0 4. t- *- ~, e-à- a. 7t* s 4 * p ... 4 * -~ e- N ~* *, I. s.. 0' * AABSS7p8787a-48771 S46 MAIN STREET (scros trou, 00 am.?" *~ ~ P GUBIE1SmAf éToro's new Guaranteed to Stert Nlo"rs %will gek .you off tôà rùnning start'on, the first, or*second pull for4 two years ot .Tcro ý%ill fix it. 'free. Guranteed. * Choose frorr Éwo engin e * models. *Toro Overhead Valve, 4 hp, 4-cy cle- rear baggers available in hand- 0ish, self- I OR SECOND PULL. piropelled or Key Lectric "-start. * Toro 2-cycle available in either hatid- push or -self- propelled wvith rear bagger or side discharge: *BuiT bro tough riKht it> *.Extra large muffler for quieter ruilning. *"Hikh sal" blade creates a *' vacuum for excellènt. Scutting., witho.at a 1~t. hug~* MILIUIN ý MALL LI ___ I a. -4 4. 4 . . vw ~ v i-tu ~w A W w Wl '~ v ~umtm vu-~ au N