Air condil.oiý. 3 bedrooms. i ln bafll. $1.200 ewmoiti Appty flou 1819. cle Cantadian upion, 191 Main St E. Milton, LOT 4N9, 3-BEDROOM-T Kl witti central mu, Iumpiece. -8arge. nto pets Need reterences. Avaiiebie O Ctý lat Latier are £985 aer montS, plvs 878-3448 OLO. Georgetownu Victorien 3-eruvun acre- eodeq iot.R singientamîiy homne.5 minute ealoi ta GO RSparusibte tentants WitS, retareruces $1.200 a maonth net Tohy Moore, 416-672-580- businest houi iCOUSE for font 3 tieà;rô-r bunmge&Ic mcmli garage arid specious -gmrdeil 3 flitcheu ap- piiences. fiished baaemrit SI.250 Plus utîities Aya&tabie 'Sept 15ÉÀ88 Cmii ditiouec. 3 bedrOaMr. IhI batns. 51,200 Par mnoitit Appiy.Ceanedîln Chaempion. Blot 248, 191 Main Si ýE. Moti, LOT 4N9' TOWvN4ôOtSE - Otion toi Purctamm aîiii- able. 3-t4rlo cia gr, Oieu. SrV050 moti Cali Gord Corýnit827-5928 BUNGALOWý. l.5 ah tý living specd. 2-car arage, l acre of iend.î counitry living. $950 plus tiléile Reterencet emsentiai %B4-2761 FO)R hitsw laoretori at rentai accomno- dqllonl UN1 )lMOMOIacatOr. 84f0926 Phone orde Accepte4 SfiONYE Meadow&. 3 bedroemn fieas. gouge. Mo5 par mdnih 875-0496. 3-SEROOtlownause 5 ppchaitcee, avait- able Octeheér et. SUiSluli utiîlle 875-M579 or 075.320 SPAýCE onn Énu an40 q &1&o 2 ae Su.dlitg. "tit reont IOpartelY Ptse rait fln" 82142.U2 58 rWO TCOeOlXJE fSr reMI Cha 6; Or MUa.e cuo naAlloitu i'- «" 6975 .ýf m Ci mt -cmi A* 630 Poi. 5-5411 -4-SE9111OO1i idwffed OO ha ill f sogeal endiioiitg aOR olltille, I drepes oï,500 rw itntit. -AVIsulb Nov9mbe lot. Phoe or 11011 ce88 *1 -- - PERSON nseded t a ire 2-bedrmon &pari. ment. 864-arn de"r. 875-4961 ernigs AiM for Ofana SALDO ccomodaion uariled - respou ail o-uhrt ieh«@ 2-bedracin api A!ve :lible omngdesy. çeil goit 90CM in Osent ionheue. 835M. Ut«"eé Peahmren Mo*t a foUge c omome kilofl a lau.dy facioéllea. »W1~ nY deoOnde 1 weBoot. k men Lfreiit OcisOe. Oct. lait M par mlZ.mi OU 0M40-7743 or e45437 A[MillaIo Rei E momie t411TON.«- Newr Go Trin, - espam *édeiMW i;-r mBus.w eusd. &hors WPmt -u puto fait# Wo lis. Cmli miter wii mue My< iB rm. hum #* nnîo AM"n ro m otfllhl i imçuty BSUfl d iig.k.gq o84ct ~ or0~SW pi7 yeil NichU4Siums on S5200. Useai0 Mtçhem. f8-353g bmtumnà aarn a uf C 1 ' . i~ - *Ci IlOOM torrento lTi country haotle lit cen. trél Muitn uqnoilem nomse Plm Cai NMh MWd hoad Ipi MeM, MeY larg hed ai-. flleg loctin cam, - iuinlmie, iricoge, "m1, 4-. bahtrefi. Suit huiem i. Colt- FUNImwlE mcopti, stOmtih. includes hmn & hydr. SuJ1able for uor.lng foWson. Pihons 74 28 &u.n-u an3p.tt 878-3M0. 11MMEDIATELY! 111anos waenteli for "IpOYe Of Fith Wei -. MA80AU #Moest i*~ for mm. 120 gu fi. 0- , mVoilée onoue 875-1200 or INDUSIPJAL cendo..brabd nieur. 2.0100 eaý i.. reeeobla. Unmiaete Occupmitcy. Cali Joe, iwNDUSTRiAL- r miÏsoe »Appriateiy 1.601) a. Il. Oeil Làr", 875-0684or<878-9448:1. FOR ENT -CngoliiBeum lro,1c'o0mQ fi of- *m et*p. 4000,8q.141 aIoonati sauce.Piit 854-2193 SJIALL brivSti Offlices, be*ultitýlly appointemd euth secreterial services. Hwly. 25 and 401 875-1200 or 1.275.83 ON IN8WAY "RAC 71. None l»ucivile 2. TM S ait lo muomty fotufis livig es imd" on a "a pos. il.ed lot it agi-ure "M. and eelug gadn M- -oi NMWe. r4kdWtg m à lx-i*Clumitw, ceuSa W> 2 firepoloote. air Ts ouerWI ueO Nue earlxs era-ceaiJ "m larme pskmm " cais et ée . verb m hteled a 3 lemel Cirteculto etOMme Fa rm i - PMAT I I TWUO . > mmaeamsom. & pauimm Med . .g i Fr mmr foioïomen @ .1 - FAX MACHINE ' I lp P« moîius ANY4uIN 5 CANADA, U.8A or EUROP loi maRistEf 234i IFAX NIJM 878-4943 PUVATE &WE 341 ULSMONU biriae mo-ciées garage 60 n mmyOther elru as pilla MMdoelo n Phou 878,33 1a vlew this mIlu haine. I O 3EflOO lAi SmU Vary Plea met. là oeen oaln sedoui. eiln à pend. coeuilui Oe huga doule drlweusà p M g glatî. heroiuOO 1100. umil te GO Tr~ail dloue oun chope, setls Mhurettes à Meeilooa f IfOM». tom docorWtin à eentaim reare- soml me 0"a a dames 47&1134 Opeat N otim e . $e«M. 291h, mno 2a oîp m PAIVATE SALE 3 bedroonu. 1 Vu baltouna, loolmied bamaisent. durk.it em buit-sn dthwmhe mnry moires 15 ACRES -Molaet Gentiy roiiing. Pntitt loatilon. 511.5,000. For mits întarinalon plase ril 875.1228. §blé. 200« sb11..tlo.. -1114. 18,-, 11514: W. 25-.. .. 210... lUe.. JMEOUE or ENLAAGE ft idimo (bopioc.. sbloooct Cbmooo Sep t? à 84 Ton DOO fOlSE Cid 876-4mlb a pusqlsr