Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jan 1987, p. 14

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14 T'he anCauçuWed., Juuay 21, lUS - p. HmWWaetmd HWpUagIl~ ~!4el~Wfled - UOEOam illéutU.. g"i esisa wstck -w DS.or.hmue. 29 fuen A..s sidsudî or pavai mm tm Il. oueto ewoainmet. 70 Ci 84tur Som WA MQ um S -&Uéae àu". *gv .,d. "MOW4 u 3280.sa oc êtolor iei.umaibe t.w mIer y Soam Ses MsPasEuel tao gWi SA imma te ,Mar« A I'dw Wb olaif coCSAs. S8ORDbgh e-Ulg.o 0511 56500 A - -a-a - AD.ot.s Uxsr 510. st 11%111111 ea ,i cIC,1 a.mu . MM0A IRON»45fNoodaînet CtIm à rogeas itopI . I5S0 àft $2 876 2475 t8a mm là, fioov âhi 3arvas. oveehaad Po- Mefor 14 fMMa Citétv* * adbn 2 ssWVs vivt oaaa. belgea 'owvw. -2 MaW- Fo or tirsoulie. 8943 5 hais b BertSaon uiTt rcktolo ra0ng ll- sfss11h aiE lu rsad Edi, iss dalmg ed FIbr il t etmE se, 5rgSf a87-005or PNTe* falatarv cIUH gv rliia. Royal A:t a.IorS 87ssa8-4280 Ouirls878-4-962. 87r6r337611 8dy 84241sarag pitancm Oes. Silos. ParIs OSre a48Sdes. .ia87-9W 87-870 t FIMWRITYRS. cias hdfr or raif Ma rtis t DOWN a . fruc encet O n fiabal Iai>o 4 7821 ______ Ro4ESL."d85111e5 cotPrie êea , lI tDo fa As W.C~ 04am 11 nSI MCaoi 876 331 FRT-AUUM iy rc rom 83A ist.$.9a rait recor ati i orceCl neda.Ca lci Jv - C4m77-6e30 7795187277 l~fageAv r 519 orca56o-us9c48 87 CM 86-4301P M DO ru nsd arpeltFa srttsC o ................a. v.'- a, r* -,uo- 5 5.1 Mo-il, w.'~-, a. cr..rhr.tnO.,rS r a FULL T Cus F" at.us k * Sur a lon- 40mCidalotU ir.,hnd iflS Obr'TM" àw.-Mww &* mf on Rdof a1 c vk » *PUS iaFr ene ulmcm(48 16-3« Uor ah» - ai a dj@~ vuemshgw n)L- ilipoalin oue po--- --- Us Prouds 0& a M suS a aS vw itpis d ier %0 *OiP 8 o i , - m&si -i Mouvlser. carNwaffi Ueapomms. n 1- dui. Inkuemnevdpe and Nhmaenr. 'F8m m totl me«rapresci sspormitoe Rio 0le 16 sCoraùr. th"s9pMaNroia- ayrv*homwwN Saaiarsoof0produc- tion én ffs a , dgonê 0Cw .h han aimSse managmaenorw The ConAUsW esi 11»~ à C e. dM01581 128 MOniuN Stw A~e. afflr» FAC1UY NMF.Pw»lbT am Y5P POI04ot0 subuit orisiher rallumes10 MUS, LIT 3M1 4r0 30 YOUWANT To BE PRESIDENT? W. are a young, fast growing Cern- pany loolctng for a hand"-n persan IDobe Premdent. We are laokîng for & gaoeiatitude, a genuine caning for people. wtlingnesa ta nir hard and grave mb the efosition. Compegnaiatian would flot be Nigh at first but, wotjld, growuii4h you. We, atm a SPECIM. compan? and are loolin for sorneone SPECeAL. If thî!s aIs 41cmyau, sard us your resme and louer telling us about yoursaïf, Puase rapiy ta: box 989 Tb@e Independefi 30 Mmfn St. S. Georbetown, Ont. PACIOIOIFU.flowMOM IATMU lUtis Phar.ageaUsb LU Have n'ned.te openirgs for pocksgagri M. 9 ing rsam-oçarataçaCanddat., should be cons CleotoliareldWa nd have good IManuel dex- f v t3aood hygièn sientisé Preeri W# b.givanta ta ts. .r iatl oe Peente W, aloi, coope1,tiv ages andaa cmieà nvfronmfltt Apoly in Oe'son 10 toalit. Phamnoutfcafs Ltd.. salis Kfimal âRd.. Misaisauge, Ont. U5N M5. . TOOL AND DIE MAKER lnterested in lob security wth an i- novative company? Smith & Stone (1 982) tnc. a leading manutacturpr of etectrical wrng devises has an im-1 mediale openîreg for a TOOL AND DIE 0AKEI experienced on progres- si-- The succesul applicant must have served a bonitîed apprentéceship in the applcabl6 trade. Fully paid company benefits. Excel- lent workng condittions. Pteame lorwerd detalled raemume In atrislot confidence ta: Porsett epautimuln L8 2P4 ELECTRICIAN 4,0mev porsai efrleian Nw».naintsnnoq a eau~MIwotoeaporencilu Mer Ssait gac Mu. muauiilinmagqt. watt uaaedal. maid hdftand saS ama alftsotasi. Probe- tianiry rat.$12.U. Ca Tb 471411. mi. C1111 et 24fil:_ HW". No. 7 WU DUE TO EXPANSMONWE REOUIAI T'HE POLLOW#NG PERSONEL: CLASO A MECHANIC Eac~alln itmate psy plan anticorhpany pan> Apply t0 Sertace ManagerWayne ODisOn 3 OR 4 YEAR APPRNTICE Puy conlnormh xetI slnort sI t4 W9Comparny paS Isis -Appt> ta Set-oce Manager Waym ne on AU. >40W POSITIONS ASOUIRE ÇUR- MENT IJCINU MAO CLEMI DAMVNG Ç 77221 or 453-4421. Si r. I thisa. Na eu>N Men and Wamnen ah lcar&. vers "w ï, s - MM and trucks are reQured f0 dalme teWçw)nebook. -Othelohonq OA*ee teWphor11 4lS-7419« 3 . 1 1W* medm uv a M RAMs- OUh. dMsU cmUmmn ORANOMVLLE GE-ET - MILTON Frorrt Jmnuary 201h mýUst hav uoo nsurance and be able tit work datlib1 houys. P1cýdse phoGe 452-9083 452-9084 Do d«s PoeTm T oleas Cmp m590<05à CWulry0,st Thaea" càuldats «d have good Ifrim n d orgetzafoud ita ostIsa idde owiety *I cl11CM ftCsOn 8 edingsie B"sfr c counttgý Fui ra 01.off4mOno tud bafaiS Ser,d lr,,. to Lurim 54.51.LM*",s 338 Orida RdL., sraimélss Ont. LUT 1H Ayc Conofrfr ozro ENUL RIJW - MA. ZUPLUUAS aIXECIJlE SECUETAINAL *sMIALILEGALIUMNAL .wu n ucssagounco cOSmETU AUmm§ AIragon Semcurlty Officers if you are relabl e vi groomed & dbreer ntrnded thon me cetfer Cite.foitowng. *Unioms suppiied aPtid whii.-fraiving sAdoanaceenter1b yitd ov meitît *PadvaaIon LumbsrMarwm uSaI.sperson An OPçarmtry oro atte mnddmai wtthretad niles etotenencein te Itomber id buidetg sup- sie 1 Io ceemd ad OiSIo tommovlicate mth MsC ha eotrewnely vnt ellcliqvomed aid Formard n oo w adpanv;m~ rqoinhi tans and bacligrotnd eoa&e.trvcc o WkM.d..Schuyt.ç r Mhlon. Ont. LaT 306 Branpfan manufacturer of steel dsck, ar atg rqquWrO,àI Rceibon.st Setchogiardoperato Tfh* 4saicanidatet«INhav a a lssat e10na mannr met egrornd aid hava ai sccrattyop gio0f ap ro50 .mpmt Fui range of comçâny pacl bevef ils Send reume ta Lunes Sisaf sLimiteS. 228-Rrnda Rd.,, <SiUmS. ZrhL L0R I Ea CROW w1TH us W. v@ra oaN.OMai.AMerrsfs0.81i9,.gîc tltrSvrgcopanuas dih20 y«.s l.C. ~t C ievnMffl g aid Osava. . r- O gissrsa alas0505v mth* irotaiMlai atine NMop.541MI oalaa M '«Orta 5500 E IN VIAER (NILATTR fluMWpm eoe aI. MeiSer -Omarantaai40 heuenpurnet. -PfS NeHUM Baed DantolPln. Coma I aitn Ns.1int. Fer an Itrlt ULTU m uns 8784125 Od' O ST~eyshDle sassiU AMalaisasMm il l asa ms aum IL Lsa. W , Muenom.*0xparlei a tt .& PARTS P1EISON prsntisd 8011 W%~ q~ pfo na11i r nt.peNSait Does l ud lairtpwmnuAPMs lua. att ieraisa tom ltet pt 3 AVM mUIhM. IsEXPriu. amufi*be n afaaet. tWA al tirsfn. 675 glaSILS ART FOUNDRY in Georgetown requirea a1crlled Par- sons to, train for WAX MODEL mnak- ing also general foundry wfk Mfd. bronze fînihing Pleam el lmfInterview 457-9501- Expar nli flou-ct.snnohinmln 8flou 8708222. TRAVELWAYS Needu. School Sus Dritvers -Georgeetown end Mhflor, ma. Must bu 21 yeurs of aMM or oven, have good drivinâ rsCont liillr .1111 ianderd f rareanèeshon a iiCanci requirsd. ut l" in b raint.g for »W d f Ice. Spars drivar atm450naadd. For More ClOrmnîton lCM# 877-4448 or applyn persot 87 Mourfainvse.16,11idNOrIh. REOUIRES PERSONNEL On@ Full Tîrne, Menday 10 Frlday. Two Part-Tlme, nighta 8A seekend. Pleamfe apply in persaon te: 393 NMile St E. 878- 7700. Expedsuaced FItturifflr Cafabe < srutuâisteel aid plafe -m iayouf aid i0tias.f.Orr meidtngPsriMe mafdalg st,eag arld bralong aOt i-e Steady dayi ' dental. rnodc ie- d lre5cnfl Car, top rata Si13 50 Pmr hO wmldng 4&Fabrlcatlhn Mt. à a42-OSgor 842-4152 Fer$" l M 1U0TTIV Mua5t havae SOa fYPng'%" AB 4 atfabl Worm, Phaseapply la urMlngtoc 30%1¶433 ego Th@ Canadien C,.,,pion 191 Main et mmiloncet OfLT 4» o.-.. NU-14AID W* raam ir su per ntatdo d end a. W. ola godvoaneanllon and frnaparis lion. MUfrin. CO 878- 5811. Chanci biartdeg esvarmia.Chcance for avancamant Siuwy conananauat. u. ange aonceifoarsatu by apço-MmtOari WfY C-nfac At Linais-i8741sa FOr ebndow rpiortmtcSnpany utC ix- panlaocsjre aaleand i mburlreg.Mulif,11 ait ta asiiniathecmoUc fltatlanof dim edmm w en ý EUIy oltiauo i OPat-Illna ealo &wW0ls e8a-9049e iw ~wm mm iAUeT aSsm5 i adieer s7f5t hnino auGtepaUs Tiesapat Dium e bdM mm lae t. l »Mletu Iani émuA IPeasssFer pro. T 14mia @e t »0. 0-8«aetBias TrahI i boulotte, aI.à4 u. dh ie off ices aettt.g.Drpaeeils PERS Su.i Usa onht.meSfeaei ~ it n HaIRSfLItiv Fit or Pay rt Or.arvgtsss tant Ma mr orS a lIrS lueoMiat .ec HAIRS1YLISTFul or Pa tînt Altosre taan naga fr. Geot SrtoeMlin Ptta*co erfé Celadie2 7MO0ace trangilfaiscntCi nt Cacr - -Il S.pmanae For asafsttlor firanK M OC-a èc- it .." tgarnaad Ntif y SI. *day weet Rafarnces raquiffl, Appt> in par- sam Fara truck Shop Ltd Hwy 25, NoMtof 401 F4ART TME saoefwy neffda megooti fpnrg siC,8& clarica bCigiond Micro-cançvt.r ex Pirm-ea oulq be an aaaetPis.,. pply .. wrtliglo Uns E MsWH &M R POlBcOil GosagetovnOnt L7G 4>41 ba. Aply t Ob aAuto sertca. 1 a rnirmerci St Milin 87BÂ7926 MATURE lp~rsnelu lail.fne courrier hata Ia sor toioasi Iiffi.mmoc" abonda Phoneafor n tarout appaInftet. 854-0337_Camrttelvtii WANTED-Cfaanmnlady?2Cuit days Phore 87@4V.27. affav 300 m RE ETIONIi raquired Immad.afiy Coir cr.opmcSc office, 2 5VOi Q ing r ca w05 Monday Wedn«edy or Tttursdsy fion, alipom 4 -8a Pm Appy wa mn te 90. 1434 c o The Canad ChattoSeti 19t1 MerStSf Miton Ont L97 4>49 EXPERIENCEO .sntad Inmêmet.store Coul ia id ta mai. nnpostanFulf & 001f-r,,. ponoans open Apply Ca Bo- No 1435 c-o The Canad Clismoton. 191 Main St .E f9Ialli Oqf LiT! 4N9 MATURE reSnosdld e g iiersnIed for part Iîna- reCl a les Engivnence d lindog "eto'trv'vta alioarel an asset Pit, cali BeOr Saddlery 878- 8885 - - _:-_ NifNtI Halton Ansouaton Cor fris Kfaartaby Retarffat raclures overrttQit siat for paoidseeoc srls i duif rvs~aces Etermvce rvffed CalilJan Cranta 1877-5239 FUiLL TCME halle naadad CD ortm -tI standard bred horsinia ePaneitcsPmaterrd Ca§ 876 4040 EXPERÎENCEO riS-hicieo4éiTadsoy .lCt0__ traitsforlfatin reQufed ICr 2 contry 110<505ai.e, b ie4days a avoir Pit raluired Crui HORSE I'a m mis-ms fClor a giitrnëe hari Oa,,eSalunegale sidà&i, or bn avarimOle Cati Sue 844-1 492 MOHdAWI Ie4twpestCAadpart Cime aeailfm cooIis sornt. opaenc arquad Sitlery, nagottab l" e tx sprranco ualtol-ttfrt ntalbtesnn heipe, hrau, are floaie but oid octoldo m««kends AvayI., n erson I. Manager .ly 401 &GueiOh Lne Camtellvia 854 2277 DRIVER For oC,ce supply compDany Maadawvaie ares muet ha"e 0g0onrcng erýd and irfowZU gof Torntoa& 1 t821.,7344 la Olycbre MOTHER oCf<>o babysiwtie hw noi U tte or puaiettedaysAnyffagi876 4978 a 3'. Vaarold & à nnftold PalIin. Hum dhC sorne srifts n.ceaay wa the Dorat Pte5 va Omn rnsport~trn=neods 876-1074 'OUNG midov m neast 2 chrsldrai n. pnascltool) In j M (ays1» Usdyfoa May 2eant orraug stCaS8 4518 A8VSiTIIti rvytrdnam dy a mie or home Tr,,f. lea878 0569 OUALITY aycare aadi.BratiÏHstn Ï e homne napectan ,ord 878ý 5278 EXPERIENCED liilage babyvier vand" Tor evetnrg f.1d eoend bab'rstlmg 74-e9o MOTHER of rtimaitail IdayCw@aIn m homte, «"tInu5tMsA wsonS. & rnmllaFlosiblo Io 00011005 878-7739 Oofflt Park ara. CIOCARM i -Y hoain.ny âge. louto ors 876- 1068 EXPERIEIECEO cteantnglbdy avaniabie .ot ,attirances Cet 878-7474 SiÎLWd-For- yarsonaadafronice C.0 F0136 AR! Patng Lestions Lien fai0PR." on- ..a calliForra mîcýonnftci 873 1403 PIANO LESSONOfor bagnaaReauasonisqratas an ages r.coned Col 878. 0341 CêER!CFCED T.ah.r 3 da'atable otu to' Englisrt & Matn 878 0772 PIANO a£r9ilory wlooaavaioblo begestr 1 gadeIoce Cl tu 978- 8145 RADIO-rV NfB ANNOUNCERS NIBStt4dios nove înterviewoflg nava people fôr broadcasttrlaining. Nows, Sports. DJ-S VJ. Entertainmienl Prog- rame and Corffrn.rcia s. Part or fufll HAVING A PIlOIILEM? DM one - Omis bClar Akcaou Aentasses. Tais S030 9 o ALANMN Thurs. 8:30 pm. PReGNN aNsdN aif ep' Cae ofil 85-1250 or 876-2222 mLART ENOINUR Tt,e.vO vduii ut ara fotiung kir isolt b. a ntacdanmciior equWaslrlf rgarr W,11 have 10 YOMrs.v sspelce n the mant srnlrcdand Plan ersginaerlng tlaid Sitasi 50 55ablasemup capitlibudgets. purcfla ne50 w"eq p nadai"Us hout- sda confracr 89 haavlly etro~iva n up- gradîrmg aquqprIall-capabola. design of me uçmilsl i an d oOcgiOn to aextg l<nwfa4dgs of rutidar ahrudarsand rubber tnauidtng equoprnsm¶l woutd b an e Escelienîbenoiflà Appy la pesennai - SfinddPlmoilcte (Coinasa LW. 340 G~al S~ ae aaaAOWN. onsrbo L70 4M 00V 1 m 1 1" mig 1 1 1

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