O#%kp*ioni, Wmd., N»g ;,l Novmbr 6900 Ily VICII BltS*Uft osn AeroyAdm. i wua W Ab t hlmrdi bwm o oiolst>tu agsq Ille, imumd*1 Ina rc damfer1fr melieheh mtaih pla nnigetm e ~Ambre M4- w d h tsle odIdoi tbw ncube ce té speamr hm éu »IliceUsAI, M9 p ètersabtceusematin. loir w w - *aedl IJ. animlte( e n crise a functio i. c.fase-ha.ngealte L~~îtop Me=o1a A Me I nwe 36,t.bus bomsn e the dmo e t ildmm* h i od anoihor àaco.1 wgld n 0 7 P- mo *the 1. Ir, Psad I 0 ue MW tomait. maie stère li"t thm1= 1pe1=tr ettsharty before titat. motewo nbe rectveaeipsit Poice cuajit jveral teeniagerstib1itbanS. they ~tl uet ty le strtol cm4ltw iebact fra t i he ba endi r«etn i I1hba.Wit'ae-,UPYaodr*.toeunlt gIII .M d t-cldPà 0 otww Uai hou te dance n te woild tee, tthe dae, ta drnk., = - c jecptybw9ltop.n. 180s lét a inqta oteth Ie mo e ftIqap th aiena, Jdwga e tI t"d o l galu, andi 1 th"n fAmnJOlIy happy wtb h.he ta te SnobaClamparade (M7 JIaeutuî~eutî came tu lim tite e '0 hocamo bda rquei potp e d ii ance n»d Mr. Adim. because fOnce I 1 sr da djuVingle gca Ineantiud suppr=l sasce eha eamctime." saitf ca!rttle. 1 bve *Iways beotnI*tto "&mm tsmbrut oee .cft.e ahfrý st*eceepLng wîfootmball sameb 'poteulrtent la a lgtyboob' _,jvétoaIIl l. btme woebê rewarded fer hra!her effort ta a bat- mutanagera seldon lob, score cf Dala;Cobo sv *adW4h i ietusa ufor tete. r playerAied t h okae wh#sa ging onun uîtlir bp I rott80B Iapae es l Otpvtklt aa er ptheb.poIve foeck reauIlSi n a ployer saKevîti lFrewo, theb. note' h. hatete pay $.000. JocUBI ruet. cioterconmîttedtu tdoing hie/ler %pe«tu the itonen*osof I" ats layboohet work."*Mr. "ICep'a<scorecard. and k" ob, Ioda,0 Comnlera sannuel genera Ilnrlii egi n ecm e o byoriepo'arei. Aanagte, whsdomnoregtilar. iueet ~ kows 15he'imetaappsd e Ift wilfl da theuyibetl.mimA» ly gtve positivefeedback iledoomoed M'. l hotapfeidnt ofte tu f ufill hIe/ber job hm n.on workerwiho' pe ampbt uhp Wubof tthe Ibm.e of*ork and pro- Gruwth Ahivementroup of The next tuo. hemald. ms tlItI bong4meSnîor y. "àî. bebly be rueeti bynewceh Nlssi&4auga.ldtit.heMlion au. l#«Wpascrecel. * tVOr s=n tene t. sain tayt, W y a wumlng dience one. ay to utr du. whe o o produ Abobianulogjrhé phllophy. (îvity of the manager andq stff aDo you ber. bmow wh.yurto po-wck< sport lafesâbacli. teIsid "More btineec havt foflh (0 treât prductwcitas"Tt*5 Game of ducer is?- Re snid a recent eludv tn a gante aplayerhao m t becatisethey fo<ad b itete h.> Work ,cwîctt just hépponed cie b.shocctlutip a major inwance of- henili d g:odJob 1anti a wrleaW"M-Frils thie tile of hltaatdreas __ ficee therange of comia'sadtons rangq" drFreilu He -ad p4ers ona fooball fi. sd 'bel wéen a to& /or a es.flUhv *f lbCIi' eac nd làé _igînment iâ person te a hugli almost fîve timsCh0mb r rsIdent 1h, t iii inh grester for "an unobtruiîe cham pion.-" -says '6Was a good ysar 41 J Outgong MlllotChamberof Coin- bito* o0< l&çhamber. merce prealdeilt arole Budw«otlt Mi- Budworth w.., apeaktng tîo calied lam o tfh. be in lthe It.. ennuialeursal meeting of the cabrT¶,ursday. Among the ANCRLA RYGEÉSSERG ArigeId ý,%(uIdliîke to %(Mcome ail tusto -rs to joîn be~r at her neu location. * FF HAIR DIMENSI 'MILTON MAU * 878-8597 ' 5àmrýý FabuIous Inleriors WALLPAPER SALE MOST WALLCovEiNGP IN THE StOAE FREE 8110FAT MMU CEÇOSATINOAOVUDE flE ELVERT 9Sufz.ýgFôtDuk U--, lI u ItMU St, uit Site said Sbowcase '86saurpassed* ail expectallonawt more than 150 bootiti' rentet d d[6,m 0viaitors çon>ing 10 lime tiree-day event, 5h. sali!t1h. 1987 event, linder cliairman- abip of Tom RichjArdsot4 saltb. The cbamL iefa Dire;ctory andi .Vu li 64 SIpages aud tees Thi e ewMilton Chamber of Cori- merce brochure lias ' ust been releaso.Thme membership drive tu ptuli the nunber of members paf t Owt MO mark îs proceeding traIt Mrs. Budacîrîliannoulbed th. election of 1he new presîdent af the board salî take place Thttrsdavlitc ~dilion, six nesa directors sacre aei or Iwo-year ternis They are: Peter Duffiîs, l.ura Hughes, Frank Wilson. Durot h Spencer. Des OA'eatherheed. 8081 Carole Budworth Tn.olir îrçors are. Bob Lawrence, 1J Lik , Gary Mfrtin. Tomt liçhardsun. ('cml McDônald, andi .im StitUa, e e r VELUU ENDS 1% 4 COROURY ENOS AT FADI.AN &2"? COTTON CHINiM 9 ONILY 98@m DENMENS M1 AT FARCLAN 1!8 UPHOLSTERY Pices~ 1 5 MON 9 ONLY 1'9M FUN RIA& -UPHlOLsTEY 1/2 Pr. ^wcc Thim NOW Pf METDtreeI 8 w ut 8 BROIleC4S Sone ends.RVM ME AFAO LAND ONLY TRBLE LTE' RUFFLE ELET mmu 88.- FLAT LACE '3u.9W PR<M UON ~ POLYESTER SMJFNG 1lb ba fg 5 lb 2 w' NOW 11 RKT gfAT 59 S 1' Dr Sahta... Curtis lItai Zdq-n'f affler 10 14 aything trOMi Santé for Klmgs. behi contnt wth e suckhol got it hp He<wnby Cc. operetliusvfy'e MOhvtstm bea«.The ment01 siashd £aturday i the sohoot on Squiés.Ave Ilwis Caled the blgges end boat ever Management ! use's t'O meet With strikers Managemetania the Canadian Meter Plant Compan - refusedtel meel wttl the steikers ai [liât plant afier a govermWuent appuuntedt meditor attemiged te set up a -meeting belc een t.4ýwa partiUtdisî week, ThaI respona. pm management camne as a surpqt[ot the sirnkurs saho assumed.by th. ouioe ofu their %tmeLîng that negtatîons sare llîprovlng beleen th. lauO PaUies. tManagement saiddltthe.N could not s.. an> i-asa telatalk ai ail in th month 0f 'Noveaiher," said lirad F!otmes. acting president of the. t 'oued Sîeýelwtrkê-î-s uf Aièrîci Iocal 4574 *'Il hias reuît> affecer!- the. morale u tht. strikers Tht- more -liaitn o nionized employees al the. Meter Planti have beeni off the jotisýmnce- jul> il. tht-.% are nudgîng lheiPayito their 21t cet-k - 'The. fuel that manâgr'mint wuuldn't evn--nconmmue tetal0k , dt IfTS oelth"ttstilktrs îl ui ta') back on the. lob au finie lai tChristmas makîng for seineie ain celebrations aondt[osai '-ing onit .rike trough Chimimas is a muain t'eabo rrî ir the- deprtssion thal ist,.ltiiî 4earee havingitdîlticuît ettghtnieas.t'. ii rnakiiig ends net-I but Chrisîtas is gaîng lu De e-.pecall> bari lot tof tht. srtikmr. haver'Iidre-n' Their kr'n ceIamnt ismllihi-h Üurigial ceonnuiact iUf*r rrevolvete arat>nd a e c'rîrkrng 19 hticcrni pan s incenisse plan. Thui'formuier co4M.ct gave cîiîker- uiimpprtuni jy o arna ddit iii :6per cliii RCýfreside ~ts F* WudarIù Sain rit aitd Ken Itassarit hum- ail ber n o umei MilIton att-a îmU(aiil [liofte lîjiti rIderal I>t meMsiu rC (on-.,rvaiise A.%iv'iauin whicliht-lit is annual ne-ing Nu% 19 at hi u (;nsIui Mr Salinon mu pir-idnt o( il tio Nani.Mr tînssamut fMilton South, and My Vocal Nuaasr 1-,l n the t1,9r eÎeecuiive swh s Itu d lhn ne% presidenit,.i; a i- the CÇbrlstmas sea8on? tet US SUPPIY You arld your visitors wfth the transportation thats jjist nght for you. OUI Fleet Incudes: * Comin I 1h oo us * 11 PusuoW Vins 390 OutarIoSt., M lon 8Ù 6-429 Ocuen 7d(Ys e ~ Wek A. *vvy efflng rNUTR OF~UR~* *ON 2~ (ý~fobeIio and Sons c>ý ý Fur Co. Start the new yeàr off right. Fêqrs made ta aider arc our specttIf. Wel desigil 6 muhe your far la suif you & &pur Order no.p we'll P0CPOf ready for Christmas. O lf or en gppointm4>nt 854f2635 l". î ý4,-7