r MUNN'S UNREDORC MMIi UNI AN)H1fl 5 4TrURDAY Teli Rotrrtor.lt 820 1735 li If oir havo foInS tCI1lrrte ia, dange to 1., ime Taif P., fpts MPUBLIC SERVICE Want to twTi saut dcodîn.,b 10 \someihinq more onu rete "lheCafladrdfl Mental Heaith As5octatiopi Oakwsllî Brancti requires a volLinteer lavout artîsl To desqgn ifs newsletter and flyprs If you Te artisticaIly inclined cali ta, find ou!l more abolIt tiTis interesting voluniteer position 845 5044 An entrusiastic, flexible volutiteet is fequtred ta coo.dinate thie bongo f undraésîng activity of thie Canadian .4xMçntal Health Associatro! Tris coordi nielor wîll oversee the !ctîvitv and *iil flot neýcessarlv attend trie bingos *Cali ÇMHA 'Oakville a 845 5044 for details Do you have excellent wrîtiflg bils' Do vou enjov tTutting together news letteps and neNsoaper. subm.nssions' The Canadian Mental Heaftri Associa, tion iCMHAI Oakvelle Brancri requires a valunteer ta wvork in lts Public Education programn Caîl CMHA at 845 5044 f ot Information on this challenging position, A- t I 1 San brîg you buyer oromaes acrqss the eeuntry.. I, po'it4iiT N Il .a), f ji iui. MAL [SIAtI tl c_ il Canadas Izgsralestate nemqgrk.. '-s. The week of Auril 17th 23rd has been prociairnqd VoluneiwWeek in OaItviN. A w.ek set aside ta acknowledge and THANK our city's thousinds of volunteers. Vqlunteers, generally worktn througi an agency or organizaton, give f reelyof their ttme and make a sîgnif icant contributiclori f ilng many of the social and culturel need, irnour colnmunity. Their rewafd' s the personal satisfaction obtained from knowing that tlhey havi»lped bthçrs. Durîng Volunteer Week, Oakville's VITAL \VALU.ED V IVA:CIOUS VOLUNTEERS wîII be recognizçd weafing simallQttons wuth RED "V's" in the centre. Take a moment ta express vorgaiùldsay'THANCS VOLUI'JTEER'. There.@renoaage restrictions in volunteer work and many ogpartuni- ties are avoulable. The only Irqualif ication is having cortcern for others. To f ind 4n assignmeflt which you will enjoy. plerase cal or visit the Oakville Volunteer Bureau, Our off ice lis Ia- cated at 260 Church Streçt, Suite 6. Wie va open Tsýes days. Wedinesdfays and-Thursdavs. The teiephine nurnber is 849?8163 -cab aflytime.