h1aydar lifts Medies to. tournament win Ttw D&ad3ents minate atoas captured a ajWpper ofi a t-lourd the gap ailla jnt a minute rernong and Ha) "a, /'Tls "oonnn -opmlng garnt. aW NIho glfang api is ourramenl tn *snmant4 last meekened mar-lir xtuoad as the Ramen intser .4ahre nd sc-7rr ast il roui Gante NMVP lla>dar t- The- hungr> Miîlton squai uent undefea eal Olaear tiames lo Wilsn made nurneroan saies for Mlilton ani] coul fo w "testoceaoi h- i trlhgou Laa niai tRh n~ ~ i apr c .shampainship cro,0an a- W h Neutmarkel faIle Orete .uh ol oiinQ n h n ot-htn >'etn tre- of KuBrger Kingt Tiurnament Smnith pa-osîded hito afin pntotpiratiio as 1W ht-Ia scra ltci-andadded a pair tof lo.ir 1htl n 'It-di, aqua-akealpasI ahaths i2n lie finalIL me.. ihî hackbaawd a 'a-a shutout aittaiy agaisit Pit managel lio turn uni the rd liga oni leu, o-asiso, lo spaAJf aar %ias udt-a-led as, loaiwmflett Thessitavengeda1rsserlitými'ssffereýdbs' ",i nit the lark MPail ad unirofhi., wvlgante,-patrolîng the M.51 1h-s.,hsaaai.-aarl1aa Inaidd finial gamai if a dîlrent tosarnament tiîs wseaon atalirtt fine. a, fiewPiktd upikmree il,vistà Fl, dîefreit arirr lio. tlha-tif eif-an 'A gIsian andl R.%an Smiîthi ocre -aceted Ballon Mledia- er-e rager lu, set the record straighî mitt i îantî O, daiasvottioi Sdarniohoîaoi w as the- ulaoiaig gsillcndr as the, rîîmlsîned lor a t 2:5 lto andl requireal late insptratioîn lt-ui ttwîr viahintt his twskgane ofi lite imarnes thc.ugtiti s ecoumiier usol aam ol ' laas agita srge star( iog a ln the hslmnhlp gania. Ha, daér sçned iht, tai p Hlaydar laid the %a% oflcttatnel %ith lurt gol andl ast Media-a are nOukig tiîrsard h, ciinhînuing lwir n- erit Sinfia Ssiitt Tmie-, pass Whiibs tRed the scoare priit lai lie assais "ader scored.t1w other Miltongoual. white "och Iod celle against,tnp eam, thi, -aend in BUtti., T Sen fal1 th irst ahile Wssh ýudes skatedl thrîiugt a saloritea Toe)' chappeal in %sth a pair of asssi earh lt-t-ls pcosiiird *managemtsnt s ati asatttaa efot icçhu ascond Tresîîr Kuhln anal Darm;s tauser mail' individueal plenly of pristant rhecking. entdlless okatîng aod jasatutiahîs, the Medt-s %;,th thel'r laurnanneni tille i n r ~ dîiîtoi polie checks 1. calicet iso Whiilh ttreakavass %.o iasn ameal the ganse*s Ml' Ar F abai Prollo Rase the MIe<tis a unte goal leadin 11we third In carlier action. Medics beal Firantford 7 2 flia ' ar tireal Amzi Hockoy Alra Conti lott. for winnin -trame - tour goals while Penio, Loade- andl Maltais ssoreal ma lhalaiiorecantitsaidabAuit thusesompli .uliing Hi E a The -r, parilasio ivs eila ah tA cn aend st l- apiee %latuis adutr lait aîv,l iýs hi-,strîng perfoirmance-t m' , e1 a have >el li aus .,ingt. gim: th,: -oan u tports a.op- Nise 5icoIl )red 'a, t-arn piat-d a t- Sounerswin .with spirit %fifliifl uliis ni '-sutiil nirr ilîsC ru-p, saaughl a lIille nit if 'ia- i l pirilîî on tha' -ckcst .s hile- uiîipl otg Mia i issuiarioa l'jui-' mu v [air Short-, "r Su uni, s ai-d ilisa a soa thi the Isllisa ig das o lisrloiîtiun. ahit- tliuiul hala-t ai e"quais In oihs-r a, so. Milton uItfraie-a ite ho',tîng atakille qwad 41 andi th" tâteat lA hiihs las a 6-4 margîo hn i he tipeniOgnalsst-s agai lilichiogan. htr am.% es-e ralir- tentat!îs s- hiwstant ot linîg ehali ou et-p-- Iront a-uc Il her Il .sau .,unil ie in t1w lirai perioit tao- i liai Broaussardl put tht- isi-n'rie th1e lt-ail sith a Iigl anst 1hu lt-r l.eg se up ns taar tl hain I lai-. long fot Si Cl'air lu osa-s thiogsý uap a' they scortd aithl ,-es eoi andl then boni11 rail a oinute laler 'afit-igan incteaa-a lu leail toi I miaa iota the second tran"' Chris iffa gol Miltas kack &nO tise garne with ha taoti tmel> marliers 1JoI4at ai appeaired botll trams voulid serile for a lir, aichgas sont t-ie 1wgme-vînnîngmre-il ri sec ndsreasinW for Rte sut In Buringion. bth aides bald throaagh a irnies fart-s perltai. beface lais %lacîntoia opened the, scong for Mltasn on Il seit sel-up from Jors hodrîgues andl Brotussard Sliasn Kesik put Maltoait by tvo aller conseIls9 passes front Mait lineli andl , ame-gi Iesses St lair rMas~ lisai the mark sudt- en) thrd. ot Sousdrrs 1 a dci ece held, f irt (eci Rfouron pld a slu -ggrss game un defesice ana îse a>Maîoral InMlc 41 suttai againt Olaksîle the Irao ut firenee Eric, 'atederosc anal Kloik sparlird the Sasttrs attank la) acvouslttg Ior ail the scorig MesIare led Mllon . itiaapair of gaIl Brueel scocea once anal assisted on asotlier. white Kandi put 'nàftrotprfrmace, bconing onceJeffMerc andGreg tise Hartu.rt Ollonershav luarsel as soli performances in gonal Wlstlap tie% larst lod by open toi he corngifil t ies titantitrer minutes expirrd as the Ils pir-ita Soundes t-sac bock andl luid i on a f e'l (ronm llroussrd. irIsavoas Rd a pass'by Rolhsgae Mte. tooi LIte lsàd un te usasosta marker b,. Malt Hart a Defoere Lit %erano edf. Drosansi consblaod t-h @vaies assal K"st tô gav'eMiltn à 1 ted Sunders ttul a 1I t-ad on secondi-pe-soi goals by Macintosh and BrovosIl andl tises -itnesaad'kl dmapeto. ain thm ird whee, Wlby esplododi for titre a quéit goatls. villas à mirnute anad a hait KmskJal tit les th"s five M « tis te ganste nuliaflea WbuIly's momentumi am « returt M"ia$ cssbao Davne ared as a"o ll u 1111111116 Curting Club asanubais Mullyn Batimwanond Welinscieil Curas, tosa ae ta, &«ey es Oetnse andt Mlon.. O'DOnnel swo.p a ao-k lot the andt dw.aols Sa allonu coaspotoat. white à local ,ané wSe the là,il taon an lhe Foomars and Miikmajd. open bonspot on dre.. Clenient wins Farmers bonspiel oig a mua, n V.i-ula'u Skip i lýeeil us'! tii rink s-e luans Rugi. -nd Po h 1' Oal Il other t-ski, a-, lie tirs îasnrall dras sîsser,-tauhau., pt-ini, Thu, sa-ear v Ltouspeil sa sponsornil huausoanus V'ei-nars ai5. e- Erib foi s,k pu'-oit Iý." us -raIl ait , pont Iu Sk.lu, FoRt s ti)sarssins tot- V11Io le ' îlu, Phantom Realtors extend MISL win streak Beaity World Phanbont ke1tt thear Hailon Ouidoor Shop aria Up playmr andl a stand-in icakeepe-. tue Urw score atoaung ~ ~ ~ ~ t sîrl ogwe isy ter*rs ays by downmng managral 10 Pold Enc s Attisait 'sie Hosever. the tyln goal %asn't camneout on topt a 4-1 Score &aait thud paeABIunag5ýI hsy for sevetramnutes. but Lie tri lorthuccrngatd that ws ascloseas MagSensMraudmaTtOlormsto tise lei evîtable happesad when AlIL=i~ lhey woul cornte ABocta Sieve Ation took place as the Maltas In- &fier fane minutresap.y steItl Garah Ljeta faIII braI 1w ea Ford noItched has second aoar of dog Stt Legu Sandy I C hall. wen EitGar raoaided a mas's traeter thiamr and Lewis cornpleted ha ta mishake Mardr fioi cimtro adon-iall pt Tony ritest vh rou goat 11we gansed a iand ge an dts poIý;nta e à.consl JORblti garn a eeemr elantedon un the lsi e a i ked I ti a stare oh r Fna Lin Malts roand analth sMlrinplge thei chan efen 1c 1w liase nealo Hoiday pirealnc Uplitwn al Ilas voliplatan' Teocr Kaodh the dey edas t bltam he noas mster Miaus Louét otti t ts andt- lmdi atTnyDe h ru h gr e ti e «i dg~ the hal bis o oa are anal s =ltykit- :aseeera Kase tob kit-k anal plat- id il vide Itast before haîflîme, l>asr Poualae lRed tie st-ttrd for Phanlonas agaitut tise rus tof pla> The set-anal halil vas mo-e' csen on pla, anal Phantrnas statted tu cnoy a lot more sbo. en goalt and insa fivc minule persol baile titre maite tout lonse front Tony Dosrast ad ouie getlisg bis hat-tn-k Merchants loSe lontroa on for tie gdota. Mutit Mschut hase ele to go elhbsto, lolloiîs Tu"sdy 4-2 Road luRit the1 Oalinilie Blade 'Attit lui ais Raes rernau .is in lie regular scld l ancudsW Our aI herne. Merchants shalulal hapa ing up for pool saso play au on- ettrraticil tieur efforts as laproit ng ils pouain an tise sisndtsp. en- asuig Iliettalives of as emalo oppo -iai corne the pleydb IL domstt -om as tisougi Mer chante are drig etisr, as they laissil. Arana and boaesd tiré humncooetan ra mgau 00" plac s ho L ram Divisio ci the anal mJzs Jna loip Ml#r chle 'îght-viager Paul has ovsaeec arne as ras tce hall m rne Ama ta ee iaeli leit the Plumnbers Gary llrasey tasmarki ed andl le matde On mistlle. riiag Tain SaIt-at-bs shuuoitt liii In Uhe second hall, Hallon ouit dont-s conuti luf thes b1all arousi wert and mt 0.h -ROtt iute Mette Roeuaar offnde L.t; msrag for Hlal iten sout vit-tony F W Fearm. vhat-h piayed loir Most ai 11 ltnhh Ith off1 cl> two at Ur ri~gasng Milton à IdQ tendl o i*t tse sctasi Grant lînsmate Cbris Reter andl dol encemaut, PeutI Mtlns. Blats isolthe11 score- ait to on v.col. otoqn"mds mi -e 1u Milton loaltesr Les Sirota allasoit a long MMi tram >ss initie lhe bIse lise gSl point hais et 8-17 of tihe third pèentod vtdch hurleent out ta lie tise gorne vasner Dubville med as inaurance marier vafl over six esai*a ie- asois, and MorthalaI coukn-1 MM op aloi eanuII* Ro geil Inei igo this et. s» Carriers status stides Malton Berine Cat-ie-s -iaJqn nu-a-ý rtp 'A li wn an, ls-u ils statut in1 thuestaodingssttdeaarneahat ut,-r a dssppoirling a-k of action Carriers bosl' pnnfauniance Ibis an-k Isas a -,- Z urass e51k %'i..i. lu Tiest t1w> vent on a tht-ne gane living; skid, soi-iuinu. lisse tol- Hurl milon Wolsen 4-3. Streeàtsîle 1-0 andl teaagec«us r4 Attatl Uaknalle. Carriers tell laehtni 2-ai atter ten pet-sd htia %ensi abie ta mlinuit a raill in the final framte lu lie the score Tomn Elasn anal Billy Rabbn ites11 tise mark for Maltn Jîmmy LeithN uas betsu'ern Rte papets for the Carriers MAilIces record sîlipea beuia w thei0 mark faillai g their lavs, ai Natation Artisae flutlinglon came out skatin anal exotd tise laio pt-raout u2-0 Carirs managrl ltu lie the score tn lte second pcfod n goals by obbst andl Wli Non Doth teamas lt-afd ia th[ird ana l lokikea l lifilion usoWal .have ta& aecasd cotse-troni1whd tic Hoisever Viols dashed as>) upecithi he à ilonde rinadvertantly cert-n tIe pu- I s-ow goal. E=o sochd Çamrers only marier tri1 tha ansd Donald Por-y tenra go:lfort Breiners Muasonsl gibuea palaist= UetviI Tlaeywebraies on the laceulfarIn iaoI, ai c"Lsrê bc.aogts oardean in. afout races Lt the pt-wk Tiaont o = thir rpeIl hu Goalteoder Leesortiy tacoal 21ueeaue record t Il" 14-2 vises tisey droppel a brn toargnton ,athl.ge winomarkor vita jut 2 seconds re- malsing an tts Oued M"t palliati Pet-ny tronts folenâtu position in favour 0, an extra atitcker.tasever timry ta ta l the score IMc led by a 3-1ult tafItlbei the ram Raid 3-2 fioloing the 3a&Wdleoa whbte 4Wo anIstr managoai ta slt bock for the vwa tory CarWSU pi"ks up ou of ~llpubi pmM ts Iis w".k