Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jan 1987, p. 30

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Huntlnq deth trial« set fo Jurie £èl* Nmbohuut i MUM àAe. friand ucar CampbeilIviii e in as,eid4à&. Pi. . . àap. ofinciut.wu bo t a MUS.., N.iun * llahdm. uiofa flrm. Lami weekontut e ain.h O Au4 d d.3.aoM HewigoUum.me ortfor tria .oetâne de" A bmlhd Lfmlgu.w a .a luntmg jOUI PROPERTYr and your 1987 Munlclpalaend School Taxes Regional Asseemnt Offices located throughout Ontkrio are resperible for asessing &P reaLprperty for the purposes of municipal and school taMon. The resulting Assessment Rolis are delivered ta municipaIitieS which use them to se their miii rates andi compute mun4cpal-property tax bis. The amount of property tax you pay on yourxme or business clepends on the asséssed value and the mniii rate set by pur municipility. The assessed valup multiplied by the miii tate wiIIl detrmine your 1987 *property taxes. . . . Opeti House Sessons, opeun HousS» youoppommunty to tully undestand yourasessament nd to evaE- Open ousesare held in every rmticipal- ity l cnveien liéesandlocations to pro-,. vide you with the opportunity to dscuss yt aassmenj th staff of the R ai Ofce. -Art assessoir will be pkthe basés of your propertyaseme anb~ authonzed to amend any inaccurate informa- tion prior la the cWlvery of the Assessmenit Roll ta your muncçpeity. If you have any questions but are unable f0 attend the Open Houses, please contact youf Regional Aseesament Offce at the address or telepharie number sliowA bolow. Assesmint Notitie Property ownecs and tenants wilI receive an Assessment Notice only If Informt ioq relit- ing géo ~el proporny or aiaanment was changd during the. put yjiIf die aaaement iw« app.W*d lImt yar, or if there hisb.ngsaras.met the municlpallty. f .ur,,Oevean$Assess- ment Notice. tl may rietlect changes you have requested tn your school support designat ion. *,the amxount of your assessed velue. or other recorded information on lait years Notice. If ,?attendin your local Open House. you are stîli dsiatiiffed wth your assessmrent, you have the righlta appeal"o the Assess- ment Reviiew Board. The Assesement Review Board conducts informai hearings and is respansible for determinini whetherlhe assessment under appeat os fairand equitable wîth th. assaessments of simiiar préoperties in the vcinity or neghbourhood. anld May alter your asolomment acoordingly. AppeaU Deadflne *The fiAl date for app.ullng your saeas- ment la February 26, 1987. Vour appeat muet ha fonverded. etther on a Notice of Appeal Form or as a letter, tai the Regmonal Regietrar of the Assessment Review Board on or before.february 26, 1987. noting your prnperty add#ess, rol number and the reason for thîeappeal. Ta assist you, Notice of Appeal forInrs and the address of the Regional Regstr f the Assessmenit Review Board are aval abe at Open Houses. vour Regional Assessment Office. or your municipal office. Schedule of Open Hou»s - Mo r -On M 89T- J ., ' 2P -8- Mosarn . 2f. ,nRo. eaafo Mînstry HI'8ON EE EGIONAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE of M8lna L4Z 83 Revenue .~.2 10 8K 50 800 ,387 5409 Ontarto No bute about It lina irley Arbie won the firlgsn.eration. non. tocu. oi Ibis y.ar's comphig a siSecond.haad Ufoka smoking baby bore dufflg Nationail Non-Smtoking Nuats. The. Moaion Lung Association MW d tm. Illton Viaki;i Millon. Holding lier sn hai mothef. Mary Arbis 'Council opt Smoking end H.llIthdocl@d I. promot@ end preonting mthi aend baby with T-eshirts le . non-smoking mith the. 1h51 baby bort, dur"ngtitis wnt. Loewy Fishier. 0,10w molon HM eal fO.flmnl. TMi Host familles are being for interculture youth;p What bétter way lu learn differenft 14oeganizalîon icar utercultural ex- cultures . lifestjles and" attitudes j change, as ffetini families the op- than in bring tem riglit tu your oten portunutv tgw&Mand host voung Inerculture Canada. a non-profilt. tgnlal la ofcai P.DETERG.ENT BILLSI,'« AIl TON ALL SHOW JAN. 23, 24 DR MAE AVATE 0F DUR "$HOP ATHOME" SERVICE DY CALUNS MICHELLE 877-6242. LONG DISTANE Ioe.307.232 j sou ght )rogeram launched ils hostfa mily searchcamn paigri for Otari ciThe toreign ex chaplie student will ive as a memberof the hîtsit amîtv for ahniaai a year. Aller bÉîng càre4uIv seIe-ied in ter ov.n country, 168 young stuidents. hetsseen the ailes of 15 andi 18 wlif apend te 1907-BR sehool year in Canada Bec ause of tie aide rainge of ap- plicants. lnierculiure Canada s able 10 choose a* voulit havîng commun itrails wih the famfls in termsoftin- leresi,ý actîvîtiesankdeen personlialt- -One hosi familY uf a Japanese stu dent. arote. We have a sers deep relationship aith N ukoThrough herire came tiD knos'the cuslowis of another counirit Our »ea, daughier hia, hecome a reeo1 firTend lis,*, Ail ty.pes ot amiess are eligible ishether teslne ta-, parent-s aih *ilmdren. single parenit amilies. young parents or anr older couple The hosi > îuth does mii exeti ois treaied as a guesi but a, a membher of te famitl taiies'are miit ex pectid o make special e pendilures or the r- -,udeni butthey di, pay food cirs and incidentai espenssia, t es maouid for their owi teenager Interculture Canada i a meMiter ofS I nternationalIxerculurai prograrts awhichis te oridi largesi nealaurit of itigitschoIiaiex change.,protirams, operating tri 73 coctire,- Families interesled in hit-ing ir aho ainuid lite more information sltould sirie 10 lnlerculure Canada, .39i Rue St Jacques. Bur ?io NtMon trea. P Q , [2h IK9. or call 1 MX>-l tt72481 Now get instant cash- at 'almost any money machine in Caniada! le'sa TOTAL Mooey les wlnterranch -Machin.e'" Card Card. s-I i r , i open a. solani s'. .'a24 hors-s euoy day youjr '"'si le'sanhlnmt Lon Servte 8 am îo p m a ~ ~ i 1 J vid 51 (i.' r'-' GS u kent <mb *Cm v' TOUAL Cod'" w mev.ryou »0 u.symbo&. -r ' M.'.* -. - - - - ..*r s.e- r [jB#%ATUONLTRUST* A Nanan.'Vïtou sd Gity hustonCrapt MION-MMonMdS78-4173 uwiAgU' ~i. s

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