um=flyL * mSmAw4S.uu8 «"M810 «pm> 8"24 3-bdrm. ."Me bias been reaetoo it41 no, roof, DE¶NZILWN>C MSAT A 830 TO 8 M En- OeptiOêhelY manfotNms offlrocks tomily rooffi with -waikcout te, dock. Agio, 3 baffle. rocý room,. wcikshop à conirsif air.. $194.8900. DENMB KENU.AKE. 8784101. hMiesiauga, quality ôai throughcut Cent. aef sécurlty oystoun. aoburi, ploaètof celd- lige. 2SIX28, fémély rmilitchen. flrplce. ar otlngon 7%A $Immga r muGtore Aak fo' CAROLE STPNHNL. 87".101, 8018. MATISPACTFIN SII1ARAI illi. U thia nmaculawi 13bdom salmi. feeltihol f rga.lhIing rocm tit ;ay aihido, Wighlt "lm.U kit. alun wilh bock dmc tc #URi. 1oc. yarnd with #Wto. finiafl rme. mil. & Wu NoAfl 08L 8123;800 MARC MWAIN, teratodPrce $107.$00. For delaits or t0 anspect phone %8IiLL ONJL8880 main fhmo master fKas an suite, alo0 ldOt foir family roomn. waik.outs f rom kitchen andO diob ing rocm. For more information pleffe cati DONNA SYMS, ns .. e a uiwru OIO nomes, fuil of charm. LarM lot. do.ùbie Webae. séc. D. 3 bath$. 3 bdfmsa, 2 .kiiCflens, tnporch end original wide clk trial. ou- cel*9nf location. 'ro vlot 4hi, loveiy home caii BETTYý BRADINO, 878-8101. 4 Olmiiom. Delâched, &il- brick homfe, bocks onto park, waik-out Irtem kitchefi ta #,ock, large rooms with f irepiacet bey *indlow end 2 baffia, eml maculai. throughout. To via. Pleut col DONNA SYMS. 8788101ý sloroy Ôidp renoaite' - with prof. iondacapew adP Homs in excitenrt condif laith Cid siorW cftam teo n. spect or for more doeit et $149,900 COi BiLL ONUI,.L, 8"101. 35 ACRES Nil CAMP. SRLLVILLE. Propeilty on-dead- ,end rosit, prîvate, iettig perfect for biding your dream home. 738 foot f roulage. For flurifer ilnt&rnalioli cari SA PIDA LOGIE. 8784101, liVESYMENI - INVEUENT - M28,000 Large ratait store and 0 apte., dowuitowfl Atton* For f îMso detaits Cçnta A Lear-Coetigli, 8784101. mc rm. wibuit-ti bur, l, gales an.. 4tfi lmlit.. woutîshop a gins. from 401 - Cati BARBARA 878-8101. OJALMT RETAIL ON1 OFFICE $PACE. Expendin? Nedi Prime Miltten »Iccolt for your store or t>uailOaa- GTrain and lut. lain growlh 'N', doorslep WOU$djýtareat doc- tors. lawyers. otisix. exc = s.lify Cati Doug Puison Io lee. 878-810 t or Tor 8269218 6~M~ 4t ~ IR7A IIPAGEM=ima 878*ý81 O1l rrS GOOD TO KNOW SOMEONE WHO KNOWS v LAUON UMM - MAM M Um Ma L E.,UNe TesuneL Umm h o mtaloi-90 sARSAO=IJLL 870-3340 ONU* W1118 871k31112 RCÎML.A UECE 876.~444 -ES PROVEAU 8707 KMTT IRADINO JEAN Tm2e ~el70 'ROLE8TON4i«U @70403 8VSTO 78-20M4 CONfiE REYNOUS 8e448 SYLVIA suJRem 8ANRA5(N 870-1881 LES BUNER Ibo=430 SANOY DEL PAPA 870.822 MtRr9NÇjhflB 8 7W87 DEM418 LAPtAINE Mc"~tAL0 878153 RIJOY ARSEITER 878480 BULL O'NEILL 8782870ZO INGI WIN7141 88.18M 4O TIAN SICOITAAhE OAYE FOMD WUNOY.OI.ESWCZ ,WENOY Oam"SHOASO MAtIKiJEu CA me 84718M 8M78135 870-1733