V" mo iuiiii~~~,uii~1L<f s Pour . %PoMOrY, Ch~dm. Huan paton. foraW mds udin 1em croog'0%o. as ab.st* iUMMr 1«t U" lu . Rtod ot i o huis à q-pil umi --i-ecido 1W Ow du «pa us .ThtiA wdta a Wd10oinuAoB tisgau2UflM Toufo~adma ie oettum mg p2W s r IasnDr«uk~ =1ot iRoi 0 IMajôr Services Provideid and their Cost' STISTCAL INFORMkIION REGAA9ýING 61G10,A SERVICES NET OUT 0F EOIONAL SUVICES POUCE PACI: * lm 1 MEW" UYO?30 lui7 l'osI TO AVERAAC REONAL TAXPAYM * unilomUd OficorI. cadetssIbo vhnt Calta oi evice rOspor4d Iot Ne No mulVifae o 0" sd matai me 1.Ce Com mt ivootgsogo elî1iemsnugeCyaft reco.va n Nm 0 te o- ofaa a oOSa Culdente» Trat t sgnaen opraf on NEALTI4CA: Publec ttediti Irtp@iIois carrîso u C-1znsoe .vONg Nom. cote Clieont rOlmgmmunza*onsi Attedançe al prorata' lasse sîudenI f5arn ,tessadr1,niewed 5515 ee «Sadmîn stoiad sfurs Amn b> nur»s rait y fsa tel o 13 Il 'o *32 4"5 444 Polluibn Cooiel pIaileao pomaton l'ail 00.30 Klorotreof wmmon 481 2.20w SeMg troalmd oi purt*d leso à.S14 (tlemutio cibc lmurs .320 13. Cuatar narao 500syltm 8o»aP punwiemalan in offlatoa 342 342 *WATA SYT». 12 1 12l T4UIYISmIp nonoparlimo M2 ou0 l<îtonor. ofuo Mins 1.411 9f04 Cualanup i tmauevief Wutar uctio1 ohuqft0 -ubcmm WM bm «atms. *1 re& Orvitsa 2W 249 Pire hydailt 28 23 * SUS WAMTE dOOL: W3e d.apoaod(MetNConnas 50 13,M9 ~33 14.M00 OTHM. t'us 1,807 8964 &5w3 Atlaitanco et Nafon Rogon Multuin 8.24M 1304 Bu.41ng permîts oued .301 133'P nelatum M , 18472 Comerclia îndtiral '"02 35022 01.3004- 53,034 VM4I0 . 31m 3 4m 3 1.107 .04.436 45.754 53 0.701 210.770 206.746 10,484 . 0.541 .03 4.070 741 0 ou Beu o n- a pporty hlOw ai $t 6,500 Fina.ncial Summary .CONSOtIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS WMERE tIE M6NY CAME FROM: Propo.1y lame leowerbulng $014d mage tee. Ha~onContortoi ;Mamri îmnt tees Comfflunts tiOn devetopOri lnroetm r nn Immg.amrm tsaid ~fuir e WIIIEE THE MONY WA8 SPENT: Fm Mm- OMMT04 hXpfflm G~oneafoflmo ProtctoiIo aperlOa «bdppioIy Roàdadms Envmwanmuotl srvmme Wowtymml1 _q 9sygaff S mulme *uvca Hm" MM"nçs Social am tf51151à"svce p«ascelon Sand Cultural srvces PlR"% n anO oilpmmul MOt A ITAL Pmmn TS 2WATEOI 5Pratctuon IoaçparindaPoely Enotu, maleici USer0 j kwo loi v mita m Agnirtaen Motofmitai sPm (DOlNarsin TfteuiuOs) 1007 110 $34083 020000 36.1«0 29.283 16.833 14.165 17.5116 15.717 7.2W 5.302 2.701 2,4U0 10.3104 1.2 4.730 .66 100,040 128.167 TO PfO vIO: 24.4m. 1,11.74 1008 $:»41 200 Ml 4,132 14.100 O.SS7~~ 4.2W 3.103 lu .43. 00.2W loi- 4,253 pffl 2.537 14.176 14.661 5702 4,921 17.M0 1.435 1.071 076 5.701 7.- 5.024 1.131 2.340 54 140 30.095 I 10.2W *CouncilsfiO gart amnmratuon *pOlc raatand oraillata Naton. Cred Va5Oy & Grand Rmvr Couspoï n Auttuonbe *Wou rtraifmw ntda strlbufi * luag caledan ilOtremoult *Nm ï . omo. M owy da anvrononi holMW commueiy numin, *Opaigof tatho à wmn Centuul t moa, ascIi aui2Wp. uulos ta clina nd "uit t *MWsIlà wwooo5110la. 00pestot wNitn 0um"omy ID bt tuttan doweifftsllum;w $mm It o émniul uta buein svlpot. ns 0aglUlII S*Staeuduratne ns aeiAdsurt i Us auaom ue sogoson hfer M * ~CotUnuili U effluas h mAgio * ~i1muU Uly u tu OMgM" ipais ?n 4.747 14» (1.0 Mit. 47.4%0 MAU43 YEAR-END FINANCIAL POSITION* ASSMT Cuads O tel.en ff4allntS Capital mltsy $tabu nroaorsm htursomer N.t fuaies RATUAN'S Roui" Net unespanded crA~linann 1007 lm 0771 $57.118 10,100 13.M0 .1,381 1,300 87,714 00.334 s8101.2 LI 3-2,-.M 515.2W 67.714 *77J64 74.071 817.017 a 00.334 77,351 14.mW OTHER INFORMATrIOe cye HO mhes Molimb 310 ltsasi a tallsreono Ua W CW.BtaMhmaet nc0i- Ua105mUamga aet e c mntanneaiblminRa0lmnelPll.Fe 0 Us itit0lsrd byNitt ~ in eUmmiE)~.5 uit * opum, ues 3,418 m*M - P«MW JOSEPNL MNALDO, COnmmo of FM---enta PW A Ilnm Trosou 1151 aro0t Aid OàkvMe. OntUla LBJ 051 s 0 m-t Am -hPm 'iq,àm to mtu itanit> - UNion k~ 30W Pr0%~~ Na t-- ~do aid ~ aidConorv lie rwd ut UTIUTVR4TÊS \(ISm 28 .5 1987... Financial Repo lairman 's Mess'age. tuil 0 pi.u t odk in pmis u Mrew MMta sus ta f moi È lm mi c quon %mb 117 a w" ptdstàeiist, PIW i~Fare is it sAi OOir UMMg$24 MdiOenltafatnpropoflybus TW %*à surw à i MAMd t Mlta m C inpas pn raudol talavU hoeIi. H m g oto ae id'o oogOeuiou oatqiho un a Mn UT dm cuum nmruwyqmr. m -AM wWm consueugion Of 250 cubic m«re&N«r. ' m - Min if - 1 -à 1 1 4 2