lase J. DýPU NMU Mis' M8241 alWo L ogsatthup iUd tbud am..a Toutbe a raitrt shod wou brIei a olstb ig T "I rmet cfh au~Utponte " Md* -,pfott4 Ior tht .praje hh lad strna 2 th omrrgsery office tntx t!> town hall. Tht ale u 30Oao loefied méeting room' Vi capcit of70 1major outlay of taxpaye. m wyalft a= =twh mdtus of pio&and it w l mai Our i pIt of the provIncesâ caatthutan.' flmee will hano ducba thia issue came election time. But unifortunately it's fr ton lato taw lPer th pajet. No*,no,'etowers. Tht door ha:l lîkely been cloaed on radiaiaower% es built an-t.he Nisgara Escrpment. An Ontario Munipai Board decisian reverstd ai earlier decilion by the Niagar. Escarpmhenl Commission which woltild baXe allawed a iôwcr near Rattlesnake Paint. 1- Town callucil veas unanimous in tower and * neighbouring residents camejit ln foc tho their dplk * The-escarpmetit must ho preservod as a, piece of o:~ * fatural henatage. tovlers -have no place »f that piece çf land.v Nassagawey uniited sii~r .ha Ma9 - rYf ageof the Past Witon . n iiica Fouoe toto an unwanted union in 11173 when the provincial One Year >..go onerMna lmr ggenment creat.d regionai foverniment, m any # £eoW u daNassagaweya residents have never felt part of ?ailton. Even Irom the Ap.111. 1lUt a. MCf#at if though Nossagaweya really, desn't extat anymore. "enie *TivsaWnat con.. tb. Tova's pIasasd M .etjji ate sîmîl maintained thear rontsff N4assagaweyp and. Camp>- Hunsa OTHlwsjriele utr rm à schoot brarai ast ýUviJg bovethâ of dto.. Vce g. Twn "u»tatocHoy male, the finai beDvt~ abve ial o!Maitn. M In o ill me Ma Iup<~C mi lafver las Hfotever. anSWd a cSnilnMDR d 1» lace ~~~~~~ of a ar.a large numberof residents attenided vii tit b MO00 mu baise.. couocathm V a innmy vays, it ta their centre,. just as n1ýuI ai the oid eli 111111011 - «11011 utima Broo&ville Hall as their centre. 1, iSqe-tOal,. atr n.» caclors Who. *1 'e ilauv if perIsas the-Tovi& vas ta .an more thaa lSii Reuidents participated in tMe planning #<f at. Tbey pa-vsfe.sble 110ard O20Tom ticipated in tbe raising of moneyfor it. And they worked with M a et W à<PI Vau PR the Tawvn ai biiiton in a stroag ca-operative venlture 4a be a lillwnsad .b IIuah amour. LhW ton Walt vaNaui Bsn maodei ei-gerzmilent rooyeaton foi% a&l groupa. bacane dt hoal of thil baned office of.sths GU 'WMu pa Wecoteaot n L agmchi bybead, Voiva-Glbi hi avili baqua lis Canadla spa- thii 4a -ai cete e w n uy. ~anly .1laglt iimc f tisn rtaaso- l-i lrhi theur laisl haetés IKr*oee given ta repaaring thiod hall.w acM man thf Pa".(ossi Rn rih.oal reidents wanted. compa* couiéeed monv dms a itu. in.hinal w i However, wheu it didq't prove fuasible. they iallied arUn isr inh. llion11. bMs~of luuu theS...cre pareli e bi"n a ntew banl keeping mucif f tht spirit, character and a00a otoMs o para 1h. Ki*itaIuasri td e artifacts aif the oid hall as passble Lw.Y -tmi - f nT e aflty is a gseatÎWin sfyinhe edsa ofr Ago9 u O tii the are& An uulrg.d kitchen with much tttter accuss was lYsl t4W Apeil J. IM la.. sa ai baai s. designed by tht Most Ire'tient imersf ai t.a* 1fve bour bau-cutrg asa Tiasala as appronil voel Tht inclusion of<severea small racints in addition to amain ms4cmn dc*u5~bt.vwvakamofl.mils iaad theoujh hall enabita a vaiety of groups ta use it at the samne tun Jil> Thet revie oaf praor u n dmbuab ara sscg a no Town ha. al anteed that long-time usr of th ulding th ""'rasvans esamas sasi bD5 m tht an 10101 for LaIp bld li Veil] ha chare=h sjernt, if any at aIL , mwth dm. ireas" frhue e = =a [Va a slendfid bufbtdt with stogc-ieainshow-, asaoi t2i1 s4. rZdC-i a1 vamt aW~re ing titat it s. nevr o late ta get involv-Ieru. « ouladsvrakni«oca ra&SUta ie h addsd ta sg MW.ýn * - @ M M 's, es- IC.t a- @ asé à M o - 'a maV r ..'.,. V5. ..a m.p.w, &Iw m t (MMMMt eo..enu tand thenho i 6fh a1. laith mleetnsM >tctO e tiW pubic whpot boarcd là unamble tîb unchaajedLrorn liait yearý andl îiubgh Valable tocut lts projeciel u.en mrlli ln mil ra* vould b bbeweeunine and lu t yasr %,ate -s Aga, * ah. Marck 31. lm isu 1 hockey (ans N Milton it théflhlt# apiaiby 2goals ta il WU te Georgetown Toai counaii ai Udmcided to m san aiavuatms an thte tialai t0 report Illch piashuu to lill elare The couacil prmasied charges Wall eiUtepua office s&dsentrai stor mbd-&ybgbt en Satuhy. a ad a bien of butta=vr tacts a on by Aý M Gaibn= itm dmt.- bulimv the roiiirwui, thw the poeay b the 1 ~i id, 7h. cul ina pa. of gia=i Mn ban taoni the store, the Uy did th worh abat pustrnsi . cm unW h. came dowmt.* ta office tan the mornang. mabdtUvît 6 srpi. a 84.=O. 1h. cf ~ ~ ~ ~ - Epita c v s ablet lit , 'D3NTMM. ~~.IYa MAN 2 4C Matc rads su aaIag ieUd afilsa a10 exisa ntIb ie q ofa M. Leai MMe polics iiguad s va nom murn OI u buettin =a yMoO aiC naiig ta luaieats Conaeaait the. ietasiring vais, lasieh val., 00h6 a e li as m ra aa ls@ 10ai0 N& * ~ibi COti 111a0 à dwnga t altase eha vait Toc