.S ports leta Blades bIow by Merchants 9m3 §Sv 111tKEL:îIA ' t Cimp"is tiprten il wssiles as usUal a fj4kýJIie Bladescamne t10 enitriai Arena ter il junior B hocke> gamne Vi"day mghI ýOksîlle' on. Sîtîton Ji. andi everybodi huxsil> accuseil eser0etîod> else of srigdinV 19 the hockey gante ws'the ighilgi aoite eveomoz î'soetî'rtain osent. then lhe commerciat'ý st'ci fli ii'hghligbl 0f(teNs' \"'1fîî clai,ieetrotied assa% i, sla '--l M ln Hilton lukei about ae tnspire'ilda tînderiakers doink Oiii i'me rherp ma.% almo'-t a bejîci iilari'mg rast1 in the (Iine m oinute"s ai the garn' as Nilei , detr-se i nelrt' soit Ji le' ItRichairdt Romir în""led Scanni-ti. iat",ih mertd tfi'n '-irappy plasver ltouisa,1"fiaump'. nîue'b te, th' plî'a>uri' iIitir ýlick 'lil mtai neimmnd'i Le." Siroiamne' ci Iwu player. igni'il fa,'t sevit. Rot hi" imtation inuteri' s i .iîant sîî,.ii'rul soril ettM!ilion ii î,h.ml'.going the di'stance' ier'min 'Unpitîasant premîcre' .11? iîitit'1r 'imtilm it 5t'lt(;Itn ." .Lii',ý i'tt'eiiîeman i çqpummvif i 1111t i;.i'irgelîsn Gemiîtm'. ffmmliîgalirI e irs armi iath !it r i ri i 'tm'5anleil a iltirieiiiî i andmi linlhr,' bhadi thiraii h,' .irii' rum the Mmttîin Oi mt fmi'oaii'r b"santedIolxhi'tradtî'i FI7 .M- a iig p t il il 1_11.i S i llenii îahetiîtî'irg'mm uri tr' ehti ,i îîuss '«But Chat ,ca 'tai àm anii'mbu'r tltic I eorgt'tiii i es f i in prîsafei'%l 'iitodi i'si' ' iîp l iiton iisoir Brai lraint ,.ii atffîrîl thi iknil uofise lti l i nin ifi îîrtî'î -r> Ntd, l.trlttsha, s b u'mf> rui iflM o m %W ftttiilon lhe ici'un a Mtimhini' - t'pile' the i'anrili'sandi r4îtl\ eif mmd-tif ita it'c lGraif bait'm iontt a garn ii nil ~mt'imr.tiom l lon fr-a,'iRo' mi il ltpfiiiha1 Ici-ni i tati eii,' 'iacitKentîf tiii' sas rit à aîîsnîariiaflertiIhe-i' trme el-p0iic te in t sas orircii-fIiail th- '4),ui4fd r> andf elîice ,- 'inim fighls ai Ifs'eciii' ' ini'a-'id -"li i biîg av'nei-sil i id- i finii Ziii tuti r fgting flmtii~sa, ntappy abouttîu he rtýi')mîutimii ohl.lumpftrî'î ituati4)rl limi the sanled iurHaptre> .iom'î da> one. * atixtlie saiil angrit> shah ini a tiger 'Thei Mltoîni a,,oul m dmi' ethifnse'tate %,ithml mates flie diftîcuit luîirfaiif'ii purpiati' tcause a pret riii'i fadi' stent sour Biaaes iintaiiiftl'm I'îsli'n andl Bah L4iidr.% Irnh4 ,.ide-rafiiii.,' q * l is rilculous7Monuitilii~id "'A batdiiiese il oulii lfiitidil" 'Squal The nmît thflag >nu knoo -tir% se furîte il h .riiund (liais iflt-manager 'fiurras Wlaker soîlt-peýI4d Milonlmialiakillmfî'rla- 1tins,'a bit mure 1han biîiut',fia bai ltet dmg: ti) gel in ah-î 1 ve h.iil amîrabtil î'ca'în iih iirsd 'Gralnt'I -.1orti1ihini ai'r. illoggerbeads, Waike'i' aid 1 don t thini Ae'r,' pafisliai's bui aî"*rî' nlialilg'rhi'aîlsi'titrriof (i. miWalker added. i1think ose fN h i' -'*u'ti'Il i n nlau îur dit f5 a ikîr itufdý its iiasut fi up! mis m fr lirih. o r Thet' .o i', trtgsiandming dismpute' -aid '.' .f iimgfi tît he 0'am'a, Ci Slroieiti htisui1ikempi açe ' il flini , S r(blia 1 fai>' ief'Id fir m.kale e Sqîiafei' nqumni'esabout lb.giîtt 1%Atithîr 'mail Thi' boim lin,' i, th.if ht i' f'iîîaiî Amate'uiiHncket' fl"iaIif im <tati llosis a pliiiîrtIi ,mgiili t'anilsa aradti'fcmd 'mgnî'if mir NIioico id îmîtv îstord Via fir idicati'di thî ta',i î i ti i'g.m f tit' s'i wud barîfhi'iiti'il i tîi,din"lie' ,mahift-.sonmml iia lut ch f4ititidiî not fori'pmublicatton li, mliil i ilitîr mliv .'d'sm %Aafki-r. Iut'Eeaiilthe' 'giifie rivl 'af aaf4iexiini#4'- 'Tht" niing mn fit,' titi. 'ln 1,*" I lockt'> ss% af'iiirifî' am ,igatn'i fl Gmtiiîg sml*'%%lIl,'î fimnîîîîd l i a flth Ilf%inp '.mf'it firent Lacidi Vi i îîmmmtitîî fin(]" iris fmum i ' til th, MAriîi" pi'ri'nceit iiiuant) bandtI'î fhi'-tîmiàv a i-ilIl" 'amhilî'ilha? Milin mi, tîaîk 0f for "i i rt' agenît"igningm i"ni',' gtls artr. i gmhfi'up uniI.an, 25u hfmi'e tih' cîîoiîîtdati' for lires nus% fi -rdeil pfîî'r' 'uas Janflit And, l'rit 'ima id olcmti'b' è baf i mit- fomr - l îmîîm'î- tîho DlilruattarretiIIîîmîn 1t't' ihr hi' ca, sweîghi scia pp r. iii t h-t.uc',i,'hrms aîEî'ind iii lumî goi. 1, t.tiif 1l'îf iil ,mtm'îii hmrit mi îrkt'r 'î'tmred t-mi liais . ift'm iha lis i-'îrrm uilahmi, l hîîsiîg. niiti f,' intht mihîlmifilio 'tii.înlit'r î~ali 'i ýPta, mil 1nf,ii'1m11 itrîgmm hî"iis, " mît deft'pet'oiaii l-tmhii ftissit lit>j inrof 'surli'Nésmîî andl uffil nii hat, bei s skatig ath tit'-fI'ar folutiti ng 'ibtîîdi'r iurgî'cîtîfmi minkiiosin ahen hù' si ipfLst, Tii tMimi'r' tîtinuesliti mUrs' aî'firfi'î hmii'î'lieteocemun frif tauhmî'r i fNhi baskIr m, amlinmîl iliurt;mi%iding nis fgarmng mro'. tuf l.isîirahîlî authir mu>i .ilîi'nd a' ti-aflut' mquirs S4turdaî bi's'ausî' hi' mames for spearmof Si'aniît'ii imit ar gami' mionducit fmr his fmghi itomn pias id in \'ugbhinî riues tla%, ri'sult t îai.bf'ai t"-e' in(-,' Fria %Getîrgilmîsi i oîîiî" in Nliil,.t gante fume i's irii Niiioob gie.qwb a~ ~ M i a fkeMii Sion nse Il. bail aaoal Waiardawoln 09ml' on esulaioe.4ctil iatuy ut .C. Deuiy. The- bouepld ous11111111 " fairlttai bualitballOfaiheii sauons. feran aIred fla A tla theivoirellog bytele tacpoit ln a gaineliai iii sdaoidalIthli lsacondir of play. a.î, OsStLiý Drury close in conso final The' difference belisien won 'sid Sxiartin m'oach (îia'il11- lianie S 'ion ts a hukstlimig guaim OR andil îisng flie conitîlmtirna chicd.ieastî'it 1h hîi ti'armst't ho conirolfu'd the ibird îîî'J fr tchmmpiîîusuîp t§or E C Drurs o forf fîD(ifmsng tIels-tugh game andt came up il, thtsix ms point, SAfturda v"i baskethaltourna 'The Ii'arme' 'iartmn o filfieve h. turned is,'ankin the tuutb meînt sas ';impe 1in hli.'fest, inth the' kd' quarter andl las sidettiii'i ojfte basket fuit di tt'rrifiec 'Hes a vir> quiet guard, That s bhsm much Actoo 1mai Miltoîn liii prt's îîîa% lstv tiet i Btoycott said "I teft 'mmmiermchier t)rur> 'ijunior team bhi ne a hut N mfm'lîn mii erfiinai .Actîii gong dosvinibutt e sas cictiot> m'oiii'tedci*t 1ai f l. fiuromeo eT,' mfliiîclîsît giving us headaches E ' Drurol TaSî "urnamenf c-outil have gone iWheîr la>,andl Eric Petemnelf bangedin 12 litgtan flshsot ands Alît cîîch >ti Rfi,'olîhuMil' points ta leait Drur> icoci'rs Higumpd ii spaf Duna 1101on oac he t (Ueotikne4 tones and Mute Babriîm huud ecunso moite wlh a 67 27 dncision Me 're cioparable' t'Oins hi'bc Poeins acdhSfonSpanfansril Ilîghtanil sent îîn Io lb. cham 'satf 'WC ~r,'tatfî'rbut theN rt' si.Pîrke irîng onedAuh-cioe pi'înhip final.ising Io Ancoster îucker scorers %veile17 points vahifi' Gmord 6243 Itoîcîti peoîpfe sire mure Taîfleler scored ornemiei ir 'the. Aclon Redmen-Spatan SUC'eS"iuli n thi- rsithati than Reilmen, garmesasclose for tbe miel parit, I mi ial W' u pet Drurvdowned Waterilîîîîîî.2il aftfuough Actîmn esiabtisheil a gonil marronîîî mîtence." Boycott and 10 gel a fial berîht 'i'în 29-2l leail b> the end of lbe finalt sai l t hi' gos ar' dî'mcptned 1mai T A.Blakelt 2t i li ti'i hàIfRedmnen forged imo the b.leail enîiugh tii aunil ifBiut 1inlb. si' droppîng their fîj* garnti s b% conoisertîna 'eenstramght re- rond hall tht-i prnfl selooîk lhe tourniament smnnî'rm f9m higinils thaf aolia> riiUii ýus I'itdn f casier Htui NMlton rame hack 'trongfi gel tte haîf l't6hi't. nî'9 fs's Anca-ter putMiflonrisfrmt ini lbe second thalf. taking fhe teid 0Sfsl ref WIialteîr (hirbe% ilîgh MNusangs nut l thfo burni amit jusI unfer four mnutes, il- flfnm'caille bock baril The'> ment lilnt a':e :MiiesminNltislang- iiîiImo 0pfa'. n'î er gava' up gui mn toufttrouble' agatost Ail WC','rubouîded detensî i> fimi'itfCoîiimeîinield Milton iaster. s mt impfaîer o otling feerîbhan seeior have bfort<: gutcd Jli i-nii for as slmgg oui. qa Iersforprormncfal finalsi, all "l i --11 lI ais t nie Mlton copeifora brauht enough for firstlplace It %as backeil home a meai or a rbbon ~vrl. b hird on bars andl Iourth on .pruu'ugr Springers earned qwo firits. a se- osuit and beam for ber thircl spot cod and two thînds nierail finish. Vetern Jonne evwoth ~ Keywonih. spurreil onii b> er gl, o'15I« firsipacejoaesin e JniortCook teammatea, iurned in an exreml Mit~CLANK category while Bri tfe a n srdongpertgrmnàkncersann bahsvaul v.as fîrsi oserait in Argo B clilpeti eeu h a hn.bhn lionLeih Ai ferka'ai seond Sîphes. on bars and second with ber Il isas tihe ist ee boc th ie o"erIl in Ar go B. Carmela Bradle~v floor routine gym Iollowffl theW bwe ~ ss third in 1'yr C andl Amy Newell McCana wae liraI wth her uneven ssine meet sefline UamLmugt s.asthrovaîinAoBcmeJ bars routine asuiselI as placing f ira hye had a iday wbec bho aated "io overail in Argo B. Ls Bylan was li. ia, ilreglna ynîlcaUpli- ot everylhing isent jusI as the fifîh w if ber fluor routine tylt naiMnt for liseal ilsmyhs ae.hwe. Jennifer Andetian',vault was 11». iurkey and Criatumsa goodies Kanna Sphes. in Junor C rani gaod:- engh fini place. and esrn- weighed heavily Sturdsl ailgine etiin. ddot wanl 10 ta iabot md brffh 1 eala Tyro C. 81w Milton gixrrines iatthe trai ta brjuo eut.Btae tqpk se- hadfa goald meet. Leigh.Ann Cria BurlinVotan bte i imdenltonplace in vault i d lsha a f I oiw-bars r-lb a anowstorS of the y.r Never- unven bars wilh aa yb prfj wll-emue oun. 81 W amine uhd lmeHito gmaai WW t a n-î l ta ae a secoud an bottns and hliard tae it i clôtala. uirle Irom 15 ThsîiPrier wanls es "ak*bout On' cw oImer elu"s l Casetrali r lner moe ~evm b ince el'le i am a sadrd ut f er 1111110o. waa lnjurad deh it alad was pro- = anouesiewith ,,eh, ariw 01 Sgl idbbyroma amtI o vgî uid iilYifmail. Thai nmai soUI il dm 581lw hs Pelfomrnes aaa rai. EUDih hd tai Placeg aiUtma .'.C D""y bed hbotneifami - .- li' ¶ saly m rned Ihind plae on ldme SIr li. 31. liea bolitbais; i. 1 «-%. il73 ars àber"reC etep .MWdu TMi oSier aatra Rugie. chi oi-a n iailal onnw & mtawgoad ce s-raig. ulIdi i*bilMtse1hS liii' ~Amy N.u l viii ahd g i i.bi iMlia asamla te 9111*11110assa ~aflWmiloau" ase vai MOU a ~MM àsa it it ibacar hotlaheLvaî(or. 1Mi welï dtataqaV liste aiewlos i jj j glm-'Mata lvt oaylb thé»i thu*idvaialauoaiidI ffl o le. un wustis i ta 1w atre -a lim , __ a *. =uarsecon ( or ber4M, ogj aisahbafut evl to- OTHS tiwanl r fornl gu MiltonDstitllMWSa. b idgu etalu te Oakvdill-Treauawa 47XU in Oukvllf Tiaarady. 'We hait an atrociaus tirai =nre." sud MDRS coach Bryao . ilton feil betind ;77 in the apeniog qarer. .11~ when startins for<ard Scott McDoweillfouleit out'McDawagis tb. bail sho«tuon the letom"But the kuW11111n."iCamam iaîd. .*M ÊCWCamani felt Milon woiJI, on. "Oskvilie- Trafibmr taa uoyt even wîIh us,* sahÇprmani. "Titere are about tour or IM eama utal tire very close. *Thèe'a White Oaks. Oskille- ,Tr&falgar. Loyola isop Reding and us." *As sîth anY Iton ini glean lthem esson l was a.logit amnt said& -But i e ldir somethiafrom 50 tu MoF snd hustie. And sllte more discipline. We had two play cDoweil, Chris Dumb We tbah ton many atupld roula'- A brightl spot sas the performance from-Miltons bench players, "The hidi off the bench were really good«* . Camant said. "Kyle Hasselfeldi. Jamie Hamilton, Kçn Wilkinson, they ail played real weill 1 sas very pteased wtth tai We didot lher. anything ishen lhey came inf." Excepif for the first quarter, sas the worat short span -of beasiabal Milton bas phayedthnta fatr in the station. Camartisaid iThe Mustang defente played *ai l. eaffence is 'starlîng ta click,." ton. 1w added. *altbough lhe sboiing percentage needs improvement. Milton bas been playîng a lot man-10 man, Tbey started wgth t in the opening quarter bultstcheçi 10 zone Oakille bad lwo tlu outafide shooter, "They were taugh la boa out." tafinînoied Milon pîsys crosstown rivais E C Drury at MDHStodsy mWednesdaym Foul troublé The desîre tosîin may bave got the best of lite Mlton Distrit High Scho Junior bakelbaîl team as they continued ta acquirire fouis and tost their gamne apaînst Osiville Tratalgarý After lasing the E C. DrUry tour- nament held last seekend because of severat foula, te juniors li agaîn lasi Thursday in a close match that lbeY lasi by Io) pointa. - The gijme was a aolid tears ef- fort, but the players were ton ag- gressive and gaito many fous:- said coach Dive Mitchell, "We were down b> tisa points qit te half and put the pressure oiÇAn te second Maybe'a bit lo'-lnuch pressure" Working tbe zone press, the juniors bad te.t many turnovers ta gel a gond allante gaîng. "W. bave la improve our defence il w. are go- ing ta sîn more games. 'A single player didn't shîne as much as the ieam played well tagether"- The juniors play againsi theîr hometeam apposition. E.C. Drury Ioday iWednesdsy? on theîr boi.e court, Costly tumoveru Wth nu returning playersandoitan injureil starter, the Milton District High SChool Senior basketbiaîl tami bas been losing games because ai turnovers saad coach Bob Neshevich We are nfot a strong Leam because lb. piiyers are inexperiefir- ed" 1w said. This s thelb.fîrattire many of ibent have played organiz- ed hall'- Loiing againat.Arton 58-29, Neshevicb sait as a hole the teani plsyed sell, but Ibeir Iack af es- perience showed up in the game. "W. gai titumpi.d.' 1w aaid. "Tbey are intelligent guys, but lhey de. t have the natursl instinct.you need Io play bard and wtn with. "Thisis the1wfirat limae se lost ta Acri o se were pretty upiet" Stfrting Suant. and- euof aithe teaedn.ScotBard, wa in- rece nd itbas badgsit iiout msny gamp. "Scott qnonely give about 80 er cent beaaue af the.in- jradhmsitting out la hurtlng the lutin,,"'nid tfiasbvich. '-le la s starting guwad sud slit plsyar vitogui a l«of arebounds; for us." lsA ohcaiasiy"Es la jNaWh i»oin MWîtr alier arn oe dwaid plev os lioi151) sss ouoip sh a u asi"asmit kee"dis Cuttve 'ase tii phs pa y e a t , '.ru a le aSS ý i . .1 "%ý . i